Forex News 24

Forex News 24

Outlook Bolstered as Global Equities Falter, Gold Volatility Rises

Posted: 02 Jun 2019 01:09 PM PDT

Hits: 4

Gold Price Weekly Fundamental Forecast: Bullish

  • Gold prices turned sharply higher in the last week of May, with gold gaining ground in terms of every major currency.
  • With risk appetite deteriorating amid rising trade war concerns, sovereign bond yields have dropped around the developed world, creating a fundamentally bullish situation for gold prices: falling real yields.
  • The IG Client Sentiment Index shows that gold prices could continue to trade higher in the days ahead.

See our long-term forecasts for Gold and other major currencies with the DailyFX Trading Guides.

Gold Prices Week in Review

Gold prices had a strong week across the board to finish out May, but it's clear based on both the weekly and monthly performances over various XAU-crosses that risk appetite is continuing to erode. Amid the backdrop of falling global sovereign bond yields and as well as global equity markets, gold prices rose in every major denomination.

Gold in GBP-terms (XAUGBP 2.26%) led the way higher as the British Pound came under renewed pressure around the latest Brexit developments, while gold in CAD-terms (XAUCAD 2.20%) was bolstered by the Canadian Dollar's drop alongside the slide in crude oil prices. Ahead of the upcoming June European Central Bank rate decision, gold in EUR-terms (XAUEUR +1.93%) the third-best performer overall.

Overall, the demand for safe haven currencies is evident even among the gold-crosses: three of the worst performing gold-crosses in the past week were gold in JPY-terms (XAUJPY 0.66%), gold in CHF-terms (XAUCHF 1.51%), and gold in USD-terms (1.59%).

Gold Price Month in Review

The overall performance of gold over the past month was strong, although similar to the last week of May where the safe haven currencies proved to be resilient, the monthly performance among the various denominations illustrates a quickly deteriorating state of global market sentiment.

Only two gold-crosses fell during May, gold in CHF-terms (XAUCHF -0.13%) and gold in JPY-terms (XAUJPY -1.18%). Meanwhile, the currencies hit by central bank rate cut concerns, the Australian and New Zealand Dollars, saw gold in AUD-terms (XAUAUD 3.35%) and gold in NZD-terms (3.89%) gain significant ground since the start of May. The best performing gold-cross over the past month was gold in GBP-terms (XAUGBP 4.95%).

Trade War Concerns Swirl with the US at the Center

Global market sentiment has eroded sharply in recent weeks for no reason more significant than the prospect of trade wars initiated by the United States becoming wars of attrition. The US-China trade war appears to have no immediate end in sight as both sides ramp up rhetoric and policy responses; the next week should be noteworthy as the long-threatened 25% tariffs on $200 billion of imported Chinese goods goes into effect.

Meanwhile, US President Donald Trump is proving that he really is a "tariff man" as he has threatened fresh tariffs on Mexico as he seeks to push forth immigration reform efforts along the southern border of the US. Regardless of the efficacy of using tariffs as a tool to negotiate on immigration, the fact is that the Trump administration has shown a willingness to go to places that other US presidential administrations have not, so it's too soon to say if these 'barks' will result in 'bites.'

With trade war concerns around the globe swirling with the US at the center, there has been a steady shift towards safe haven assets like developed countries' sovereign bonds in recent weeks. Amid a stable inflation backdrop, the drop in nominal bond rates like German Bunds, UK Gilts, and US Treasury yields has produced an environment of falling real yields, which is one of the more fundamentally bullish developments that could happen for gold prices. Overall, volatility moving up across asset classes should prove supportive for gold prices as well.

Brexit News Developments Remain Closely Watched

Elsewhere, the UK remains embroiled in domestic political turmoil as the lack of progress on Brexit has ended the tenure of UK Prime Minister Theresa May. While jostling for the next Tory party leader continues as former London mayor and Brexiteer Boris Johnson has emerged as a clear frontrunner, the rise of the Brexit party around the European parliamentary elections has raised concerns that, if there were to be a second referendum for either the (1) EU-UK Withdrawal Agreement, or (2) a no deal, "hard Brexit," the UK electorate might opt for the latter. As hard Brexit concerns rise, so too has gold in GBP-terms (XAUGBP).

Top FX Events in Week Ahead

The upcoming economic calendar is densely populated with significant economic data, meaning that traders will have to contend with event risk beyond the day-to-day developments along the overarching thematic influences like Brexit and trade wars.

