Slobodan Drvenica posted new content

Latest content from Slobodan Drvenica
Feb 11, 2019 10:34 AM
WTI oil started week in negative mode after Friday's report showed increase of numbers of US oil rigs which adds to existing concerns over global grow...
Feb 11, 2019 10:30 AM
The Aussie holds within tight range and directionless mode, just above pivotal support at 0.7070 (Fibo 38.2% of 0.6706/0.7295 rally) which was cracked...
Feb 11, 2019 09:55 AM
USDJPY Fresh bulls, underpinned by rally in JPY crosses probe again through key barriers at 110.00/22 zone (psychological/weekly cloud top/previous ...
Feb 11, 2019 09:01 AM
EURUSD The Euro maintains bearish bias at the beginning of the week and holding below broken 200WMA (1.1334) as last Friday's close below here genera...
Feb 11, 2019 08:44 AM
Cable moved lower in early European trading on Monday after quiet narrow range action in Asia. Fresh weakness pressures again pivotal 1.29 support zon...
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