7 Things Entrepreneurs Should Know about SEO

Posted: 01 Oct 2019 11:00 AM PDT

Considering how much the internet can become a sales outlet for a business, more entrepreneurs are open to establishing an online presence, typically through a website.

Having a website, however, isn't the be-all and end-all if you want your business to succeed online. And before the design of your website comes into play, consumers have to first find your site. This is where search engine optimization (SEO) comes in.

SEO is a collection of techniques that one uses to boost the ranking of a website in search engine results pages (SERPs) of Google, etc. The higher a website ranks on a  SERP, the more visible the website is, which, in turn, leads to a greater chance of being getting clicked by users. All those clicks mean organic traffic, which could result in greater leads and conversions for your business.

So, as you can see, boosting the visibility of your business and generating more sales isn't just about creating a website. Here are seven additional things about SEO that entrepreneurs should know.

On-page optimization

On-page SEO refers to techniques that you implement within your website to catch the attention of search engines, whose crawlers or bots scour the internet for relevant keywords typed in by users.

Among the many on-page optimization techniques you can use include creating a meta description for each page. A meta description is essentially a brief summary of a web page. A meta tag is a snippet of text that appears in the source code of the page; it doesn't show up on the page itself. Therefore, it's important to carefully choose the right keywords and phrases for your meta tags, because this is what search engines crawl whenever a user types in a search.

Off-page optimization

Off-page SEO refers to steps you can take outside of your business's website to improve the visibility (and ranking) of your company on SERPs. One method is link building, which is where other websites link back to your company website.

Guest blogging is a primary example of an off-page SEO action, wherein you reach out to other webmasters and ask them to publish content you created on their blogs. Submitting content to article directories and posting to social media are yet other off-page optimization strategies.

White hat SEO

Google and other search engines have set rules and conditions that all websites hoping to rise in search rankings have to follow. White hat SEO refers to optimization practices that comply with these rules.

Creating original and high-quality content, making your website easy to navigate, boosting the load speeds of your pages, and anything that will improve the user experience (UX) are some white hat SEO practices that help you create a website and business that's ethical and sustainably successful.

Black hat SEO

Any technique to improve search rankings that violates the rules and conditions set by the search engines falls under black hat SEO. Getting caught – and you will be caught –  can ban your website from Google and other search engines.

Among the many black hat SEO tactics that can tank your website are

  • Keyword stuffing, which is squeezing as many SEO keywords onto a page as physically possible
  • Duplicate content, which is essentially copying and posting a substantial amount of content from another website
  • Irrelevant keywords
  • Clickbait, usually in the form of a deceptive headline that pulls users into a website only to show them uninteresting or unrelated content;
  • Link-buying, where you pay another webmaster to publish a backlink to your site

Content is king

You've probably heard the above phrase a million times, but it remains true. In the early days of SEO, many in the optimizing business didn't bother about providing quality content.

That isn't to say, however, that not all websites didn't provide quality content. In fact, many sites did, but they didn't occupy higher ranking on the SERPs.

Before its earth-shaking algorithm updates, Google gave prime ranking to websites that were stuffed with keywords but had garbage for content. It wasn't uncommon for sites to have nothing but keywords for content stay at the top of the SERPs. Websites that actually offered engaging and useful content but didn't have much in the way of keyword density often found themselves occupying much lower search rankings.

That's ancient history now, thanks to the significant and continuous changes Google has been making to its algorithm since the early 2000s. Panda, Penguin and all the other updates have restored content to its throne. Today, quality content is one of the top Google ranking factors, and webmasters would do well to provide their audience that.

So what types of content should you provide your website users to improve your SEO? Here are some suggestions:

How-to articles

People scour the internet for solutions every day in search of solutions to problems. How-to articles covering specific topics relevant to your industry or niche serve that need, which is something that Google will undoubtedly notice. Are there articles you could write about common questions or problems relating to the products or services you provide consumers?