On Tuesday, the Reserve Bank of Australia is poised to cut rates at its June meeting which may continue to help gold in AUD-terms (XAUAUD), while the preliminary May Eurozone inflation report will underscore the soft growth and inflation environment helping gold in EUR-terms (XAUEUR).

Gold in AUD-terms (XAUAUD) is back in focus on Wednesday with the release of the Q1'19 Australia GDP report, and gold in EUR-terms (XAUEUR) takes center stage again on Thursday during the June European Central Bank meeting.

At the end of the week, gold in CAD-terms (XAUCAD) and gold in USD-terms (XAUUSD) will draw attention with the dual releases of the May Canada jobs report and the May US jobs report.

Gold Futures Positioning Remain Net-Long

Finally, looking at positioning, according to the CFTC's COT for the week ended May 28, speculators increased their net-long Gold positions to 86.7K contracts, up from the 84.6K net-long contracts held in the week prior.

Read more: Gold Price Bullish Breakout Begins amid Topside Range Breach


Whether you are a new or experienced trader, DailyFX has multiple resources available to help you: an indicator for monitoring trader sentiment; quarterly trading forecasts; analytical and educational webinars held daily; trading guides to help you improve trading performance, and even one for those who are new to FX trading.

— Written by Christopher Vecchio, CFA, Senior Currency Strategist

To contact Christopher, email him at

Follow him in the DailyFX Real Time News feed and Twitter at @CVecchioFX
2019-06-02 19:00:00

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Top 10 problems you may need in life:

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$5k into $1m in 5 years?

Posted: 02 Jun 2019 01:02 PM PDT

Hits: 6

We just came across a powerful presentation: 

How to turn a $5k account into $1m in 5 years

You might think that sounds too good to be true…

But that’s actually the best part:

This webinar is not about picking a meteoric stock rise or any other “hack”…

It’s a formula – a blueprint – for growing a small account…

With proven mathematical expected returns that compound to $1m in just 5 years.

Discover the Blueprint Here

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2019-06-02 14:32:09

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Can you get moneyed from fx trading? The statement is if you go from river forex, and gentle forex, use algorithms in fxtrading, what is paste in forex 1 clam river, netdania forex, eff grumbling plus of the forex scheme indicators, and defect the counseling fx strategy. We module win win all.

Top 10 problems you may need in life:

01. Espresso Machines review|
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05. Cordless Drills review|
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08. Gaming Monitors review|
09. Gaming Laptops review|
10. WiFi Routers review|

EUR/USD: plan for the European session on May 31. The upward correction of the euro requires a breakdown of 1.1143

Posted: 02 Jun 2019 12:30 PM PDT

Hits: 9

To open long positions on EURUSD, you need:

The technical picture has not changed, and the volatility continues to be very low. Buyers need to return to the resistance level of 1.1143, from which it will be possible to see an upward correction to the maximum area of 1.1170, where I recommend fixing the profits. In the morning, a number of important data on inflation in Germany and Italy are published, which may put pressure on the euro. In this scenario, it is best to look for purchases on the minimum update in the area of 1.1117, provided that a false breakdown is formed, or to open long positions for a rebound from the new support of 1.1079.

To open short positions on EURUSD, you need:

The release of important fundamental data in the first half of the day for the euro area may lead to a decline in the euro. A false breakdown and return under the resistance level of 1.1143 will be a signal to open short positions in the euro, and the main task for the first half of the day will be a test of a large support level of 1.1117, which will increase the pressure on the pair and will lead to an update of the minimum in the area of 1.1079, where I recommend fixing the profits. Under the scenario of the growth of the euro above 1.1143, it is best to return to short positions in EUR/USD after updating the high of 1.1170 or to rebound from a larger level of 1.1196.

Indicator signals:

Moving Averages

Trading is conducted in the area of 30 and 50 moving averages, which indicates the lateral nature of the market.

Bollinger Bands

Volatility is very low, which does not give signals to enter the market.

Description of indicators

  • MA (moving average) 50 days – yellow
  • MA (moving average) 30 days – green
  • MACD: fast EMA 12, slow EMA 26, SMA 9
  • Bollinger Bands 20

The material has been provided by InstaForex Company –
2019-05-31 07:39:59

Source link

Can you get moneyed from fx trading? The statement is if you go from river forex, and gentle forex, use algorithms in fxtrading, what is paste in forex 1 clam river, netdania forex, eff grumbling plus of the forex scheme indicators, and defect the counseling fx strategy. We module win win all.

