Forex News 24

Forex News 24 Earnings: CRM Stock Surges After Topping Q1 EPS Outlook Earnings: CRM Stock Surges After Topping Q1 EPS Outlook

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 01:51 PM PDT

Hits: 4 (NYSE:CRM) reported its quarterly earnings results late today bringing in a profit that topped Wall Street's guidance, while sales gained more than 20% year-over-year, playing a role in lifting CRM stock after hours. Earnings

Source: Shutterstock

The San Francisco, Calif.-based cloud software company announced an adjusted profit of 93 cents per share for its first quarter of 2019, topping the 61 cents per share that analysts called for, according to data compiled by Refinitiv. Revenue tallied up to $3.74 billion, which marked a 24% year-over-year, while also topping the Refinitiv sales outlook of $3.68 billion.

Salesforce's solid quarter can be attributed partially to the business' commitment to expanding its product portfolio beyond only sales software and into the marketing sphere. The business has also increased its presence in the customer support and services space, while its MuleSoft offerings have garnered more attention from the industry after the company spend $6.5 billion on the business last year.

For its second quarter of the current fiscal year, the company forecasts adjusted earnings of 46 cents to 47 cents per share, as well as revenue of around $3.94 billion. Salesforce added that it sees its 2019 earnings in the range of $2.88 to $2.90 per share on an adjusted basis, ahead of the $2.66 per share that analysts surveyed by Refinitiv predict.

The company full-year projects revenue somewhere in between $16.10 billion and $16.25 billion, while Wall Street sees this figure at $16.12 billion, per Refinitiv.

CRM stock increased 2.5% after hours off the heels of a strong three-month period. Salesforce shares had been popping 4% during regular trading hours.

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Bitcoin Price Rally Driven by EM FX

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 01:22 PM PDT

Hits: 15

Bitcoin Price Talking Points:

  • For the first five months of 2019, cryptocurrency markets largely followed movements in EM FX, mainly the Turkish Lira (USDTRY).
  • In recent weeks, the EM FX driver has flipped between the Turkish Lira (USDTRY) and the Chinese Yuan (USDCNH).
  • The one-month correlation between USDTRY and BTCUSD is -0.52, while the one-month correlation between USDCNH and BTCUSD is 0.84.

Looking for a guide on how to analyze Emerging Market Currencies (EM FX)? Read the Emerging Markets Crisis Monitor.

After a strong start to 2019, cryptocurrencies continued their rebound throughout May. True, the major cryptocurrencies still have market caps significantly below where they were back in December 2017, which is contributing to a 'base effect.' Nevertheless, Bitcoin (BTCUSD) rallied by 62.2% in May, Ripple (XRPUSD) added 43.4%, Etherium (ETHUSD) gained 66.9%, and Litecoin (LTCUSD) added 56.1%.

The main factor for bullish crypto currency price action identified earlier this year, emerging market weakness, remains in the driver's seat. It just appears that which emerging market currency (EM FX) is in the driver's seat may have changed.

Why Does Crypto Benefit When EM FX Suffers?

A quick recap: bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are not "safe haven currencies" per se, as they lack key features of being a currency in the first place, main of which is a 'stable store of value.' But if you're not using bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as 'stores of value,' then, given the electronic nature of the globalized economy in 2019, the cryptocurrency market, coins and tokens can all be used as intermediaries to move capital beyond the reach of governmental agencies.

Why would a market participant want to move capital around without government interference? If capital controls are in place, then it may be impossible to render the production of goods or services at fair value, especially in an emerging market economy. It may not be due to domestic conditions alone, either fiscally (via elections) or monetarily (via central banking independence). Instead, it could be due to external factors, like economic fallout from an international trade war.

Bitcoin Driver Flips from Turkish Lira to Chinese Yuan

Per the Emerging Markets Crisis Monitor, central bank independence and governance free of political interference are critical features of long-term stability for EM FX. The encroachment by the Erdogan government on central bank independence and non-partisan governance have been contributing factors to weakness in the Turkish Lira this year.