Authoritative blog posts

Assuming your website has a blog, authoritative posts can position your business as an authority within your niche. Relevant industry news and opinion pieces about developments within your industry qualify as quality content.

List posts

People enjoy well-conceived and written, engaging, and relevant lists. They are likely to be shared, which is always good for your SEO.


An article about a certain topic is good, but an infographic covering the same subject tends to be easier to digest for many people. It is also more visually engaging and more likely to be shared.


Aside from being more engaging than infographics, videos are poised to account for 82% of all web traffic by 2022.

Mobile is the future, and that future is here.

About 70% of internet traffic comes from mobile phones. As of April 2019, nearly 4 billion people are unique mobile internet users. This data alone should convince entrepreneurs to have a mobile version of their website done.

One more thing to consider is that Google now bases rankings and search listings of websites based on whether a mobile version exists. That is a clear indication that Google, the biggest search engine, wants people who have websites to go mobile.

Of course, the best way to go mobile is to work with a web designer to make your site responsive. With a responsive web design, your website should display perfectly on smartphones, tablets and all mobile devices.

SEO is for the long-term

There is no such thing as instant SEO results. You cannot expect your site to rank high in search results immediately after optimizing it. Even the best optimized websites take  four to six months to achieve any results, and the first results aren't earth-shattering.

SEO results improve over time. With a consistent SEO campaign, you will reach your optimization goals. However, once you get there, don't ignore SEO work. You have competitors, and they will stop at nothing to pull the rug out from under you and get that top ranking for themselves. And SEO work is never done.

SEO is a very young field, and it will continue to evolve. Learn what you can about SEO, and keep abreast of future developments.

How to Build a Sales Team at Scale

Posted: 01 Oct 2019 07:00 AM PDT

You are working hard to build your business and launch your product. You have done your market research, and know you have a quality product that your customers want and need. But how are you going to market and sell your product? With the right sales team in place, your new product could be the next big thing on the market.

Increasing sales cost-effectively is the key to growing an organization sustainably and profitably. To achieve your sales goal and growth target, you need to not only build a high-performing sales team but also structure it so you can scale up quickly to support your growth.

Building the right sales team involves more than simply posting a position on Indeed for an experienced sales rep. You will also need to set them up for success by providing them with the right sales tool, creating measurable performance indicators and motivating them to reach your desired sales quotas. Here's how to build a sales team and set it up for success.

Determine the type of sales team you need

The type of sales professionals you need on your team depends on your business model, the nature of your products or services, your growth trajectory and your target market(s).

Consider whether you need inside sales, field sales or both. Identify the kind of background and experience required, and determine the number of sales reps you need to scale up. You will also need to decide on the processes and tools that will be required to support the growth. Planning these things in advance will ensure that you are hiring the right people for the right job.

Once you have determined what type of sales personnel you will need to assemble, it is time to start hiring them.

Hire the right team members

Your initial hires will most likely be account executives, and it's important to find the right talent. Exceptional AE's can close up to 45% of opportunities in the pipeline, compared to low-performing AE's that close less than 15%. As you are interviewing and hiring your new AE, it is important to know what you are looking for in a successful salesperson.

High-performing sales talents possess the intelligence to think outside of the box and give thoughtful responses in conversations. They're coachable, curious, humble and willing to learn from others. Most also have a competitive streak that drives them to work hard and achieve results.

Assembling a sales team with diverse backgrounds can improve your capability to pursue different opportunities. Hire for gender diversity, cultural diversity and experience diversity to bring in a broader perspective and open up new markets.

Design a repeatable sales process

A sales process is a set of steps that your sales team takes to move a prospect along the sales funnel. The funnel includes prospecting, connecting, researching, presenting and closing.

To scale up your sales operation, make sure your sales reps are delivering a consistent customer experience. They will do this by following an optimized sales process so they can achieve repeatable outcomes.

Your sales funnel will continue to improve over time, but it is best to design and map out this process in the beginning. While a good sales executive can wing it through a single presentation, having a scalable and successful sales funnel requires a documented and repeatable sales process for your whole team to follow.