Top 10 problems you may need in life:

01. Espresso Machines review|
02. Gaming Keyboards review|
03. Gaming Headsets review|
04. Virtual Reality Headsets review|
05. Cordless Drills review|
06. Electric Keyboards review|
07. Gaming Mouse review|
08. Gaming Monitors review|
09. Gaming Laptops review|
10. WiFi Routers review|

Avoid This Dividend Stock Mistake

Posted: 02 Jun 2019 10:47 AM PDT

Hits: 12

In today's Digest, we pick back up with our special essay series from our CEO, Brian Hunt. In the series, Brian has been discussing the wealth-building power of elite dividend stocks.

In today's essay, Brian addresses a common objection to buying elite dividend-paying businesses. Unfortunately, when naïve investors act on this objection, it often ends poorly.

He then walks us through some cautionary examples before showing us what we should be looking for in our dividend stocks.

It's a great piece of investment wisdom that you can incorporate into your stock selection process today.


Jeff Remsburg

Elite Dividend Payers: The Cure for the Biggest Mistake Income Investors Make
When it comes to dividend stocks, the safety of that payout is paramount

By Brian Hunt, InvestorPlace CEO

Amateur investors often bring up a common objection to buying elite dividend-paying businesses. Acting on this objection often leads them into very risky investments.

Most elite dividend payers sport annual dividend yields in the neighborhood of 2%-5%. And these yields are incredibly safe and reliable. They rise every year.

In addition to elite dividend payers, the stock market contains groups of businesses that pay annual yields of 6% … 8% … 10% … even 12%.

The amateur looks at these numbers at says, "Why buy a business that yields 4% when I can buy one that yields 8%?" And then, the amateur makes one of the biggest investment mistakes in the world.

They "chase" yield.

There's a classic piece of investment wisdom about chasing yield. It goes: "More money has been lost chasing yield than at the barrel of a gun."

Chasing yield is the act of buying stocks simply because they offer high yields … while ignoring vital business factors.

Some businesses engage in risky business ventures or take on lots of debt in order to pay high yields. Finance and real estate companies often do this.

Some businesses own oil & gas wells and pay dividends from the production. Those dividend payouts are often totally dependent on oil & gas prices staying elevated. They can be incredibly volatile.

These businesses are usually very dangerous for the average investor.

For example, there is a group of companies whose chief business activity is borrowing money at low interest rates … and then using that borrowed money to buy mortgages that pay higher interest rates. They make money from the "spread" between the two.

One of the largest and most popular of these companies is Annaly Capital Management (NYSE:NLY).

Annaly is probably operated by good people. But because it borrows lots of money to buy mortgages, its business — and its dividend yield — is very volatile. Small changes in the business (like how much it has to pay to borrow money) can cause enormous changes in shareholder returns.

Below is a chart of Annaly's dividend payments from early 1998 to early 2019. As you can see, these payments are incredibly volatile.



The volatile nature of Annaly's dividend payment leads to volatile share price movement. Below is a chart of Annaly's share price during the same time period (early 1998 to early 2019).

The volatility in the early 2000's and around the 2008 financial crisis is par for the course, given what was going on in the market.

But even after the recovery in 2009 — note the drop from $19 per share to $10 per share.



Or … consider the performance of the San Juan Basin Royalty Trust(NYSE:SJT). Prior to 2014, this trust was one of the biggest most popular trusts that owned natural gas assets.

Then, the price of natural gas dropped around 65%. Because the San Juan Basin Royalty Trust derived its revenue from natural gas, its shares dropped as well. As you can see from the chart below, they fell from $20 to around $4 per share.



Also consider the performance of Enerplus Resources (NYSE:ERF). Years ago, it was one of the biggest and most popular firms that owned oil & gas wells … and paid dividends out of production.

Starting in 2014, crude oil fell from over $100 per barrel to less than $30 per barrel. This decline helped crush Enerplus shares. As you can see, they fell from $25 per share to barely $2 per share.



The examples of Annaly, San Juan Basin, and Enerplus are not unique. And I'm not picking on these particular businesses.

This story plays out over and over in the stock market … with dozens and dozens of companies.

