Pablo Piovano posted new content

Latest content from Pablo Piovano
Jun 03, 2019 12:13 PM
The Turkish Lira is giving away part of its recent strong gains and is now pushing USD/TRY to fresh daily tops near the 5.90 level. USD/TRY higher pos...
Jun 03, 2019 11:45 AM
The continuation of the upside pressure in the European currency is motivating EUR/JPY to regain the 121.00 handle and beyond on Monday. EUR/JPY looks...
Jun 03, 2019 10:58 AM
The continuation of the bid tone around the shared currency is propping up the daily gains in EUR/GBP around the mid-0.8800s. EUR/GBP upside faced res...
Jun 03, 2019 10:33 AM
These are the main highlights of the CFTC report for the week ended on May 28. USD net longs climbed to the highest level in the last three weeks, as ...
Jun 03, 2019 09:31 AM
Spot remains under pressure and could extend the decline to the 107.70/50 band, suggested FX Strategists at UOB Group. Key Quotes 24-hour view: "We ex...
Jun 03, 2019 09:27 AM
DXY daily chart Dollar Index Spot Overview Today last price 97.68 Today Daily Change 22 Today Daily Change % -0.08 Today daily open 97.76 Trends Daily...
Jun 03, 2019 08:59 AM
EUR/USD is prolonging the upside momentum sparked at the end of last week and is approaching the key 1.1200 mark on Monday, as market participants con...
Jun 03, 2019 08:14 AM
EUR/JPY daily chart EUR/JPY Overview Today last price 120.94 Today Daily Change 32 Today Daily Change % 0.00 Today daily open 120.94 Trends Daily SMA2...
Jun 03, 2019 08:05 AM
EUR/USD daily chart EUR/USD Overview Today last price 1.1173 Today Daily Change 30 Today Daily Change % 0.02 Today daily open 1.1171 Trends Daily SMA2...
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