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Latest content from Valeria Bednarik
Jun 10, 2019 20:38 PM
AUD/USD Current Price: 0.6961 The so-called commodity currencies underperformed on Monday, despite gains seen in Wall Street stocks, with AUD/USD losi...
Jun 10, 2019 20:36 PM
USD/JPY Current Price: 108.44 The dollar advanced versus most competitors on Monday, leaving an upward gap against the yen at the weekly opening......
Jun 10, 2019 20:32 PM
GBP/USD Current Price: 1.2691 The British Pound was among the worst performers on Monday, falling against the greenback to the 1.2650 area at one poin...
Jun 10, 2019 20:30 PM
EUR/USD Current Price: 1.1317 The EUR/USD lost steam on Monday and pulled back from highs struck last Friday in the vicinity of 1.1347. The euro rose ...
Jun 10, 2019 13:03 PM
The EUR/USD pair started the week with a soft tone, with the greenback up amid relief news indicating that the US and Mexico reached a deal on immigr...
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