Determine KPIs to measure success

As the saying goes, "What gets measured gets done." By establishing the right key performance indicators (KPIs), and clearly communicating sales goals to your team, you can get everyone aligned with the company's long-term vision while empowering them to take initiatives that will drive meaningful results.

Some important sales KPIs you should measure include sales growth, sales target, customer acquisition cost, customer lifetime value, customer churn rate, lead-to-opportunity ratio, opportunity-to-close ratio, conversion rate and profit margin per sales rep.

Also, use analytics tools and set up a reporting system so you can extract actionable insights from the metrics and make accurate data-driven decisions to fine-tune your sales process as you grow.

Train and motivate your team

A repeatable and scalable onboarding process is key to making sure that everyone shares the same "institutional knowledge" so your team can deliver a predictable and consistent sales experience.

Use gamification to motivate your team with point systems and a leaderboard. These will tap into many sales reps' competitive instincts. For example, you can encourage team members to adopt new sales tools or drive specific results through sales contests.

You also need to have a compensation system that ties performance to commission and bonuses to incentivize sales reps. This will allow you to balance cost and risk while attracting the top sales talent.

Implement the right sales tools

Digitalization and automation allow you to scale up quickly and efficiently. Use these to your advantage by tapping into the vast amount of customer information you have at your disposal. Effectively using the right sales tools will allow sales reps to make data-driven decisions, and thus increase ROI.

Invest in the right sales software applications in sales intelligence, sales enablement, sales engagement, analytics and management/coaching. This will allow your sales team to streamline workflow and increase sales productivity.

Use a robust communication platform

Most of today's sales activities are conducted over the phone. You will need a robust VoIP business phone service and cloud contact center software that can provide the right capabilities on-demand. These tools will enable you to access the best-in-class communication tools as you grow, without a hefty upfront investment.

For example, a cloud-based call center platform allows you to use a remote sales team and tap into a larger talent pool while lowering operating costs. It also has numerous monitoring and reporting features so you can obtain real-time analytics to improve sales performance.

Editor's note: Looking for the right VoIP phone system for your business? Fill out the below questionnaire to have our vendor partners contact you about your needs.


Improve talent retention

Did you know that it typically costs $5,000 to $7,500 to hire and onboard each new employee? Don't throw money away by having to continually onboard new sales reps.

You're investing heavily in recruiting and training your sales team, so the last thing you want is a high turnover rate that will increase hiring costs, lower sales productivity and impact the consistency of the customer experience.

It's therefore important to analyze your attrition rate and see how you can improve employee retention. For example, by providing proper training, offering advancement opportunities, improving management and leadership style, increasing employee engagement and boosting morale you will be able to improve employee retention.


The eight steps outlined above will assist you in building a quality sales team. You have high sales goals in your business. Use these tools to build an amazing team that will help you meet those goals.

By taking the time, in the beginning, to determine what type of sales team you will be building, you can ensure you are hiring the right people for the right job. By designing a repeatable sales process and outlining measurable performance indicators, you will be setting your people up for success from the beginning.

Lastly, through motivation and providing the right tools for your team to efficiently do their job, you will improve team morale and decrease the turn-over rate. This will all lead to a successful sales team that can scale quickly as your company grows.

How to Effectively Work with a Business Interpreter

Posted: 01 Oct 2019 07:00 AM PDT

It's not uncommon for clients of language service providers (LSPs) to expect a lot from their interpreters. After all, they are paying for the services they get. Interpreters should be competent and prepared for the task, and not the cause of any miscommunication that ruins business deals or proposals. However, there are things that can be done to help ensure that the resulting interpretations are accurate and precise.

If you want to ensure efficient interpreting, here are several factors to consider.

1. Make sure you hire the best interpreter

Before anything else, you need to ascertain that you are getting only the best interpreting services available. Adopt a stringent vetting process, so you can be confident in the competence and track record of your interpreter. Once you start the session, there can't be any room for doubts or second thoughts in the capabilities of your interpreter. You can't work effectively with your business interpreter if you are not fully assured of their dependability.