Over the past six months, the correlation between the Turkish Lira (USDTRY) and Bitcoin (BTCUSD) has been very significant at 0.865. Even the three-month correlation remains strong at 0.77. But that relationship seemingly weakened in recent weeks: the one-month correlation has been a surprising -0.53.

Turkish Lira (USDTRY) vs Bitcoin (BTCUSD)Technical Analysis: Daily Chart (December 4, 2018 to June 4, 2019) (Chart 1)

So, while for most of 2019, while we've witnessed Bitcoin prices and the Turkish Lira have traded in a diametrically opposing fashion, this has not been the case of recent. But that doesn't mean that the relationship between EM FX and cryptocurrency markets has changed in a material way; instead, Bitcoin, Ripple, Etherium, and Litecoin are looking to the world's second largest economy for clues.

Chinese Yuan (USDCNH) vs Bitcoin (BTCUSD)Technical Analysis: Daily Chart (December 4, 2018 to June 4, 2019) (Chart 2)

usdcnh, us-china trade war, btcusd, bitcoin price, em fx

The relationship between the Chinese Yuan (USDCNH) and Bitcoin (BTCUSD) has been much less significant than that between USDTRY and BTCUSD over the past six months; the former's six-month correlation is 0.42 while the latter's is 0.86.

But whereas the Turkish Lira has lost sway over Bitcoin over the past month, the Chinese Yuan has seen its influence grow considerably: the one-month correlation between USDCNH and BTCUSD is 0.84 and the three-month correlation is 0.92. In other words, since the start of March 2019, when the Chinese Yuan has weakened, Bitcoin has rallied.

EM FX and Cryptocurrency Relationship Conclusions

There is still no good reason to think that the strategy perspective initiated in early-April 2019 has been invalidated yet: what's bad for EM FX – like the Chinese Yuan and Turkish Lira – is good for cryptocurrencies – like Bitcoin – in general. It still holds, then, if Bitcoin prices and the cryptocurrency market are going to continue their 2019 rally, the best bet may be for the US-China trade war to worsen or for Turkish credit risk to continue to rise.


Whether you are a new or experienced trader, DailyFX has multiple resources available to help you: an indicator for monitoring trader sentiment; quarterly trading forecasts; analytical and educational webinars held daily; trading guides to help you improve trading performance, and even one for those who are new to FX trading.

— Written by Christopher Vecchio, CFA, Senior Currency Strategist

To contact Christopher Vecchio, e-mail

Follow him in the DailyFX Real Time News feed and Twitter at @CVecchioFX

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15 trades. 30 days. Just $10. (Really!)

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 01:16 PM PDT

Hits: 4

You’ve been chosen… you have one final shot to make this earnings season work for you!

 ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌   ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌   ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌   ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌   ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌   ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌   ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌   ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌   ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌   ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌   ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌   ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌   ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌   ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ 
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Although there is significant profit potential associated with buying options, there is also the risk of losing one’s entire investment in any individual trade. In any option buying approach, it is expected that losing trades will be more numerous than winning trades. The goal is for the average gain to be significantly greater than the average loss so that the bottom line is profitable. Prior to purchase, ensure that you have a broker that allows the trading of options and that you are approved to trade options.

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2019-06-04 19:56:57

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5 Top Stock Trades for Wednesday: AMD, COUP, GM, MS

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 01:14 PM PDT

Hits: 6

Talk about a "Turnaround Tuesday." U.S. stocks snapped back and put in an inspiring rally. The question is, can bulls keep up the momentum or will bears use the rally as a chance to reload their short positions? Let's look at a few top stock trades for Wednesday.

Top Stock Trades for Tomorrow #1: Advanced Micro Devices

top stock trades for AMD

This one didn't start off all that strong on Tuesday, but boy did Advanced Micro Devices (NASDAQ:AMD) gain steam throughout the session. Shares climbed 6% and pushed through tough resistance at $29.

The move is giving bulls confidence. AMD stock broke out of its downward channel a few trading sessions ago and continued to hold its 20-day and 50-day moving averages as support. That's pretty impressive in this tape.

