Survey Shows Disconnect When It Comes to Employee Development

Posted: 03 Jun 2019 01:23 PM PDT

  • Nearly 100% of responding employers said they offer employee development tools, but only 26% of employees said those tools work well.
  • About 77% of respondents said they felt alone in their career development process.
  • A third of respondents (34%) said they have left a job in the past because they wanted more career development opportunities.

Regardless of the industry, most jobs require workers to learn new skills and keep up with the times. Although employers believe they offer tools to help their employees do just that, a newly released study suggests they're failing their employees.

According to a national survey of 310 employers and 1,400 full-time employees, conducted by The Harris Poll for Instructure, roughly 70% of U.S. workers said they were at least "somewhat likely to leave their current company" to work somewhere with a bigger focus on employee learning.

"Today's workforce has options, and people are clear about the fact that they want to work for companies that will invest in their careers," said Mitch Benson, senior vice president of product at Instructure.

Workers and employers have differing perspectives on development opportunities.

When it comes to how employees and employers view their current development and learning options, researchers found that perceptions differed wildly. While 98% of employers reported offering career development tools, just 26% of employees said those tools were useful.

Survey data also revealed that although nearly every employer offers career development tools, many want to offer more. When asked about future investments in their businesses, career development tools were the top investment choice for employers. This option received 27%, which was nearly twice as high as any other option. Josh Bersin, a global industry analyst, said this preference may stem from companies not implementing the right employee development options.

"We are now in a stage where most companies have too much technology and not enough time," he said. "A major part of today's employee experience is simplifying the technology experience and designing HR programs that happen 'in the flow of work.'"

Leaving a job is an option if development opportunities don't exist.

Researchers said giving workers a chance to better themselves is key for employee retention, as it was second only to compensation (46%) as a reason why people decide to leave their jobs. According to the survey, 69% of employers recognize this need and said they felt career growth was "extremely important to retention."

But, of the employees that participated in the study, 34% said they had left a job in the past because they found the employee development options lacking, and 70% said they'd consider leaving their current position for a job that offers better employee development measures.

"In addition to today's announced research findings, our own research with more than 600 in-depth interviews across 200 roles shows a need for a more employee-centric solution," Benson said.

According to researchers, one of the biggest problems surrounding employee development in the workplace is how lonesome it makes some workers feel. Researchers said approximately 77% of respondents said they "feel like they're on their own" to decide how to develop skills that will help them progress in their careers.

Turn Tech Time Into Family Time

Posted: 03 Jun 2019 01:00 PM PDT

But modern children love using mobile devices to watch, read and play, so it can be tempting to simply let them delve into endless online content while you put your feet up. It's a challenge that Priyanka Raha, founder and CEO of PopSmartKids, understands firsthand.

"As a mother and technologist working in the corporate world, I was constantly juggling a lot of things for both my family and my career," said Raha. "When my kids were of the age that they could have independent screen time, I found myself using it as a refuge to keep my kids engaged."

Image courtesy of Jackie Phairow Photography.

Unfortunately, Raha said, relying on digital devices to hold her sons' attention had unintended consequences that caused them to withdraw.

"When my sons engaged in creative activities, like painting or building with LEGOs, they would want to share and display what they had done," she said. "But when they were on their digital devices, they were glued; they were entranced, super focused and did not share what they were doing on their screens."

"It was as if their devices sucked their attention into a black hole for hours on end, and I didn't know how to get them out," she added.

Developing a solution to the 'black-hole phenomenon'

Raha wanted to find a way to interact with her children without dictating when they could use their devices. She began to sit down with her sons for just a few minutes every day to discuss the things they were watching and playing on their devices. Her goal was always to get them to think beyond the media they were consuming.

What took Raha's conversations with her children to the next level was the simple concept of storytelling. By walking through the stories with her children, not only did she gain an understanding of the content they were consuming, but it also helped them unpack all the ideas in that content as well. There are some basic elements every good story needs, including the setting, characters, plot, conflict, character development and a narrative arc. By discussing storylines with her children, Raha found her children were happy to engage with her, giving her a window into their tech activity while also strengthening their bond.

"Thus, PopSmartKids was born," she said, "to help me mentor my kids on their relationship with their devices."

How PopSmartKids makes tech time engaging

Raha launched PopSmartKids in 2018 to help other parents and teachers leverage the principles of storytelling to revitalize tech time just as she did with her sons. PopSmartKids serves as a platform to take those conversations Raha had with her children to the next level. Raha said PopSmartWrite, an application designed to help parents facilitate the conversation, is set to launch in June 2019.

"Our collaborative storytelling app can be used on the same tablets kids use to watch TV shows and video clips," said Raha. "The app ignites the imagination and explores creativity through writing, art and photos. It also creates a personal learning network that connects students, teachers and parents."

PopSmartWrite, which is currently in beta testing and available on iOS and Android devices, gamifies the learning experience. It allows parents to create groups so the whole family can get in on the storytelling. For example, users can follow along with a story about a family pet, writing personal anecdotes, drawing pictures and taking photos. The application includes a storytelling guide to help users improve their writing and communications skills, as well as a coin system to reward activity.