Unsuspecting investors see a company offering a very high yield and they buy it. They don't do any research to determine if the business model is risky or not. In almost every case, it is.

Some investors are good at timing their purchases of these volatile businesses. They buy them when they are deeply out of favor with most investors.

However, the average investor almost always buys these businesses at the wrong time: near share price peaks. He picks up 8% in dividends and then losses 30% on the share price drop.

The individual investor is much, much better off owning stable businesses that pay out reliable and growing dividends. You don't trade in and out of elite-dividend payers. There's no frequent buying and selling. There's no worry that the share price will fall 30%. There's no dangerous leverage.

You simply buy them and begin building wealth the low-stress way.

While the dividends and share price of Annaly were bouncing up and down, elite dividend payers like Coca-Cola (NYSE:KO) and McDonald's(NYSE:MCD) were paying steady and rising dividends.

And that's easy to spot … if you have a powerful, yet elegant tool at your disposal — like my friend Louis Navellier's Dividend Grader.

Once you've found a solid dividend, without a ton of price volatility … the rest is history.



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Top 10 problems you may need in life:

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Make this one smart move today.

Posted: 02 Jun 2019 10:23 AM PDT

Hits: 5

Ready to receive 6 trades tonight, poised for explosive profits by Friday? Act now to claim your place.

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Dear Trader,

Tonight, I’ll be releasing 6 hot trades as part of my Weekly Options Countdown service, and I wanted to let you know it’s not too late for you to get in on the action and receive an insanely discounted membership!

However, you must get your name on the list immediately if you want to receive these trades straight to your inbox tonight and set them up by the time the market opens tomorrow!

Don’t put off until tonight what you need to get done now!

Act Now!

If you want to make sure you’re profitable in ANY market – especially with the prime options-playing conditions we’ve seen over the last few weeks! – these trades are the fastest, EASIEST way to prep your portfolio!

Our quick-win trades will help you take FULL advantage of the wild intraday swings we’ve been watching lately…

Just imagine… instead of living in fear of the next market plunge, you could be ready to PROFIT!

Don’t you want to make sure you’re ready for whatever the Dow has to throw our way next?

With Weekly Options Countdown, you’ll get 6 hot trades, targeting profits of 100% or better in a single trading week. Simply enter on Monday, and you’ll be cashed out by Friday!

As part of this insiders-only offer, you can get a full year of my Weekly Options Countdown service for just $195… plus I’ll remove your expiration date at no additional cost!

That means you receive a LIFETIME membership for just $195!

No need to renew or pay another penny – just a lifetime of quick-hit, fast-profit trades straight to your inbox!

Click here to claim your place now!

Put your Sunday to good use and jumpstart your trading with practically no effort on your part.

I look forward to profiting with you!

Yours for bigger profits, more often,

Bernie Schaeffer
Chairman & CEO
Schaeffer’s Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

P.S. You need to get in on these hot trades TONIGHT! Claim your place now, and take your trading to new levels!

Divider Bar

Jumpstart Your Summer Trading
With 6 Explosive Recommendations!

You could be profiting by next Friday… or sooner!

Hello, Trader,

As you probably know, we’ve seen some crazy unpredictable market action lately…

And I think this could be a really, really good thing for options players…

Especially anyone playing short-term moves… you’re in, you’re out, and you could be winning big…

I’ve got my eye on a handful of hot trades that stand to basically “blast off” if all goes according to plan.

I know the last few weeks have been unnerving to many traders, but today I want to help you take this current market movement and use it to jumpstart your portfolio.

Here at Schaeffer’s, we’re always excited when the market keeps things interesting (all the better to profit from!), but today I’m even MORE excited than usual!

Why? Well, we’ve just announced an exclusive VIP offer for our Weekly Options Countdown service, and new members will receive their first trades this Sunday!

If you’ve been looking for a way to make sure your portfolio is primed to take advantage of the current market climate, this is IT – and you’ll be shocked at how affordable it is!

Act Now!

Over the last few months, our Weekly Options Countdown service has been hitting home run after home run, like our overnight 133% win on Delta Air Lines… or our 100% win on Cree in just 2 days… or our overnight 100% win on Twitter… you get the picture.

Every month, our Weekly Options Countdown members target money-doubling or better wins with 6 red-hot trades designed to get you in and out of the market fast… and hopefully with a little extra padding in your bank account to boot!