Now it's pushing through resistance. A close over $29 puts its recent high of $29.95 on the table, with a push above that sending AMD into the low-$30s. If $29 acts as resistance while the broad-market volatility picks back up, look to buy AMD on a test of its 50-day.

Top Stock Trades for Tomorrow #2: Guardant Health

top stock trades for GHtop stock trades for GH
Click to Enlarge

This one is pretty clear, with Guardant Health (NASDAQ:GH) pushing through $79 resistance. If the upside continues, look for a run to $95. I would love a pullback to $80 that holds as support.

That would give investors a low-risk trade entry. Below uptrend support and the 50-day moving average could be on the table.

Top Stock Trades for Tomorrow #3: General Motors


top stock trades for GMtop stock trades for GM
Click to Enlarge
General Motors (NYSE:GM) saw a healthy 5% jump on Tuesday. The move jolted the automaker out of oversold territory, as GM does not benefit from an escalating trade war. (Psst: Here are 3 ways to avoid exposure to the trade war).

However, we're about 50 cents away from possible resistance. Just over $36, GM stock will face the 200-day moving average, as well as the declining 20-day moving average. Further, this area marks short-term range support. Could it act as resistance on a test from the bottom? It's possible.

What now? I want to see how GM does on a test of $36. Reclaiming this level is good for the bulls, while GM failing and breaking below the 61.8% retracement for the one-year range at $35.17 is bad.

Let's give GM stock a few more days to tip its hand.

Top Stock Trades for Tomorrow #4: Morgan Stanley

top stock trades for MStop stock trades for MS

Morgan Stanley (NYSE:MS) has an interesting setup here. Shares are bouncing right above the 200-week moving average and are holding above the backside of prior downtrend resistance (blue line).

On the downside, this stock has to hold $40.

On the upside, I want to see how it does with the 10-week and 50-week moving averages near $44. That's also about where investors will find the 200-day moving average and 50% retracement for the one-year range.

A breakout over $44-ish could send it to $48.

Top Stock Trades for Tomorrow #5: Coupa Software

top stock trades for COUPtop stock trades for COUP
Click to Enlarge

Coupa Software (NASDAQ:COUP) beat on earnings, but the reaction has been mixed. That's not all that encouraging given Tuesday's big market rally. Further, bulls may be apprehensive to take a long flyer on Coupa given the market climate we're in.

That said, It has to hold $100 for bulls to stay long. While we're $8.50 above that mark, this level serves, essentially, as the two-day low. It's also now the post-earnings low, as well as the 50-day moving average. Finally, its prior range resistance turned support.

In short, $100 is important.

It'd be encouraging for COUP to hold channel support and the 20-day. If it can, perhaps it can take out its $116 high and test channel resistance. Investors can try to buy a dip down to $100. But below and they need to let Coupa reset.

Bret Kenwell is the manager and author of Future Blue Chips and is on Twitter @BretKenwell. As of this writing, Bret Kenwell did not hold a position in any of the aforementioned securities.

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June 4, 2019 : EUR/USD Intraday technical analysis and trade recommendations.

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 12:45 PM PDT

Hits: 8

Since January 19th, the EURUSD pair has been moving within the depicted channel with slight bearish tendency.

Few weeks ago, a bullish Head and Shoulders reversal pattern was demonstrated around 1.1200 allowing further bullish advancement to occur towards 1.1300-1.1315 (supply zone) where significant bearish rejection was demonstrated on April 15.

For Intraday traders, the price zone around 1.1235 stood as a temporary demand area which paused the ongoing bearish momentum for a while before bearish breakdown could be executed on April 23.

Short-term outlook turned to become bearish towards 1.1175 (a previous weekly bottom which has been holding prices above for a while)

On May 17-20, a bearish breakdown below 1.1175 was temporarily achieved.

As expected, further bearish decline was expected towards 1.1115. This is where significant bullish recovery was demonstrated bringing the EURUSD pair back above 1.1175.

