Reminder - Webinar Thankyou Discount code👍

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Hi everyone,

Hope you are all having a great trading day.

Just a quick reminder that the Elliottwave discount code will expire at Midnight tonight (CET). 

To get the discount, simply visit the webinar recording page on GlobalTradingSoftware (Link Below). Then  enter your email and you will receive the 20% discount code.
Webinar Recording - ElliottWave

Elliottwave rules & observations

Watch The Recording
At Global Trading Software, Paul publishes free trading education videos throughout the week. Today's video is coincidentally about ElliottWave Futures.
ElliottWave Futures

Futures trading with Elliottwave - trading tutorial

Watch It On GTS
If free webinars are not enough, Paul and the GTS Team host a discord group. Membership is free and you can join here:
Thankyou again for registering for the webinar and please feel free to reach out to me should you have any questions.

Kind regards

Paul & the GTS team
Claim Your Elliottwave Discount Code
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Trader Master Class Elliottwave Webinar September 16th 2021

You are receiving this email as a thankyou and a link  to the free webinar recording you registered for on the 16th of September 2021.

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