By the way, if you are going to conduct lengthy meetings or conferences, it is recommended to have more than one interpreter. Interpreting is a mentally exhausting task, so someone should be on standby to take over the task if the first interpreter becomes mentally and physically depleted.

2. Brief your interpreter properly

What most people tend to think is that interpreters produce perfect verbal translations on the fly, that they are experts capable of churning out translations whenever or wherever. The reality is that interpreters also need to prepare for the sessions they do, especially if unfamiliar terms and concepts are set to be discussed.

The following points must be included in the briefing:

  • The kind of interpreting needed (simultaneous or consecutive)
  • The topics that will be discussed
  • The venue of the meeting

Before the session starts, the interpreter should already be aware if he or she has to interpret immediately while a speaker is talking (simultaneous) or wait for the speaker to pause so he can utter the translations (consecutive). It will be awkward if the interpreter still needs to ask people in the room about the type of interpreting to use.

It will be helpful for interpreters to know the topics so they can read about them and be familiar with the terms that will be used. This background knowledge of the topic is also useful for interpreters to understand the context of discussions so they can convey messages in the most efficient manner. When interpreters don't understand the ideas they need to interpret, they tend to use a lot of words as they try to explain a message. This convolutes the exchange of messages and delays the rate of interpreting, which is unacceptable for clients.

Moreover, interpreters must clearly know the location of the meeting so they can be there on time and prepare for the required logistics. Experienced interpreters can offer suggestions on how the participants of a meeting are to be seated in the venue and the technology that may be needed (microphones, earphones, etc.).

3. Provide documents or written materials if possible

This tip is in relation to the briefing process. It would certainly help if interpreters have access to documents or presentations that will be used in the meeting. Just make sure these are not confidential or sensitive documents. You can also provide written notes and annotations on documents.

Make sure, though,  that you emphasize the confidentiality of all information the interpreter will be exposed to in the process. Your service contract should include absolute confidentiality clauses.

4. Don't address the interpreter in a meeting, conversation, or discussion

Treat the interpreter as a vital communication tool, not a participant in the conversation or discussions. This may sound rude, but it's how it works. You should make eye contact with your audience or the people you are talking to, not with the interpreter. The interpreter serves as the voice so the parties in a conversation or discussion can use their body language and other non-verbal faculties to enhance the communication process.

5. Speak to communicate

The goal of using interpreting services is to facilitate communication between people who speak different languages. You hire an interpreter for you to understand what someone is saying and for you to be understood. As such, don't make things difficult for your interpreter. Remember the following:

  • Don't speak too fast, but also don't speak too slowly.
  • Enunciate your words well.
  • Don't use words or jargon the interpreter has difficulty translating.
  • Avoid using confusing terms or expressions.
  • Minimize the use of metaphors, hyperbole, slang and idioms.
  • If you crack jokes, make sure they are familiar ones. Avoid uttering insider jokes.
  • Avoid cutting your thoughts every so often and hopping into another topic.
  • Don't use complex sentence structures.
  • Consider pausing every once in a while if you notice the interpreter struggling with the pace.

It's not wrong to expect the utmost competence when working with an interpreter. However, don't try to test the skills of the person doing the interpreting for you. The interpreter is there to help you, so why should you make things difficult for him or her? It does not make sense to try and impress anyone by speaking fast and using hifalutin words.

You are not leaving the impression of being knowledgeable or educated when you make things difficult for your interpreter in the process. On the contrary, you could be ruining the conversation or discussion. If you want to project the image of someone with technical expertise, you may need to rehearse the things you want to say with your interpreter.

6. Mind your manners

If you are planning to use the language barrier to drop a curse or an offensive side comment about the person you are talking to, don't. Never put your interpreter on the spot. Don't presume that the interpreter can quickly filter your thoughts and words.