Recently, The EURUSD pair has maintained bullish persistence above the highlighted price level (1.1175) except last week on Tuesday when a temporary bearish breakdown was briefly demonstrated below 1.1175.

That’s why, further bullish advancement was expected towards 1.1235 which failed to apply any significant bearish pressure.

Recent Bullish breakout above 1.1235 renders it a newly-established demand level to be watched for bullish rejection and a a valid BUY entry upon retesting.

Bullish persistence above 1.1235 enhances further bullish advancement towards 1.1290 and 1.1320. Otherwise, the EURUSD pair would remain trapped between the same price levels (1.1235-1.1175).

Trade recommendations :

Intraday traders should look for a valid BUY entry anywhere around 1.1235.

T/P level to be located around 1.1320. Stop loss should be placed below 1.1190.

The material has been provided by InstaForex Company –
2019-06-04 18:27:12

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Tesla Stock Trades on Sales, Not Greenhouse Gases

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 12:38 PM PDT

Hits: 16

The secret source of cash for Tesla (NASDAQ:TSLA) came from an unexpected source — its peers.

Source: Tesla

According to Bloomberg, both General Motors (NYSE:GM) and Fiat Chrysler (NYSE:FCAU) disclosed to the state of Delaware that they had bought greenhouse gas credits from the Palo Alto, California-based automaker. Such sales brought in roughly $2 billion in revenue over the last eight years.

That helped to reduce losses for the company. However, I do not see it as something that will materially influence the price of Tesla stock long-term.

Here's why:

Sales of Credits Help Mitigate Losses

Income derived from selling greenhouse gas credits has risen steadily over the last eight years. Beginning at negligible levels in 2011, sales of these offsets has steadily increased, reaching $420 million by 2018. That makes up less than 2% of the $21.46 billion in revenue earned by Tesla in 2018. However, it prevented its $976 million loss in 2018 from going much higher.

Tesla stock fell in Monday trading following this news. However, it quickly recovered most of those losses the next day. I think this is because the market sees what I see — the fact that this will make little difference to the future of the company.

These offsets serve as a reminder of how important politics has become to Tesla. Analysts have long factored in the tax credits offered by the federal government and some states for those who purchase electric vehicles (EVs). In its home state of California, the government requires automakers to produce zero-emission vehicles in proportion to their share of the automobile market. Those companies who cannot comply must purchase the greenhouse gas credits.

GM had purchased offsets from Tesla on fears of future regulation. They produce the all-electric Chevy Bolt and its plug-in Chevy Volt. As a result, GM remains compliant with regulators despite most of its sales coming from so-called gas guzzlers. However, GM fears the government will impose more stringent standards in the coming years, making the credits necessary. Whether this move will profit GM depends on the future. However, I think it offers assurance to holders of GM stock who worry that the equity could sink over compliance issues.

Revelation Changes Little for Tesla Stock

Still, reassuring GM shareholders can offer only so much comfort to Tesla. For all of the talk about credits, the company still must deliver on vehicle sales. TSLA stock has now lost more than half of its value since its December peak. It has fallen this year due to lower-than-expected demand for its EVs.

China-related concerns also weigh on Tesla stock. Tesla built a factory in China recently. However, as our own Wayne Duggan reported, production estimates for that factory have fallen from 70,000 to 40,000 for this year. Also, China has become the world's most important market for EVs, and the threat of tariffs could harm TSLA. Some analysts believe Tesla will get an exemption from these trade-related duties. Still, until traders know that, the uncertainty will likely hurt Tesla stock.

Final Thoughts on Tesla Stock

The revelation that GM and Fiat Chrysler bought credits from Tesla relieves one concern about Tesla's sources of revenue. However, Tesla stock will trade on vehicle sales and China-related concerns in the near term.

TSLA stock quickly recovered the losses that came about following the announcement of the mystery revenue source. This gives Tesla another source of revenue. It also serves as a reminder that the company partially depends on policies such as credits and, in the past, tax credits for sales of EVs.

