Important update about Wednesday. Please read immediately

Palm Beach Research Group
Here's what outside experts are saying about
"The World's First Unbeatable Stock-Picking System":
"They're definitely finding stocks under the radar 
that you won't hear from other firms."
— $2.5 billion asset manager Forbes called "King of the Quants," Louis Navellier
"They've done something again that just 
no one else has been able to do."
— Head of Research Sales at Bloomberg Tradebook, Craig Logrande
"When I zeroed in, my eyes kind of popped out of my head where I think it said you would've beat [the market], I think it was like 5,800 to 1 or something like that. That just doesn't happen normally."
— Master of Data Science, trader for BNP Paribas and JPMorgan, David Hamilton
"I know that they're walking the talk 
and they're able to show that what they say delivers."
— Former Managing Director of the Chartered Market Technicians Association, Gordon Scott

Dear Reader,

I'm writing you about the exclusive online event we're broadcasting on Wednesday at 8 pm ET from New York City...

Over the years, we've brought you some incredible investment opportunities...

Cryptocurrencies... Tech investment plays... Elite options strategies...

But this Wednesday at 8 pm ET... 

You're invited to join us in New York City via an exclusive online broadcast for an event unlike anything you have ever seen...

It's an investment breakthrough almost a decade and a quarter of a million dollars in the making...

A breakthrough created by two Wall Street insiders that could make you more money, with more certainty, than any other investment idea we have ever shared with you before... 

We simply call it: The World's First UNBEATABLE Stock-Picking System.

This is the untold story of the scientific investment system that could finally help YOU beat the market.

For years, it has been the secret weapon of some of Wall Street's top traders... hedge fund wizards... and asset managers.

It's an entirely new way of investing unlike anything ever seen outside of Wall Street before... 

And almost guaranteed to have the potential to help you make more money than any other investment you have ever tried in your life...

Studies by Ivy League researchers from Cornell and Columbia show over the past three decades this system has outperformed even the world's greatest investors — including Carl Icahn, Warren Buffett, and Ray Dalio — by more than 500 to 1.

You have never seen or heard of anything like this before...

But you only have a few hours left to join us before the event airs on Wednesday, October 2nd.

I hope you can make the exclusive online premiere because there are some big bonuses in it for you. For example, to put this system to the ultimate test in Manhattan... you're going to see it used live on camera to pinpoint the five top stocks in today's hottest sectors, including:

  • The #1 5G Stock... 
  • The #1 Tech Stock... 
  • The #1 Gold Stock... 
  • The #1 Cryptocurrency Stock... 
  • And The #1 Cannabis Stock...

You'll get the names of all these stocks, for free, during this event — so you can see the proof with your own eyes that this truly is the world's first unbeatable stock-picking system.

If you ask me, this is the one investment event you cannot afford to miss. 

If you haven't already registered, here's why you want to do so immediately...

As part of this exclusive FREE event, Wall Street insider Jason Bodner has created a series of free training videos to help you get the most out of the event...

Whether you ultimately decide to use his system or not, this series can help you make smarter more profitable investment decisions instantly.

But I have to warn you – it goes against the grain of a lot of investment advice you've probably heard before. But this is the scoop from a real Wall Street insider, and I think definitely worth your time and attention.

This free course is not available anywhere else. You cannot buy access to it at any price.

However, for the next few days only, Jason has agreed to grant free access to any Palm Beach Research Group subscribers who would like to view it.

Here's why you want to claim your free access instantly...

And that's only the beginning of what you'll see in Jason's free training!

Simply click here now to claim your instant free access to Jason Bodner's FREE investment training. (This material is not available anywhere else, at any price. And it all goes offline at 5 pm ET on Wednesday, October 2nd.)

So please click here to instantly register for this event, while there's still time — and make sure you don't miss out.
(Click on the link to add your email address automatically to Jason's RSVP list.)

Good investing,

Chaka Ferguson
Managing Editor, Palm Beach Research Group

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