You coming? Big new event this Wednesday

Jeff Clark Trader
Special event broadcast from NYC
Wednesday, October 2nd at 8 pm ET
The World's First Unbeatable Stock-Picking System
Tested and Proven by Ivy League researchers
from Cornell and Columbia 
to pinpoint the #1 stock on the S&P 500
almost every year since 1990... 
Beat Warren Buffett, Carl Icahn, and Ray Dalio
by more than 500 to 1...
And could have turned $1,000 into more than $19.7 million...
Here's what outside experts are saying about
"The World's First Unbeatable Stock-Picking System":
"They're definitely finding stocks under the radar 
that you won't hear from other firms."
— $2.5 billion asset manager Forbes called "King of the Quants," Louis Navellier
"They've done something again that just 
no one else has been able to do."
— Head of Research Sales at Bloomberg Tradebook, Craig Logrande
"When I zeroed in, my eyes kind of popped out of my head where I think it said you would've beat [the market], I think it was like 5,800 to 1 or something like that. That just doesn't happen normally."
— Master of Data Science, trader for BNP Paribas and JPMorgan, David Hamilton
"I know that they're walking the talk 
and they're able to show that what they say delivers."
— Former Managing Director of the Chartered Market Technicians Association, Gordon Scott

Dear Reader,

If you want to make real money in today's market, clear your schedule...

Because this Wednesday, my colleague — Jason Bodner — is hosting an online training event that he says could show you how you could make you more money with more certainty than almost any investment you have ever tried before.

Here's why you want to sign up immediately...

Coming from someone like Jason, that is an incredibly bold claim.

He has traded hundreds of billions of dollars on the options trading desk for some of Wall Street's biggest power players. I'm talking hedge funds, investment banks — the kind of people who have more money than God. 

So when Jason says something like that, my ears prick up.

And you should pay attention too. Because this week only, Jason is holding a free training on his breakthrough investment methods that I think you might find interesting and valuable. 

It's called The World's First Unbeatable Stock-Picking System.

And even though this training doesn't deal with options specifically, a number of Jason's followers have used his recommendations to trade options with outstanding results.

For example, Eric J. said: 

"Great call! I'm an options guy. So, I actually sold naked puts (bullish) on this... and made an excellent return in less than a week."

Phil P. said: 

"It would be great if you could add options trades I have, and they are doing very well One is up $875, Another is up $3,507, Another is up $1,618. Another is up $2,780." 

And Rob M. said:

"I am up about 80% on my option positions. My total profits year to date... are at about $105,000 in three months. All I can say is keep up the great work, Jason!" 

Those are great results.

Too good to be true? 

Register instantly to join him and his partner Luke, and a panel of outside experts, for his exclusive event on Wednesday, October 2nd, at 8 pm ET so you can see the undeniable proof for yourself.

It's happening this week only.

And again, I strongly encourage you to register instantly.
(Click on the link to add your email address automatically to Jason's event's RSVP list.)


Jeff Clark

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455 NE 5th Ave, Suite D286, Delray Beach, FL 33483
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