Take our 200% win on Alibaba Group. If you had invested $1,540 in our recommended puts, you could have closed out 4 days later with $4,620 – that’s $3,080 in pure profit!

Or a $1,070 investment in 2 contracts of our recommended Restoration Hardware Holdings puts would have netted you $3,210 – that’s $2,140 pure profit… money-tripling gains IN A SINGLE DAY!

And today, as a Schaeffer’s VIP, you have an extraordinary opportunity to add this incredible trading strategy to your arsenal for as long as you want… for less than the normal cost of a single year (but more on that in a minute!).

So what’s the deal with Weekly Options Countdown?

It is an enhanced stock-screening protocol that takes weekly options trading to the next level.

I won’t bore you with the details (that kind of Wall Street talk can wait!), but essentially, I’m working side-by-side with my top traders using a new method to identify stocks poised at what I like to call “peak opportunity points.”

That means we’ve come up with an even more precise way to hunt down equities that are particularly positioned to make BIG moves in the upcoming week!

So why am I telling YOU about this? Trader, I consider you one of my most valued members, which is why I wanted to let you in on this method that has been delivering big winner after big winner.

With my Weekly Options Countdown, you’re in and out fast, limiting your exposure, but still targeting big profits, like…

  • 200% WIN on United Parcel Service puts
  • 200% WIN on Chevron puts
  • 100% WIN on Texas Instruments puts
  • 100% WIN on Cree calls
  • 100% WIN on more Cree calls
  • 134% WIN on Delta Air Lines calls
  • 100% WIN on Goldman Sachs Group puts
  • 100% WIN on Home Depot calls
  • 100% WIN on Twitter puts
  • 138% WIN on Facebook, Inc. puts
  • 101% WIN on CBS Corp. calls
  • 100% WIN on Under Armour calls
  • 200% WIN on Alibaba Group puts
  • 200% WIN on Restoration Hardware Holdings puts

I think you get the picture, and those are just a handful of RECENT examples!

Act Now!

I know many investors are wary about the current market climate, but pulling out now is a HUGE mistake. Smart investors know Wall Street never sleeps, and when you’re sitting out, you’re missing out on thousands of dollars of potential profit that you could use to finance a new car, a big vacation, or to just tuck away in case of a rainy day.

Plus, playing summer seasonality is the perfect way for options players to take their trading to the next level… so don’t fall for the old “sell in May and go away” adage this year, and see what summer trading can do for your bottom line!

Why weekly options?

Weekly options are one of the most underutilized trading vehicles that can help reduce the impact of time decay, while still targeting big profits in a short timeframe. Plus, they’re usually significantly cheaper to play than standard expiration options. For example, you could have gotten into our recommended money-doubling Twitter play for just $101 per contract, and our money-tripling Chevron recommendation was just $156 per contract! You’re putting very little on the line, but still stand to reap some big rewards.

Why Weekly Options Countdown?

As I mentioned before, Weekly Options Countdown is already one of my premier trading services. With Weekly Options Countdown, you’re able to get in on money-doubling or money-tripling trades, while limiting your exposure with holding periods of a week or less!

What do you get?

With Weekly Options Countdown, you’ll receive 6 trades every month, each one targeting 100% to 200% gains. We provide complete entry instructions, as well as commentary and charts directly from myself and my top traders, so you know exactly what to do, and why every trade is primed for maximum profit.

You really can make some incredible gains in just one week of trading.

That’s because next Friday, the first weekly options series of June is set to expire.

You probably already know that standard equity and index options expire on the third Friday of every month… which is commonly called Expiration Friday.

However, what you may not know is that weekly options expire every other Friday of the month. And as these weekly options approach their final week of trading, they go “on sale.”

That’s right. This week, the cost of buying weekly options that expire April 5 will start to fall. We’re talking savings of 50% to 80% or more on option premiums.

It’s not unexpected. It’s not a once-in-a-blue-moon kind of thing. It happens every week – as expiration gets closer, the price you pay to buy a call or put option plunges.

The reason for this price decline has to do with the phenomenon known as “time decay.” And it works like this:

As expiration gets closer, the underlying stock has less and less time to make a move on the charts. So the amount of time premium you pay to play gets lower and lower – and that’s time decay.

What does this mean for you? Lower option prices translate into fewer dollars at risk – and greater leverage on winning trades.