There are some instances when you become extremely frustrated with the person you are talking to that you may want to mock them. You may be tempted to cuss at them or be sarcastic. Most professional interpreters would try to filter abrasive statements out. However, they may eventually slip or be unable to keep up in providing sanitized interpretations. Don't make them suffer from your frustrations.

7. Think of your interpreter as a partner

Work hand in hand with your interpreter. If you notice that the interpreter fails to properly hear what you said, consider repeating your words voluntarily. It helps to agree on some cues to support each other. You can come up with gestures to signal a request to slow down (the talking), repeat a line, or say something louder.

You can also help your interpreter by subtly controlling a conversation that is getting out of control. Interpreters generally cannot control how a discussion moves along, especially when it morphs into a heated argument. They have no choice but to deal with what is served to them. For instance, when you and the person you are talking to are already interrupting each other, try to calm things down. Stop talking and let the other party finish everything they need to say first before you respond.

Interpreters can't serve their purpose properly if they are confused about whose words to interpret (since the speakers are talking at the same time). When the interpreter fails to interpret, it's useless talking as both parties are unlikely to understand what they are saying to each other.

When the tension builds up, be the bigger person and hold your emotions back. Don't try to out-talk or out-interrupt the person you are talking to. Else, your interpreter will have difficulty providing the corresponding translations.

The key to effectively working with a business interpreter is having a partnership mindset. You should treat your interpreter as an important factor in enabling communication. Don't see an interpreter as a faceless service you spent your money on. Rather, get acquainted with each other by doing a proper briefing, being sensitive to each other's communication needs, and focusing on the goal of making sure that your words are understood and that you understand the person you are talking to.

How to Celebrate National Women's Small Business Month

Posted: 01 Oct 2019 06:00 AM PDT

  • Women own 42% of businesses in the United States.
  • Women-owned businesses generate $1.9 trillion annually.
  • Women of color account for 50% of female business owners.

October is National Women's Small Business Month, which means it's time to celebrate women-owned businesses everywhere, as well as the outstanding progress female entrepreneurs have made over the years. If you're looking for creative ways to celebrate and support female entrepreneurship, keep reading.

1. Share the exciting facts about women in business.

Most articles about women in business (especially in STEM fields) focus almost exclusively on inequality and harassment, rather than on success, progress, opportunity or resilience. In celebration of National Women's Small Business Month, consider sharing some positive facts about women in business on your social media. After all, the best way to inspire young women to go into business is by encouraging them with success stories.

These three facts can get you started, but there's a lot more information in The 2019 State of Women-Owned Businesses Report, which is published annually by American Express and worthy of a full read.

  • In 1972, women only owned 4.6% of all businesses in the United States. As of 2019, women owned 42% of all businesses.
  • Women-owned businesses grew 21% from 2014 to 2019, and businesses owned by women of color grew at double that rate. Numbers for black women entrepreneurs grew the fastest, with an increase of 50%. In fact, as of 2019, women of color accounted for 50% of all women who owned businesses.
  • There are nearly 13 million women-owned businesses in the United States, employing 9.4 million workers and generating revenue of $1.9 trillion.

If you have your own story of female entrepreneurship, be sure to share that as well, especially in online business communities. It's vital for young women to see business ownership as a viable option for them, which often means having visible role models.

2. Get certified as a woman-owned business.

If you're a female entrepreneur and you want to throw your hat into the ring for government contracts, now is the perfect time to get certified as a woman-owned business. The Women-Owned Small Business Federal Contract Program helps female business owners get a fair shot at government contracts, and the more businesses compete, the better. You can create a profile now and see if you qualify for the Women-Owned Small Business Program. Once you certify, you need to change your profile status to let government organizations know you're eligible for work.

3. Volunteer or become a mentor.

Speaking of role models, if you're a thriving female entrepreneur, consider giving back by either volunteering with organizations that support women in business or becoming a mentor. Nonprofit organizations like the well-known Big Brothers Big Sisters of America are great places to start, but you can also begin at work, or by joining an online community like Fairygodboss, Girlboss or our community.

