Valeria Bednarik posted new content

Latest content from Valeria Bednarik
Oct 01, 2019 19:41 PM
The AUD/USD pair fell to 0.6671, its lowest in a decade, on the back of the Reserve Bank of Australia monetary policy decision. As anticipated, the c...
Oct 01, 2019 19:39 PM
The USD/JPY pair has reached 108.46, just one pip away from September high, as risk appetite dominated the first half of the day, weighing on the saf...
Oct 01, 2019 19:38 PM
The GBP/USD pair flirted with the 1.2200 figure during the London session, its lowest in almost a month, on the back of persistent dollar's strength ...
Oct 01, 2019 19:36 PM
The EUR/USD pair has fallen to a fresh multi-year low of 1.0878 but ended up bouncing from the level, to close Tuesday in positive ground at around 1...
Oct 01, 2019 13:02 PM
The EUR/USD pair is battling around the 1.0900 level, still under pressure and having posted a lower low for the year at 1.0878, amid persistent dema...
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