Valeria Bednarik posted new content

Latest content from Valeria Bednarik
Feb 21, 2019 19:45 PM
Aussie bulls started the day cheering a solid Australian January employment report, and where caught off guard when China announced a ban to coal im...
Feb 21, 2019 19:44 PM
The USD/JPY pair ends the day as it started it at 110.80, recovering during US trading hours from a daily low of 110.56. The pair has been trading wit...
Feb 21, 2019 19:42 PM
The GBP/USD pair near the 1.3100 level but ended up losing some ground for a second consecutive day, as fears of a hard-Brexit came back, following ...
Feb 21, 2019 19:41 PM
The EUR/USD pair trades little changed for a second consecutive day at around 1.1330/40, as that market can't make up its mind on whether to weigh p...
Feb 21, 2019 14:00 PM
The EUR/USD pair is back up on dollar's broad weakness, even despite European data released earlier today was far from encouraging. The pair fell to...
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