Adding your voice to those of other business owners might not seem groundbreaking, but representation matters, even if it's online. The more visible female business owners there are, the likelier young women are to go into business for themselves. It doesn't matter if you're a CEO with hundreds of reports or a small cottage business owner working part-time hours from home – your voice can make a difference.

4. Invest and donate to help women in business.

If you're too short on time to get into mentorship or advocacy, you can support female-owned small businesses by investing, donating or patronizing.

There are many causes that help underprivileged women go into business for themselves, like Kiva, which allows individuals to microlend directly to female entrepreneurs around the world. If you have access to larger amounts of capital, consider going the full venture capital route and investing directly in small women-run businesses.

There are also nonprofits that empower women to achieve financial independence, like Dress for Success, which helps women in need get appropriate attire for interviews and navigate the professional world with confidence. Nontraditional Employment for Women is another great charity, helping women enter trade careers that pay well and do not require degrees – and in which women are vastly underrepresented. The Center for Women & Enterprise helps women in the United States start their own businesses by providing them with valuable guidance, access and resources.

Of course, before donating to these or any other charities, check them out on Charity Navigator so you know how efficient and transparent they are. If you want to raise extra awareness for National Women's Small Business Month, consider starting a fundraising campaign on Facebook for one of the charities listed here (or another organization that supports women in the workforce).

5. Network with other women in business.

Even if you're not a small business owner, this month is a great time to connect with women in your field and build meaningful connections. Professional meetups as well as established local business groups can help women in various fields find like-minded peers.

Larger organizations like the National Association of Women Business Owners, Women's Business Enterprise National Council, National Association for Female Executives, American Business Women's Association and National Women's Business Council all host events and help connect women with similar business interests. You may also want to reach out to your local branch of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, even though it isn't a female-specific organization, as it is the largest small business advocacy group in the country, and attending a few local events may help you meet other female entrepreneurs.

How to Increase Your Landing Page Conversion Rate

Posted: 01 Oct 2019 06:00 AM PDT

With so much competition out there, it's challenging to grab your audience's attention and convince them that your products and services outdo all the rest. Marketers are constantly trying to come up with ways to sell their products and market to customers effectively.

Although the landscape of marketing is ever-changing, the landing page is here to stay. Used by 68% of B2B businesses, it's an effective way to capture leads and generate sales.

A business's landing page is the hub of information about a specific product or service. It educates users about how the product works, what problem it solves and how it benefits the customer. Its primary goal is to push visitors into taking some sort of action, such as joining an email list, signing up for a subscription service, or purchasing a product, for example.

Is there a product or service you want to get the word out about? Do your customers struggle to understand how much value it brings them? Are you trying to increase conversions, generate sales, and nurture leads down the conversion funnel? If so, it's time to create an optimized landing page.

While your website as a whole works to promote your brand and its content, it doesn't focus on just one objective. Landing pages work to narrow users' focus on one specific product or service. Moreso, they aim to persuade visitors to participate in an action.

Think of your landing page as a marketing tool designed to help you reach your goals with a particular campaign. When you focus on one product or service and go in-depth about its benefits to the customer, they feel intrigued to keep scrolling and eventually make a purchase.

Research shows that long-form landing pages can increase conversions up to 220%. It accelerates your business growth by collecting user information, nurturing leads, prolonging engagement on your website, driving sales, and much more. It's also a great way to promote an event, run a giveaway and build buzz around your brand for heightened exposure.

Four ways you can increase your landing page conversions are by:

  • Including the necessary components

  • Using mobile-friendly practices

  • Improving the user experience

  • Optimizing calls-to-action

Here is more detail on each strategy.

1. Create a structured layout

It's important to organize the components of your landing page if you want visitors to convert. You need to lead them through your landing page as though you're holding their hand, calming their fears and answering their questions along the way. This is especially critical for new visitors to your website and brand.

