Slobodan Drvenica posted new content

Latest content from Slobodan Drvenica
Feb 15, 2019 11:15 AM
Brent oil cracked psychological $65.00 barrier on Friday and hit new 2019, in extension of the rally in past three days which generated bullish signal...
Feb 15, 2019 10:42 AM
WTI oil price cracked the top of falling daily cloud ($55.15) on Friday, extending advance into fourth straight day. Voluntary production cut by OPEC ...
Feb 15, 2019 10:06 AM
The pair stands at the back foot on Friday after double rejection under important 200SMA barrier and downbeat US retail sales on Thursday hurting the ...
Feb 15, 2019 09:35 AM
The Euro stands at the back foot in early European trading on Friday and reverses gains of the previous day, when weaker than expected US retail sales...
Feb 15, 2019 08:52 AM
Cable is consolidating above daily cloud top in early Friday's trading following heavy losses in past two days. UK parliament voted down PM May's Brex...
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