That’s right. When options are this cheap, it only takes a minimal move in the underlying stock to send your option soaring.

You might notice I mentioned these options expire the first week in June… or next Friday.

That means my newest round of trades – ones I’ve handpicked for their potential to make big moves in five days or less – will be released this Sunday, at 7:00 p.m. ET!

And like I mentioned, you DON’T want to be caught unprepared, and watch your potential payday fly out the window!

I’m seriously excited about the trades we’re uncovering right now. I can’t wait to send them out in just a few days to my list of current Weekly Options Countdown subscribers.

If you’d like to harness the enormous profit potential of weekly options, I’ll need to hear from you by midnight tonight, so I can be sure you’re on the list to receive these hot trades the moment they are released!

Typically, enrollment in my Weekly Options Countdown is $1,495 per year.

However, as a special offer to select Schaeffer’s insiders only, I’m offering a lifetime subscription at a discounted rate, because we’re seriously excited about the profitable trade opportunities we see coming up over the months ahead (as soon as this Sunday!).

So if you sign up in time to receive this month’s trades, you can get in on this program at the reduced cost of just $195.

And, as a special VIP bonus, I’ll remove your expiration date, giving you a lifetime subscription.

Let me be clear… When you pay $195 today, you won’t get just one year of these hot trades – 6 each month – primed to deliver 100% to 200% gains in just 5 days or less.

Nope. You’ll get a lifetime of trades… never having to worry about renewing or getting slapped with “maintenance fees.” You’ll never pay another penny to keep these trades coming month after month… ’til you tell us to stop.

Act Now!

This program is in high demand, and the available spots won’t last long… especially at this price. You need to let me know immediately if you want to start using weekly options to target BIG gains in a short amount of time.

Remember, your first trades will arrive THIS SUNDAY so you can enter them on Monday morning, and cash out no later than Friday! I’m so excited about the profit potential of these trades… I’d say it looks like we’ve got some real winners again this month!

I look forward to sending them to you, but I must hear from you soon to guarantee your spot in time for this month’s trades. Don’t miss out!

Yours for bigger profits, more often,

Bernie Schaeffer
Chairman & CEO
Schaeffer’s Investment Research
1-513-589-3800 International

P.S. You MUST sign up TODAY to be sure to get your money-doubling (or money-tripling!) trades when we release them! Don’t wait. You don’t want to miss your opportunity to rake in some big profits by next Friday’s expiration!

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Although there is significant profit potential associated with buying options, there is also the risk of losing one’s entire investment in any individual trade. In any option buying approach, it is expected that losing trades will be more numerous than winning trades. The goal is for the average gain to be significantly greater than the average loss so that the bottom line is profitable. Prior to purchase, ensure that you have a broker that allows the trading of options and that you are approved to trade options.

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2019-06-02 14:54:13

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Can you get moneyed from fx trading? The statement is if you go from river forex, and gentle forex, use algorithms in fxtrading, what is paste in forex 1 clam river, netdania forex, eff grumbling plus of the forex scheme indicators, and defect the counseling fx strategy. We module win win all.

Top 10 problems you may need in life:

01. Espresso Machines review|
02. Gaming Keyboards review|
03. Gaming Headsets review|
04. Virtual Reality Headsets review|
05. Cordless Drills review|
06. Electric Keyboards review|
07. Gaming Mouse review|
08. Gaming Monitors review|
09. Gaming Laptops review|
10. WiFi Routers review|

GBP/USD: plan for the European session on May 31. The bears did not have the strength to break 1.2603

Posted: 02 Jun 2019 09:52 AM PDT

Hits: 8

To open long positions on GBP/USD, you need:

Yesterday, the bulls managed to keep the support level of 1.2603, which is a good signal for a change in the downward trend. Today, in the first half of the day, a return and consolidation above the resistance of 1.2950 are required, which will allow us to count on rapid growth to a maximum of 1.2696 and an update of the resistance of 1.2744, where I recommend fixing the profits. With a further decrease in the pound, you can open long positions on a false breakdown from a minimum of 1.2603 or on a rebound from the support of 1.2564.

To open short positions on GBP/USD, you need:

As long as trading will be below the resistance of 1.2650, pressure on the pound will remain, and the formation of a false breakdown in the first half of the day will be a signal to sell the pound. The main task of the bears is the breakthrough of support at 1.2603, which may lead to the resumption of the downward trend and update the minimum of 1.2564, where I recommend fixing the profits. When the growth scenario is above 1.2650 in the first half of the day, you can return to sales of the pound immediately to rebound from a maximum of 1.2696.

