Scandalous Money and the Cryptocosm

Gilder's Daily Prophecy

November 15, 2019


This Never-Before-Seen Footage Will Be Removed On Sunday

Due to what's revealed in this surprising footage

We'll be removing it from the internet on Sunday night.

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Scandalous Money and the Cryptocosm

George GilderDear Daily Prophecy Reader,

Before we head into the weekend, I'd like to share one of my recent lectures at the Consensus conference.

There, I was on a panel with Joseph Lubin, co-founder of Ethereum and founder of ConsenSys. We had a conversation detailing scandalous money and the Cryptocosm.

I've detailed my thoughts on blockchain and security many times in my Prophecies.

You see, in the current cue ball world, where everything is frictionless and transparently hackable, anonymity rules with its inevitable partner of paranoia. The US thinks it has to keep Chinese eyes and routers away from US IP addresses, which it thinks it owns. At the same time, China is erecting a new great firewall against the rest of the world.

As telecom pioneer Dan Berninger explains, this is all ridiculous. We invented IP addresses to enable wide area communications between computers. Now they are being given to watches and heart monitors, kitchen appliances and treadmills.

But what has been invented by engineers can be replaced by the new inventions of the next generation of engineers.

The cue ball will give way to the Cryptocosm.

The porous pyramid run by monopolies and politicians will succumb to a bottom-up architecture — anchored in the immutable timestamped ledgers of a reinvented blockchain.

Indispensable to an internet of things (IoT), billions of 5G antennas, autonomous cars, global virtual worlds, global money, or international trade and harmony will be an immutable blockchain substrate of trust and security and real identity.

I detail these ideas further in the lecture.

You can click here to watch the video or simply click on the image below.

George, Joseph Lubin, Dan Berninger


George Gilder

George Gilder
Editor, Gilder's Daily Prophecy

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If You Use Apps, a Smartphone or Online Banking…

Man holding cell phoneYou'd better read this.

Because, says world-famous futurist George Gilder, we're headed for a stunning $16.8 trillion reboot that could impact the way you use every single one of those modern tools.

It could also radically transform the way you get paid, the way you save and — maybe most of all — the way you invest for retirement.

It's all in his brand-new presentation — you'll find it at this link.

What you'll see could change our way of life, the way microchips did. The way the internet did. The way smartphones have.

And, says George, it could make you exceedingly rich — click here to see why.

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