While some might find it interesting, I see the impact on Tesla stock as minimal. Yes, selling these credits has helped reduce losses. Still, the direction of Tesla stock depends mainly on vehicle sales and its ability to mitigate outside threats such as the impact of China tariffs. If the company cannot continue to sell more of its cars, its value as a source for emissions credits will decline along with Tesla stock.

As of this writing, Will Healy did not hold a position in any of the aforementioned stocks. You can follow Will on Twitter at @HealyWriting.

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08. Gaming Monitors review|
09. Gaming Laptops review|
10. WiFi Routers review|

US Dollar Price Action Setups in EUR/USD, GBP/USD and USD/JPY

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 12:29 PM PDT

Hits: 13

US Dollar Price Action Talking Points:

  • The US Dollar has undergone a stark change-of-pace in near-term price action over the past three trading days as the prior bullish theme has come unwound, largely driven by falling rate expectations around the Federal Reserve.
  • Both Clarida and Powell from the FOMC have alluded to the possibility of looser policy options in the future, and markets have built-in a wide expectation for FOMC rate cuts later this year, helping to drive the US Dollar down to fresh six-week-lows.
  • This week's remaining economic calendar is loaded: The ECB is on Thursday, NFP and Canadian Jobs data is released on Friday and there's a plethora of high-impact items between now and then.

US Dollar Dives As US Rate Expectations Continue to Fall

Its been a stark change-of-pace in the US Dollar over the past three trading days. After coming one-tenth of one-percent away from testing the two-year high last Thursday, USD bears have come into the fold to push the currency down to fresh six-week-lows. At the source of the move is falling rate expectations around the US Federal Reserve, and this theme was echoed earlier this morning in a speech from FOMC Chair, Jerome Powell. Our own Christopher Vecchio covered this theme in-depth earlier this morning in the article entitled, US Dollar Range Breakout Would Suggest Major Topping Potential.

Earlier today, Chair Powell alluded to the fact that the Fed was following the past month of pressure in global financial markets; and that the bank wouldn't hesitate to act accordingly. This comes on the heels of comments from FOMC Vice Chair Richard Clarida just last week discussing something similar, highlighting a growing trend amongst FOMC voters looking at softer policy options in the United States.

Image from Twitter account of DailyFX Analyst, Justin McQueen; a great follow for market-related items.

US Dollar Drops to Fresh Monthly Lows – More to Go?

At this point, the US Dollar is grasping on to support around the May lows at 97.00. This lines up with the 50% retracement of the March-April major move that had previously helped to set support in the middle of last month. So far this line-in-the-sand has helped to arrest the declines, and today's price action has so far produced a Doji. This is an item of indecision which, after a large move in one direction, can open the door for a bounce in the other. If buyers are able to hold support around the 97.00 level, focus can move towards a re-test of the 97.50 area on the chart, which had helped to set last week's lows very near the early-April swing-highs. Below current price action, the trend-line making up the support side of the longer-term ascending triangle remains, currently projecting to around the 96.63 area on the chart.

US Dollar Eight-Hour Price Chart

US Dollar Price Chart

Chart prepared by James Stanley

EURUSD Grinds at Resistance at Six-Week-Highs

This Thursday brings what's expected to be a widely-watched ECB rate decision, and there are few expectations for anything other than a dovish European Central Bank. The fundamental theme around the Euro was discussed by our own Dmitri Zabelin ahead of this week's open in the article entitled, Euro Nervously Eyes ECB Rate Decision, Turmoil in Italy, Trade Wars. The big question at this point is how the currency might respond, as a dovish ECB isn't necessarily anything new; while the similar theme at the Fed has been getting more noticeable of recent to the point where it's taken-over near-term price action in EURUSD.

Earlier this morning, EURUSD pushed-up to a fresh six-week-high. Resistance has held at a key are on the chart, taken from the May swing-highs around 1.1250-1.1265; but bulls have thus far remained very responsive, leaving the door open for a deeper retracement in the pair towards the April swing-highs around 1.1325 or, perhaps even a test of March highs in the zone that runs from 1.1448-1.1500.