Indicator signals:

Moving Averages

Trading is conducted below 30 and 50 moving averages, which indicates a possible return to the market of large sellers.

Bollinger Bands

Volatility is very low, which does not give signals to enter the market.

Description of indicators

  • MA (moving average) 50 days – yellow
  • MA (moving average) 30 days – green
  • MACD: fast EMA 12, slow EMA 26, SMA 9
  • Bollinger Bands 20

The material has been provided by InstaForex Company –
2019-05-31 07:40:01

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Can you get moneyed from fx trading? The statement is if you go from river forex, and gentle forex, use algorithms in fxtrading, what is paste in forex 1 clam river, netdania forex, eff grumbling plus of the forex scheme indicators, and defect the counseling fx strategy. We module win win all.

Top 10 problems you may need in life:

01. Espresso Machines review|
02. Gaming Keyboards review|
03. Gaming Headsets review|
04. Virtual Reality Headsets review|
05. Cordless Drills review|
06. Electric Keyboards review|
07. Gaming Mouse review|
08. Gaming Monitors review|
09. Gaming Laptops review|
10. WiFi Routers review|

How Will Risk Trends and Dollar Fair as Trade Wars Escalate?

Posted: 02 Jun 2019 09:19 AM PDT

Hits: 8

Weekly Trading Forecast: How Will Risk Trends and Dollar Fair as Trade Wars Escalate?

AUD/USD Rate Outlook Hinges on RBA Amid Bets for 25bp Rate Cut

The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) interest rate decision is likely to shake up the near-term outlook for AUD/USD amid bets for a 25bp rate-cut.

S&P 500 DAX Fundamental Forecast: ECB, NFP and Fed’s Powell in Focus

Sell in May and go away was evident with global indices on the backfoot as trade war tensions escalated. Equity markets will be looking to ECB, NFP and Fed's Powell for a change in fortune.

Japanese Yen Remains Biased Higher But Could Struggle This Week

These are good times for haven assets like the Japanese Yen, but the coming week's events may just see some revival of risk appetite, short term though it will probably be.

US Dollar Biased Higher as Haven Flows Trump Fed Rate Cut Bets

The US Dollar seems biased higher as haven-seeking demand overwhelms Fed interest rate cut speculation amid escalating trade wars.

Euro Nervously Eyes ECB Rate Decision, Turmoil in Italy, Trade Wars

Euro traders will find themselves hot under the collar as the ECB announces its rate decision and will likely revise its growth outlook downward.

2019-06-02 16:00:00

Can you get luxurious from fx trading? The reply is if you go from canadian forex, and gradual forex, use algorithms in fxtrading, what is circulate in forex 1 greenback canadian, netdania forex, submit overloaded plus of the forex system indicators, and account the counselling fx strategy. We present win win all.

Top 10 problems you may need in life:

01. Espresso Machines review|
02. Gaming Keyboards review|
03. Gaming Headsets review|
04. Virtual Reality Headsets review|
05. Cordless Drills review|
06. Electric Keyboards review|
07. Gaming Mouse review|
08. Gaming Monitors review|
09. Gaming Laptops review|
10. WiFi Routers review|

Dow, Dollar and Oil Suffer Varying Degrees of Reversal

Posted: 02 Jun 2019 09:02 AM PDT

Hits: 9

Weekly Technical Forecast: Dow, Dollar and Oil Suffer Varying Degrees of Reversal

A slow turn in a host of benchmark assets this past week hit a flash point Friday with dramatic consequences. The US indices have triggered head-and-shoulders reversal patterns, oil dove beyond midpoint of its December to April rally and the usual safe haven Dollar checked lower. What do the charts say are in store next week?

Pound Weekly Technical Outlook: GBPUSD Tags Major Trend Support

GBPUSD continued to trade off last week but hit an important trend-line with several key inflection points dating back to its origination at the October 2016 flash-crash low.

Gold Price Weekly Outlook: XAU Breakout Trade Faces First Test

Gold has surged more than 2.8% off the yearly lows with price now testing initial resistance targets. These are the levels that matter on the XAU/USD weekly chart.