Make sure it's easy for users to navigate through your landing page and stay there. You can ensure this by organizing and setting up its components beforehand so it's structured and doesn't lead visitors astray. 

The elements of a landing page usually include:

  • Headline

  • Visual content such as images, videos and infographics

  • Benefits of your products and services 

  • Social proof, such as case studies or customer reviews

  • Contact forms

  • Calls to action (CTA)

Every company does their landing page content differently, but for the most part, these components stay in a similar order. For WordPress users, choosing the right WordPress plugins for your landing page is essential to drive conversions and collect leads. If your website doesn't have the components necessary to drive traffic to your landing page, you won't be able to reach your goals.

2. Use mobile-friendly practices

More people are choosing to browse the internet and make purchases using their smartphones, and as such, you need to create a landing page that's optimized for mobile. 

tt takes only three seconds for mobile users to decide they can't wait for a webpage to load anymore. As a result, they exit the page, your bounce rate increases, and you ultimately lose a lead. 

You can prevent this from happening by regularly testing your landing page speed by using Google's Mobile-Friendly Test. Some best practices to optimize your landing page for mobile include:

  • Have a noticeable, attention-grabbing CTA that users can see without scrolling

  • Provide a simple navigation menu

  • Avoid the need for users to zoom in

  • Use easy to read fonts and color schemes

Make it a habit to regularly test your landing page before it goes live to ensure the best possible outcome for mobile users exploring your campaign.

3. Improve the UX

Along with optimizing for mobile, there are several other ways to improve the user experience. The UX is the overall experience a visitor has while browsing your website, and if it's poor, you can guarantee they won't be back. That's why it's essential to provide a UX that caters to users and makes it easy for them to navigate your content.

Let's start with your contact form, which you need to collect user information so you can get in touch with them later. If it's tedious or difficult to fill out, you're sure to lose out on prospects and revenue. Make it easy by simplifying form fields, which can boost form conversions by 26%. Don't require visitors to hand over several pieces of information when an email address is enough for now.

Just like it's crucial to increase your site speed for mobile users, it's essential to do so for desktop users as well. Use Google PageSpeed Insights to receive a speed score and determine what tweaks must be made on your landing page so it meets Google's standards. It gives you specific ways to improve, such as resizing images or removing CSS, so you have a higher chance of driving conversions and increasing user engagement.

Optimizing file sizes is also essential to improve the UX, as it can slow pages down or cause them to crash entirely. Use a tool like TinyJPG to compress images for faster loading speed. If you're a WordPress user, issues with uploading images is a common WordPress error you can fix with a quick Google search.

4. Optimize CTAs

Creating optimized calls-to-action for your landing page isn't optional if you're going to drive results. Your call-to-action is a crucial part of your landing page success and how well it creates conversions for your business. The wording, colors, copy, size, and placement determine how users receive it and if they're likely to click through to the offer. 

A good CTA is actionable, clear and concise. Its straightforwardness leaves no room for confusion so visitors know what they're expected to do. Align the action with the offer so it's more intriguing for users to participate. 

Out of the following two options, which one do you think entices users more: subscribe or join for free?

If you chose the second one, you're correct. Netflix used this specific CTA button to encourage users to sign up for a subscription. Another good example of a membership site using compelling copy is Codecademy, which has a button text that reads "Start coding now." Instead of asking visitors to submit to a mundane request, it urges them to begin their coding journey.

Choose colors that mesh well together and don't clash. Research will tell you various things about which colors work best, but really it depends on what you're trying to achieve since certain colors evoke different emotions. 

Whether you use blue to build trust, red to produce excitement, or orange to come off friendly, one thing remains the same: your CTA needs to pop. Create a clear contrast between the button color and the background so the call-to-action text stands out.

Regardless of what you're trying to achieve with your landing page, it's essential to set it up correctly so your business reaches its goals. Make sure it has all the components it needs to thrive and use mobile-friendly practices to reach non-desktop users. Provide a positive UX for visitors and create CTAs that grab their attention and encourages them to click through. 

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