From a longer-term perspective, this may be the type of motive that the pair needs to eventually re-test the 1.1000 handle. As discussed in last Tuesday's webinar, given the length of the EURUSD sell-off, there are likely a number of trailed stops sitting above these high water-marks on the chart. The pair taking out those stops could re-open the door for longer-term bearish themes as there'd be more money on the sidelines that could hit the offer to push prices down to fresh two-year-lows. But, for now, the retracement theme is on as ECB approaches on Thursday.

EURUSD Eight-Hour Price Chart

eurusd price chart

Chart prepared by James Stanley

GBPUSD Price Finds Trend-Line Support After a Brutal Month of May

Last month was full of headline items out of the UK, and few of those worked to the benefit of GBP-bulls. And, at this point, there isn't really much more in the realm of clarity in the situation. On the chart, however, the pain has paused, at least for now, after a bullish trend-line came into play around last week's lows. This can be found by connecting the 2017 low to the Dec 2018 low. This has helped to cauterize support over the last few trading days, assisted in-part by the very visible sell-off in the US Dollar.

GBPUSD Weekly Price Chart

gbpusd weekly price chart

Chart prepared by James Stanley

GBPUSD has now bounced up to resistance at a prior zone of support. This zone runs from 1.2671-1.2721, including the 1.2705 level that functions as the 14.4% retracement of 2014-2016 major move. For traders looking at reversal strategies in the US Dollar or are looking to fade this recent theme of strength in the British Pound, this can present a compelling argument for bearish continuation in GBPUSD, looking for prices to soon re-test support around last week's lows.

GBPUSD Four-Hour Price Chart

gbpusd price chart

Chart prepared by James Stanley

Yen Strength Continues as Risk Aversion Potential Remains

Stocks are bouncing today, but that's been more of the exception than the rule of recent as the month of May marked a strong change-of-pace in the risk trade. While risk was most definitely 'on' in the first four months of this year, as the page turned into May another theme took over, and that was risk aversion that appeared correlated to the Fed combined with the pressure of trade wars. In FX-land, that theme can be best illustrated with the anti-risk Japanese Yen. The pair came into May clinging to a bullish trend that had lasted since the opening days of January. That trend has come undone as more than 50% has been retraced with current price action grasping onto support around the 108-handle.

I had looked at a prior zone of support as lower-high resistance last week in USDJPY in an area that runs from 109.67-110.00. That area has since come-in to hold this high and prices have pushed down to a fresh four-month low. Another iteration of that strategy may be possible at another key area on the chart. This runs from 108.47-109.69, which was last in-play as support in late-January of this year. A little higher around 109.00 is another point of reference for lower-high resistance potential.

USDJPY Daily Price Chart

usdjpy price chart

Chart prepared by James Stanley

AUDUSD Rallies After Rate Cut – .7000 In Store?

As evidence of just how pronounced this theme of USD-weakness has become, AUDUSD has rallied back above the .7000 marker less than 24 hours after the RBA cut rates to a record low of 125 basis points. This is proof that rate expectations are more important than actual rate moves themselves, and with this move being well priced-in to the Aussie, the growing theme of dovishness around the Federal Reserve has run through that rate cut.

This is a theme that I've been looking at over the past couple of weeks, first looking for a build of support around an opening gap in late-May. That soon led to a build of higher-highs and higher-lows, as looked at in last Tuesday's webinar. And now prices are re-testing the psychologically important .7000 level. But, with prices now re-testing that key level on the chart – will bulls be able to continue to push?

A hold of resistance from .7000 up to the Fibonacci level at .7019 could re-open the door for short-side strategies in the pair for traders that would like to look for a return of USD-strength.

AUDUSD Four-Hour Price Chart

audusd price chart

Chart prepared by James Stanley

To read more:

Are you looking for longer-term analysis on the U.S. Dollar? Our DailyFX Forecasts have a section for each major currency, and we also offer a plethora of resources on Gold or USD-pairs such as EUR/USD, GBP/USD, USD/JPY, AUD/USD. Traders can also stay up with near-term positioning via our IG Client Sentiment Indicator.

