Valeria Bednarik posted new content

Latest content from Valeria Bednarik
Jun 02, 2019 14:16 PM
The AUD/USD pair edged marginally higher this past week, hitting a high of 0.6943 to settle a handful of pips below this last, confined throughout th...
Jun 02, 2019 14:15 PM
USD/JPY Current price: 108.27 US Treasury yields plunged to fresh 20-month low following Trump's tariffs on Mexico. Equities plummeted, Wall Street cl...
Jun 02, 2019 14:13 PM
The Sterling remained under selling pressure amid UK's political turmoil, falling against the greenback to 1.2558, its lowest since last February, be...
Jun 02, 2019 14:09 PM
The EUR/USD pair closed the week with losses at 1.1170, despite the greenback edged lower at the end of the week, on the back of month-end fixing. Ne...
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