5 Top Stocks to Buy in December

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With Turkey Day behind us, it's time to see which stocks shine brightest in the month ahead. Plus, Google's co-founders call it quits, and seven intriguing facts about a little-known but widely used tech stock.
— Nathan Alderman, Stock Up Editor

5 Top Stocks to Buy in December

Portfolios can be notoriously hard to shop for. Remember that time you spent ages searching for the perfect stock to give your brokerage account, only to see your carefully chosen surprise end up gathering dust at the bottom of your monthly statement or quietly sold off at a loss? (Regifting. It's the worst.)

Luckily, our contributors have rounded up excellent ideas for potentially profitable new holdings for even the pickiest portfolio, just in time for the holiday season.

  1. If your portfolio's the buttoned-down, risk-averse type, it'll love this steady performer. It operates in a boring business that tries to keep its products as far from consumers' sight as possible — yet its work is so essential to modern life that you might be indirectly giving it money as you read this. Low overhead and high margins mean this company pays fat dividends, and its future prospects look better all the time.
  2. It's tough to gift-wrap an entire petrochemical plant, but this booming, cash-gushing company makes a great alternative. It's raking in money processing crude oil into refined products, building billions of dollars in new projects, and lavishing investors with a hefty dividend. Better yet, it's on sale right now — and you won't have to throw any elbows in a crowded store to get a piece for yourself.
  3. If you're looking for something a little more personal, try this promising online shop. Numbers of buyers and sellers for its handmade and vintage goods have both been rising, as have its sales. Its share price has been doing the opposite, though, giving you a better chance to buy in and potentially enjoy many happy returns.
  4. Chances are good that you'll be getting something from this mighty tech brand for your friends or loved ones this year — so why not get your portfolio some of its shares? Despite years of success, this company's anything but played out, with plenty of opportunities for future growth and must-have products and services on the horizon.
  5. For folks living with or at risk of type II diabetes, this upstart company is giving the gift of longer, healthier lives. It analyzes patients' medical data to help them make smarter choices so they can live to enjoy many more holidays to come. With soaring subscriber counts and promising plans to start helping people manage other chronic conditions, this stock could add some good cheer to your portfolio as well.

To unwrap these ideas and learn whether they deserve a spot on your wish list, read the rest.

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End of an Era: Larry Page and Sergey Brin Step Down at Alphabet

It began in a Stanford dorm room. Now it kind of maybe rules the world a little. And the guys who created it have decided they're feeling lucky enough to step back and let someone else take control.

Alphabet (NASDAQ: GOOG) (NASDAQ: GOOGL) co-founders Sergey Brin and Larry Page are relinquishing their shared CEO role of the holding company of Google and its many other bets and handing the entire company's reins to current Google CEO Sundar Pichai.

Pichai, who's been with the company for 15 years, seems like a solid choice to run Alphabet, given his steady management of the lucrative Google division to ever-greater success. Brin and Page aren't going too far; they'll stick around as shareholders and board members — and will hopefully keep up that whole "don't be evil" thing.

Cue the Sarah McLachlan-scored soft-focus farewell montage and read the rest.

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7 Fascinating Things to Know About Twilio

If your phone just pinged to tell you something from one of your apps — maybe your Lyft (NASDAQ: LYFT) ride is on its way or your Airbnb host says your rental's ready — you probably have Twilio (NASDAQ: TWLO) to thank. This tech company's behind-the-scenes tools help businesses communicate with people via voice, text, and more.

We've assembled seven things you'll want to know about this intriguing investment. Here are the first three to get you started:

  1. It already has a huge market for the taking. Current estimates suggest Twilio's captured just 2.4% of a market that totals at least $45 billion.
  2. It's moving into lucrative new markets. Twilio just launched one product to help companies easily set up customer call centers and another toolkit to extend its reach into the Internet of Things.
  3. Developers, developers, developers, developers. Twilio caters to the folks who actually write the code that makes apps happen — and that loyal army of software developers helps ensure that their employers steer plenty of business Twilio's way.

For more on these points plus four more reasons Twilio might be worth your time, read the rest.


Industry Focus

Unpacking Black Friday

One of the biggest shopping days of the year is in the books. We break down what the data says about how and where consumers were spending their money and what it says about the ever-changing shape of retail.

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Quick Reads

  • Shut up, genes: A surprise early approval for Alnylam Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: ALNY) could give a boost to RNAi, a technique for treating genetic diseases by "silencing" genes gone awry.
  • At capitalist Amazon, product sells you! Not content with encouraging you to buy stuff, Amazon.com (NASDAQ: AMZN) is now getting into the ad business to sell your attention to others.
  • What Warren wants: We take a deep dive into the portfolio holdings Warren Buffett and his Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE: BRK-A) (NYSE: BRK-B) team have built up.

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