Forex Trading Resources

DailyFX offers an abundance of tools, indicators and resources to help traders. For those looking for trading ideas, our IG Client Sentiment shows the positioning of retail traders with actual live trades and positions. Our trading guides bring our DailyFX Quarterly Forecasts and our Top Trading Opportunities; and our real-time news feed has intra-day interactions from the DailyFX team. And if you're looking for real-time analysis, our DailyFX Webinars offer numerous sessions each week in which you can see how and why we're looking at what we're looking at.

If you're looking for educational information, our New to FX guide is there to help new(er) traders while our Traits of Successful Traders research is built to help sharpen the skill set by focusing on risk and trade management.

— Written by James Stanley, Strategist for

Contact and follow James on Twitter: @JStanleyFX
2019-06-04 19:00:00

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Tech Stocks Hit on Regulatory Concerns

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 12:14 PM PDT

Hits: 7

Tech giants face increased scrutiny from the FTC and DOJ.

Tech stocks traded weakly on Monday, weighing markets down.

This comes on the heels of a report that Amazon (AMZN) faces increased antitrust scrutiny from the Federal Trade Commission. At the same time, Alphabet/Google (GOOG) also looks to be facing a closer inspection from the Justice Department.

With no specific allegations dropped about either company yet, uncertainty is rising for both companies as a result.

Amazon has been called a monopoly by some, however, even in its best-known market of online retailing, it has about half the market.

That market share has likely peaked, as brick-and-mortar retailers have upped their online presence in recent years, competing with Amazon head-to-head in things like free shipping and discounts for subscription orders.

Google, with its dominance in online searches and advertising, however, fits the traditional definition of a monopoly far better. The FTC has previously investigated the company as a monopoly, but closed the matter in 2013 without breaking up or otherwise recommending changes to its business practices.

All tech companies have become increasingly targeted by politicians in recent years due to privacy concerns, data breaches, and concerns over how little regulated these giant companies are.

Action to take: Given the big drops in these names today on news with no tangible teeth, consider January 2020 call options on both companies. Amazon $2,000 calls look attractive, as do the $1,100 strike price for Google. Or consider Amazon shares under $1,500 and Google shares under $1,000.

2019-06-04 10:00:03

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Tuesday Apple Rumors: Apple Isn’t Completely Killing iTunes

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 11:25 AM PDT

Hits: 10

Leading the Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) rumor mill today is news of iTunes not being killed off. Today, we'll look at that and other Apple Rumors for Tuesday.

Tuesday Apple Rumors: Apple Isn't Completely Killing iTunesiTunes Death: Apple isn't planning to completely kill iTunes off just yet, reports MacRumors. The company is getting rid of iTunes on Mac devices. In place of it are separate apps that will handle the different functions previously belonging to iTunes. However, there is still one place that iTunes will live. Anyone using Windows will still have access to iTunes even after it is no longer running on Macs. That's nice for Windows users, but we still don't know how much support it will get after the Mac version dies.

Tag Tracking: More hints concerning Apple's Tag tracking system are showing up, 9to5Mac notes. The hints about the app appear in the new beta for iOS 13. This beta makes mention of "Tag1,1." This would appear to be a service that let's customers track other devices with their iPhone. This type of feature is already available for AirPods.

iOS 13 Support: Apple's iOS 13 update will be available on a plethora of devices, reports BGR. The devices that will be compatible with iOS 13 include the iPhone XS, XS Max, XR, X, 8, 8 Plus, 7, 7 Plus, 6s, 6s Plus, the iPhone SE and the seventh-generation iPod Touch. AAPL is launching a separate operating system called iPadOS that will handle its tablets.

As of this writing, William White did not hold a position in any of the aforementioned securities.

Article printed from InvestorPlace Media,

©2019 InvestorPlace Media, LLC

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May US Jobs Report (NFP) & USDJPY Price Forecast

Posted: 04 Jun 2019 11:16 AM PDT

Hits: 8

US Jobs Report (NFP) Talking Points:

  • The May US Change in Nonfarm Payrolls report is due on Friday at 12:30 GMT.
  • Consensus forecasts are calling for headline jobs growth to come in at 180K while the unemployment rate will remain on hold at 3.6%.
  • Retail traders are buying the US Dollar despite significant losses over the past few days.