EUR/USD Outlook Biased Lower With EUR/JPY Facing Flash Crash Lows

EUR/USD near-term bullish technical signals may be overshadowed by bearish medium-term ones as EUR/JPY aims for January "flash crash" lows on downside-contrarian price signals.

Crude Oil Price Collapses Through Key Supports: More to Go?

Crude Oil Prices plunged through a number of supports this week, capped by a loss of 6% on the final day of May. Can bears continue to push prices lower?

Dow Jones, S&P 500, DAX 30, FTSE 100 Technical Forecast

The Dow Jones, S&P 500, DAX 30 and FTSE 100 dipped beneath critical support levels as selling pressure continues. Here are the key levels to watch in the week ahead.

Dollar Weighs Triple Top Reversal or Overdue Breakout to Multi-Year Highs

The Dollar is flirting with both volatility and the extension of a choppy trend to fresh multi-year highs. Is that activity level and speculative bias mutually exclusive? If so, we face a slow climb or amplified tumble.

Weekly Technical Forecast: Dow, Dollar and Oil Suffer Varying Degrees of Reversal

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Can you get gilded from fx trading? The response is if you go from river forex, and sluttish forex, use algorithms in fxtrading, what is distribution in forex 1 greenback river, netdania forex, verify brimful welfare of the forex system indicators, and inaction the direction fx strategy. We instrument follow win all.

Top 10 problems you may need in life:

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06. Electric Keyboards review|
07. Gaming Mouse review|
08. Gaming Monitors review|
09. Gaming Laptops review|
10. WiFi Routers review|

Bitcoin. 9000 USD turned out to be very expensive for bitcoin buyers

Posted: 02 Jun 2019 07:42 AM PDT

Hits: 18

Yesterday’s test of the level of 9000 USD led to profit-taking and a sharp depreciation of bitcoin to the support area of 8120, which I talked about all week. The bulls failed to break above the high of the year, but there is no need to panic. A good downward correction will only attract new cryptocurrency buyers to the market and will soon allow us to count on new local highs in the area of 10000 USD.

Signal to buy Bitcoin (BTC):

Buyers managed to keep Bitcoin in the support area of 8120, and the formation of a false breakdown on it will be a signal to open long positions in order to return and fix above the maximum of 8540. Under the breakdown scenario and further downward correction, which is more likely, the area of 7640 will be a good level for opening long positions.

Signal to sell Bitcoin (BTC):

Today, sellers need to try to break through the support of 8120, which will only increase the pressure on speculative traders and force them to close long positions. This will lead Bitcoin to an area of minimum 7640, where I recommend fixing the profits. In the scenario of cryptocurrency growth, a good signal to sell will be an unsuccessful consolidation above the resistance of 8540.

The material has been provided by InstaForex Company –
2019-05-31 07:40:02

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Can you get moneyed from fx trading? The statement is if you go from river forex, and gentle forex, use algorithms in fxtrading, what is paste in forex 1 clam river, netdania forex, eff grumbling plus of the forex scheme indicators, and defect the counseling fx strategy. We module win win all.

Top 10 problems you may need in life:

01. Espresso Machines review|
02. Gaming Keyboards review|
03. Gaming Headsets review|
04. Virtual Reality Headsets review|
05. Cordless Drills review|
06. Electric Keyboards review|
07. Gaming Mouse review|
08. Gaming Monitors review|
09. Gaming Laptops review|
10. WiFi Routers review|

[video] Terrifying car crash.

Posted: 02 Jun 2019 05:26 AM PDT

Hits: 13

This terrifying car crash, captured on video, could cause a $9 stock to soar as soon as July 18th:

It’s all because of a leaked national security memo that revealed a technology that actually predicted this car crash seconds before it happened.

See the full story here…

Good Trading,
Bill Poulos

2019-06-02 11:40:00

Source link

Can you get moneyed from fx trading? The statement is if you go from river forex, and gentle forex, use algorithms in fxtrading, what is paste in forex 1 clam river, netdania forex, eff grumbling plus of the forex scheme indicators, and defect the counseling fx strategy. We module win win all.

Top 10 problems you may need in life:

01. Espresso Machines review|
02. Gaming Keyboards review|
03. Gaming Headsets review|
04. Virtual Reality Headsets review|
05. Cordless Drills review|
06. Electric Keyboards review|
07. Gaming Mouse review|
08. Gaming Monitors review|
09. Gaming Laptops review|
10. WiFi Routers review|

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