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Oct 01, 2019 07:55 AM
Germany Markit Manufacturing PMI above forecasts (41.4) in September: Actual (41.7)...
Oct 01, 2019 07:50 AM
France Markit Manufacturing PMI came in at 50.1 below forecasts (50.3) in September...
Oct 01, 2019 07:45 AM
Italy Markit Manufacturing PMI came in at 47.8, below expectations (48) in September...
Oct 01, 2019 07:30 AM
Switzerland SVME - Purchasing Managers' Index registered at 44.6, below expectations (46.5) in September...
Oct 01, 2019 07:30 AM
Austria Unemployment dipped from previous 279.2K to 272.1K in September...
Oct 01, 2019 07:30 AM
Austria Unemployment Rate remains unchanged at 6.7% in September...
Oct 01, 2019 07:15 AM
Spain Markit Manufacturing PMI registered at 47.7, below expectations (48.2) in September...
Oct 01, 2019 07:05 AM
Colombia National Jobless Rate increased to 10.8% in August from previous 10.7%...
Oct 01, 2019 06:32 AM
Australia RBA Commodity Index SDR (YoY) above forecasts (-17.7%) in September: Actual (1.8%)...
Oct 01, 2019 06:30 AM
Sweden Purchasing Managers Index Manufacturing (MoM) down to 46.3 in September from previous 52.4...
Oct 01, 2019 06:30 AM
Switzerland Real Retail Sales (YoY) came in at -1.4% below forecasts (-0.3%) in August...
Oct 01, 2019 06:13 AM
Russia HSBC Manufacturing PMI declined to 46.3 in September from previous 49.1...
Oct 01, 2019 06:00 AM
United Kingdom Nationwide Housing Prices n.s.a (YoY) came in at 0.2%, below expectations (0.5%) in September...
Oct 01, 2019 06:00 AM
United Kingdom Nationwide Housing Prices s.a (MoM) came in at -0.2% below forecasts (0.1%) in September...
Oct 01, 2019 04:32 AM
AUD/USD jumps to 0.6760 on expected RBA rate cut by 25 bps to 0.75% ...
Oct 01, 2019 04:30 AM
Australia RBA Interest Rate Decision meets expectations (0.75%)...
Oct 01, 2019 04:07 AM
Indonesia Core Inflation (YoY) came in at 3.32%, above expectations (3.29%) in September...
Oct 01, 2019 04:05 AM
Indonesia Inflation (YoY) below forecasts (3.52%) in September: Actual (3.39%)...
Oct 01, 2019 04:05 AM
Indonesia Inflation (MoM) came in at -0.27% below forecasts (-0.15%) in September...
Oct 01, 2019 01:30 AM
Australia Building Permits (YoY): -21.5% (August) vs -28.5%...
Oct 01, 2019 01:30 AM
Australia Building Permits (MoM) below expectations (2.5%) in August: Actual (-1.1%)...
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