"We see our app as a means to engage with children during the creative process, thereby making screen time a transformative tool for learning and creative endeavors," Raha said.

Finding a work-life balance between business and family

The irony of launching a company that champions togetherness and family time is that running a business is time-consuming, making it difficult to achieve an ideal work-life balance. Raha said she continues to learn how to keep work and family time separate, but staying conscientious and making quality time for both her family and her business is key.

"The need to balance entrepreneurship and parenthood has made me very good at prioritizing," said Raha. "There are only so many hours in a day, and you have a million things as an entrepreneur, as well as a parent, that you need to accomplish. This scarcity of time as a resource makes you go for the activities that will the biggest ROI, whether that's for your business or your family."

Raha also continues to use her family's appetite for technology as a crucial meeting ground for learning about one another and critically analyzing the content her children are consuming. Just because technology can be isolating doesn't mean it has to be, Raha said.

"Many parents feel guilty about using a screen as a babysitter when they need to decompress," Raha said. "Take the pressure off yourself and let your child have independent time with [their] digital device while you take a breath or two. Later, when you've had time to relax and recharge, ask about what [they] were doing and express interest in [their] digital activity."

Better yet, Raha said, put control of the conversation in your child's hands.

"Encourage your kid to show you how to play a particular video game," she said. "If you find the content questionable, critique the game and not the child. Work with [them] to find a more suitable game … the key is to collaborate, not dictate."

Ultimately, Raha added, working parents should not feel a "fear of missing out" whenever they simply want to be home parenting. Doing what is best for yourself and your family, she said, will always help you balance work and life. Taking a similar approach to technology and family time can revitalize screen time into an enriching experience for everyone.

Assimilating Dogs into the Corporate World

Posted: 03 Jun 2019 09:00 AM PDT

Dogs in the corporate world used to be regarded as a far-fetched, and sometimes an outrageous idea – you can just imagine the bosses shaking their heads at the idea of letting pets into the office. They used to be considered a nuisance. The pet's daily routine consisted of home activities and outside play, but in no part of the schedule did they get to catch a glimpse of their owner's corporate life.

However, more and more companies have become amenable to welcoming dogs in the workplace. Various studies have showcased the advantages of bringing pets into the corporate setting, the first one being that they add positivity to an office. Dogs are fun and entertaining, and they could become potential assets to your company. Studies show that dogs promote a healthier work lifestyle due to adequate balance in work and play. They also increase job satisfaction, encouraging employees to stay longer in the company.

This concept is still a work in progress, especially since there are so many things to consider before you can bring your dog to the workplace. For example, they need to be properly trained so they can adapt to the new environment faster, and to make sure that the coworkers assimilate to the idea of a dog in the workplace. 

Consider the pet's attitude

People are biased and sensitive when their pets are involved. When a pet misbehaves, there is a tendency to be lenient, which should not be the case. If you find that your dog is not suited to the corporate setting, or if they are not prepared to handle the stress of the workplace, then do not bring them.

You can help your dog acclimate to the workplace by working with a professional dog trainer to correct any unwanted behavior. Companies such as ProTrain offer a personalized dog training plan that could be very beneficial for your dog and for you. It provides obedience training that is guaranteed effective. Its training serves as the ground to foster a smoother transition from home life to corporate life.

Is behavior modification necessary?

This is a question that you need to answer before bringing your dog to the office. If your pet is old enough, but still has attention-seeking habits or any behavioral problems, then it might be time to consider bringing them to experts in behavior modification for dogs. These issues are often chronic and more expensive to cure if you do nothing about it. This is another specialty of a professional dog trainer such as the team at ProTrain. They are well-versed in dog whispering and keeping your dog in check so they become office-ready.

Bring the essentials

When your dog has been prepared physically and emotionally for a visit to the workplace, you can start planning a doggie bag that contains their must-haves for when you bring them to the workplace. Make sure to bring everything that they may need; it's always good to be extra prepared so that you do not need to head out and buy anything you have forgotten. Some of the essentials are chew toys, treats, food and a dog bed so they can take quick naps. Performing the same caretaking rituals in the workplace as in their home life is critical in assimilating your pet to the workplace.

The bottom line

No dog is ever too old to be trained so they can finally experience your other world – the workplace. The corporate life is a stressful and demanding environment, but your pet would find reasons to like it if you help them build confidence and develop correct behavior. More importantly, bringing them in the office benefits you and coworkers, too – a win-win situation for everyone.

Printer Ink Refills: Is Generic Ink a Scam?

Posted: 03 Jun 2019 09:00 AM PDT

If you're a business owner, one of your top priorities is probably saving money. When it comes to cost-cutting strategies, evaluating technology and any supplies for devices like printers and scanners is a typical place to start. Printer ink is a necessity that companies must regularly replace. With it being repurchased so frequently, the costs for ink and other consumables can quickly add up. This has led many companies to look to generic brands as one option for reducing expenses. But are they good enough?

Is generic ink the way to go?

