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Feb 21, 2019 23:33 PM
Japan National CPI Ex-Fresh Food (YoY) in line with forecasts (0.8%) in January...
Feb 21, 2019 23:33 PM
Japan National CPI Ex Food, Energy (YoY) meets forecasts (0.4%) in January...
Feb 21, 2019 23:30 PM
Japan National Consumer Price Index (YoY) meets forecasts (0.2%) in January...
Feb 21, 2019 21:00 PM
South Korea Producer Price Index Growth (MoM) climbed from previous -0.5% to -0.2% in January...
Feb 21, 2019 21:00 PM
South Korea Producer Price Index Growth (YoY) down to 0.2% in January from previous 1%...
Feb 21, 2019 19:58 PM
Argentina Trade Balance (MoM) up to $372M in January from previous $1.369M...
Feb 21, 2019 16:00 PM
United States EIA Crude Oil Stocks change above expectations (3.08M) in February 15: Actual (3.672M)...
Feb 21, 2019 15:30 PM
United States EIA Natural Gas Storage change registered at -177B, below expectations (-162B) in February 15...
Feb 21, 2019 15:01 PM
United States Existing Home Sales (MoM) below forecasts (5M) in January: Actual (4.94M)...
Feb 21, 2019 15:00 PM
United States Existing Home Sales Change (MoM) below expectations (0.8%) in January: Actual (-1.2%)...
Feb 21, 2019 14:49 PM
United States Markit Services PMI came in at 56.2, above forecasts (54.3) in February...
Feb 21, 2019 14:49 PM
United States Markit Manufacturing PMI registered at 53.7, below expectations (54.7) in February...
Feb 21, 2019 14:49 PM
United States Markit PMI Composite came in at 55.8, above expectations (55.1) in February...
Feb 21, 2019 13:52 PM
Cleveland Federal Reserve President and the non-voting member of the rate-setting FOMC Loretta Mester said on February 19: Fed funds rate may need ...
Feb 21, 2019 13:33 PM
United States Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Survey below expectations (14) in February: Actual (-4.1)...
Feb 21, 2019 13:31 PM
Canada ADP Employment Change: 35.4K (January) vs -13K...
Feb 21, 2019 13:31 PM
United States Initial Jobless Claims came in at 216K, below expectations (229K) in February 16...
Feb 21, 2019 13:30 PM
United States Durable Goods Orders came in at 1.2%, below expectations (1.5%) in December...
Feb 21, 2019 13:30 PM
United States Continuing Jobless Claims below forecasts (1.74M) in February 8: Actual (1.725M)...
Feb 21, 2019 13:30 PM
United States Durable Goods Orders ex Transportation below forecasts (0.3%) in December: Actual (0.1%)...
Feb 21, 2019 13:30 PM
Canada Wholesale Sales (MoM) registered at 0.3% above expectations (-0.1%) in December...
Feb 21, 2019 13:30 PM
United States Durable Goods Orders ex Defense registered at 1.8% above expectations (0.4%) in December...
Feb 21, 2019 13:00 PM
Russia Central Bank Reserves $ dipped from previous $475B to $474.6B in February 15...
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