Valeria Bednarik posted new content

Latest content from Valeria Bednarik
Mar 31, 2019 14:05 PM
The AUD/USD pair closed March unchanged a couple of pips below 0.7100 and having spent the month confined to a tight 160 pips' range. For the week, ...
Mar 31, 2019 14:04 PM
Support levels: 110.45 110.15 109.70   Resistance levels: 110.90 111.25 111.60 View Live Chart for the USD/JPY ...
Mar 31, 2019 14:02 PM
The GBP/USD pair finished the week at around 1.3030 after the UK Parliament rejected May's Brexit deal for a third time on Friday. The news came as ...
Mar 31, 2019 14:01 PM
The past week was again dominated by dollar's demand on the back of risk aversion. Concerns about a global economic downturn, an inverted yields' cu...
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