The #1 Options Strategy Investors Ignore

If you're an investor or trader who loves the challenge of trading options and wants a simple strategy to triple the income you can get from your portfolio without adding risk, I have good news for you today:

Since 2011, I've helped investors and traders master a simple strategy to collect $367.32 or more in additional weekly income selling options.

That's $19,100 in annual income most people are missing out on.

This week, I'm releasing a complimentary guide that shows you how to capitalize on my strategy and put that $19,100 (or more) into YOUR pocket…

…it's called the Weekly Paycheck Strategy Guide and right now, you can get it "on the house."

Inside you’ll discover:

  • The #1 options strategy most investors ignore — produces 98% successful trades...
  • How to collect instant cash from your portfolio that pays you 400% more than your bank ever will…
  •  A small “trick” that prevents losing trades and actually INCREASES the amount of cash you’re making... 
  • How to collect "weekly" dividends (really big idea)... 
  •  And much more!

I lay out the exact steps you can take to generate hundreds to thousands of dollars per week in additional income – I have students performing at those levels right now, so I'm comfortable telling you that you can, too.

Best of all, the strategy works for anyone at any level of experience and is one of the safest methods of trading options available.

If you want to significantly increase the income you get from your portfolio while keeping your risk to the bare minimum, then you need to read this guide!

Get Your Weekly Paycheck Strategy Guide Here

Trade Smarter,
Michael Shulman
Options Income Masters

p.s. While most investors are scraping by on 5-7% income from their portfolio, my students are getting results ranging from 18% to 30%. How?

Read the Weekly Paycheck Strategy Guide

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