Join me on Mondays at 7:30 EDT/11:30 GMT for the FX Week Ahead webinar, where we discuss top event risk over the coming days and strategies for trading FX markets around the events listed below.

06/07 FRIDAY | 12:30 GMT | USD Change in Nonfarm Payrolls & Unemployment Rate (MAY)

The US labor market has been the pillar of stability for the US economy for several years now, and even as Q2'19 US GDP expectations look soft, the US jobs market looks poised to press forward. With the change in nonfarm payrolls report due to show headline jobs growth of 180K, and the unemployment rate set to edge lower by one-tenth of a percentage point to 3.5%,expectations are as vanilla as they come.

After all, the Atlanta Fed jobs calculator dictates that the US economy only needs 110K jobs per month to maintain the unemployment rate at 3.6% over the next 12-months. From this perspective, even if the actual headline US jobs data were to miss expectations, it would need to miss expectations by nearly 4 standard deviations (1 std dev = 20.74K, per Bloomberg News survey) to produce upwards pressure on the unemployment rate.

Yet from another point of view, given the backdrop of rates markets aggressively pulling forward Federal Reserve rate cut expectations, the upcoming May US jobs report poses asymmetric risk for the US Dollar: a bad report could hit the greenback in a significantly negative manner; a good report may only temporarily stem selling pressure.

Pairs to Watch: DXY Index, EURUSD, USDJPY, Gold

USDJPY Technical Analysis: Daily Price Chart (December 2017 to June 2019) (Chart 1)

usdjpy price forecast, usdjpy technical analysis, usdjpy price chart, usdjpy chart, usdjpy price

USDJPY has been under significant pressure in recent days, with prices falling below key levels of support on the way down. After Friday's weak performance – the worst single-day outcome since the Yen flash crash in January – USDJPY broke through the early-May swing low at 109.02 as well as the January 31 swing low at 108.50. Additionally, USDJPY price has fallen through the 61.8% retracement of the 2018 high/low range at 108.42.

A lot of technical damage was done to the USDJPY chart in a short period of time, and that damage appears to be sticking with prices holding below the 61.8% retracement at 108.42 at the start of the week. Accordingly, Ahead of the May US jobs report release this coming Friday, USDJPY price has a bearish outlook. With the daily 8-, 13, and 21-EMA envelope in sequential order pointing lower, while both daily MACD and Slow Stochastics trend lower in bearish territory, the near-term bias is to sell rebounds in USDJPY.

IG Client Sentiment Index: USDJPY (June 4, 2019) (Chart 2)

igcs, ig client sentiment index, igcs usdjpy, usdjpy price chart, usdjpy price forecast, usdjpy technical analysis

USDJPY: Retail trader data shows 72.4% of traders are net-long with the ratio of traders long to short at 2.63 to 1. In fact, traders have remained net-long since May 03 when USDJPY traded near 111.449; price has moved 3.1% lower since then. The number of traders net-long is 3.6% higher than yesterday and 11.2% higher from last week, while the number of traders net-short is 9.7% higher than yesterday and 21.8% lower from last week.

We typically take a contrarian view to crowd sentiment, and the fact traders are net-long suggests USDJPY prices may continue to fall. Positioning is less net-long than yesterday but more net-long from last week. The combination of current sentiment and recent changes gives us a further mixed USDJPY trading bias.


Whether you are a new or experienced trader, DailyFX has multiple resources available to help you: an indicator for monitoring trader sentiment; quarterly trading forecasts; analytical and educational webinars held daily; trading guides to help you improve trading performance, and even one for those who are new to FX trading.

— Written by Christopher Vecchio, CFA, Senior Currency Strategist

To contact Christopher, email him at

Follow him in the DailyFX Real Time News feed and Twitter at @CVecchioFX
2019-06-04 17:30:00

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