Printer ink may be one of the most expensive liquids on the planet. Generic offerings are often marketed at much lower prices than name-brand inks, and the instant savings could seem very beneficial. But less expensive isn't always the better choice.

Generic printer ink is as widely available as name brands. You can purchase it on third-party sites and at your typical tech retailer and big-box stores. When you're comparing prices, the reward of saving money can seemingly outweigh the cost. Cost savings for generic ink are often in the 50% range, and what makes these options even more appealing is that many generic ink cartridges contain more product than name-brand ones.

However, while generic ink is less expensive, be careful which brands you choose. Some generic brands come at the expense of quality. You'll need to ensure your ink cartridge is compatible with your printer, so it's a good idea to check with the manufacturer if there's any doubt. Also, consider your priorities: If your business is more concerned about the quality of your prints than the cost, then it might be better to stick with the manufacturer's recommendation.

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Myth vs. fact with generic printer ink 

There are many myths surrounding generic versus name-brand ink that make businesses wary of going the cheaper route with their supplies. One of the biggest rumors surrounding generic ink purchases is that using it will void the warranty on your printer. With some printers costing several thousand dollars, this is enough to make any business shy away from generic inks. But this isn't actually the case. As long as the generic ink you purchase is intended for use in your printer, then it won't affect your warranty. [Read related article: How to Choose the Right Copy Machine for Your Business

But the most important thing to keep in mind – with any ink you use, whether it is generic or a name brand – is that it absolutely must state on the packaging that it is intended for use in your specific make and model of printer. Read the fine print. Many users are so enticed by the cost savings that they forget to confirm the ink is for their actual printer.

So no, generic ink isn't always a scam if you purchase it from a reputable source and ensure that the product is intended for your printer. As with any other business purchase, you should be sourcing your ink in the most beneficial way for your business. It all depends on whether you prioritize quality or cost, and whether purchasing cheap ink from third-party sites is worth the risk.

How To Write Click-Worthy Headlines For Your Blog Posts

Posted: 03 Jun 2019 05:00 AM PDT

With so much competition out there, it's getting more and more difficult to catch readers' attention and convince them to click on your article headline rather than someone else's. That's why it's essential to decode what headlines are click-worthy to your audience and which ones they'll easily ignore.

According to CopyBlogger, 80 percent of users never make it past the headline. If you can't figure out how to craft headlines relative to your audience's interests, that's a massive opportunity wasted where you could've seen an increase in conversions and engagement.

If you want to learn how to write click-worthy headlines for your blog posts, here are a few ways to get started.

Use emotional vocabulary

Users come across hundreds if not thousands of headlines a day urging them to click through. Online advertisements in the form of blog posts run rampant as companies are constantly trying to grab their audience's attention and drive traffic to their website. That's why it's important to appeal emotionally to your target market so that they have more reason to click through.

The Advanced Marketing Institute breaks emotional headlines into three categories:

  • Intellectual: Words you use when offering products and services that require users' evaluation

  • Empathetic: Words that provoke strong, positive emotions in users

  • Spiritual: Words that appeal to your audience on a deeper, meaningful level

You can use the Emotional Marketing Value Headline Analyzer to see how well your headline does in terms of appealing emotionally to your audience. It uses the different categories of emotion to give you a score that will help you decide how to optimize your headline to get more clicks and engagement.

Research by CoSchedule found that articles with a high number of social shares had higher EMV scores than articles that didn't get shared as much. The higher the score, the better shape your headline is in to receive shares, likes, and comments.

Use A/B testing

Have you considered A/B testing your headlines to know for sure which ones will convert better and bring you positive results? If not, now is the perfect time to start. Sometimes, just a couple of words in your headline are enough to draw attention towards or away from your content. How you word your content matters, and when you test two variable against each other, you find out more about how your audience likes to consume content so you can better cater to their interests.

Once you have a headline you like, create a similar one that gets the same message across but is worded differently. Then, use your existing email list and send half of them an email with one headline and half with the other. You can then track your conversions and see which headline resulted in a higher open rate so you know which one your audience responded to more proactively.

Use the right keywords

It's difficult to cater to your audience's needs and interests if you have no clue what they're searching for online. That's why it's essential to conduct keyword research so you have a good idea of what content will perform well and instigate social shares and user engagement on your website.

Google Trends shows you what topics are trending in different parts of the world. You can use this information to narrow down your blog content so that it's specific to your local audience. Buzzsumo and Google Keyword Planner show you which keywords are currently trending in your industry so you can create headlines that are relevant to those interests and catch readers' attention.

Give your headlines an SEO boost by sticking to long-tail keywords as they're more specific and can keep your audience's interest because it's within your niche. Type different keywords into the Google search bar and let its suggestions show you what people are currently searching.

Bottom line

It's not always easy crafting headlines that bring you the type of engagement and shares you want, but with a little strategizing, you can see your content soar because of your audience. Conduct keyword research that tells you what topics are relevant to your readers today so they're more likely to click through. Use words that evoke emotion so people are more inclined to see what your blog post is all about. Finally, utilize A/B testing so data shows you what works for your audience and what doesn't. How will you write optimized headlines for your blog content?

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