How You Can Trade Like Larry

Trading With Larry Benedict

How You Can Trade Like Larry

Dear Trading With Larry Benedict Reader,

Mike Merson here – Larry’s editor.

I mostly stay “behind the scenes.” But this is one of those rare moments where I wanted to get in touch with you directly.

For nearly three years, I’ve helped introduce everyday Americans to some of the world’s biggest and best traders – and helped those everyday Americans profit on their advice…

As part of that process, I’ve seen a lot of trading systems and methods come across my desk.

And, as you might imagine, aren't up to snuff…

So when a system and methodology stands out… and when the guy behind it has a ton of credibility… I take note.

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My heart rate will be elevated TONIGHT!

Hi, my name is Larry Benedict. Tonight, I’ll attempt to do something that few people in the world can actually pull off…

With tens of thousands of folks watching online…

I’ll try to generate $70,000 in less than a day in the markets…

If I win, the money – all of it – goes to a local charity.

If I lose, well let’s just say my heavy bag is going to get some extra work that night.

Either way, you’ll see the results…

You’ll see what I’m made of…

And either way, you’ll walk home with a paint-by-numbers solution for generating $200,000 or more over the next 12 months.

See for yourself… and what it means for you.


The fact is, you should expect a high standard when it comes to trading research. Meaning only the best, most experienced traders should ever reach your inbox.

Larry Benedict is one of those traders.

Over the past few months, we’ve shared with you the key secrets that brought Larry decades of trading success.

Now, it’s time to help you take those secrets and turn them into your own trading success…

Larry’s Edge

Larry started out as a trader on the floor of the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) in 1984. He was fresh out of college. And he admits he knew nothing about the markets or trading back then.

In those early days, he made some big mistakes. He even lost his starting capital multiple times over.

But he learned from those mistakes… and was able to put that learning into practice.

And boy, has he made it work…

Fast forward a couple decades later, and Larry’s hedge fund had just passed its tenth consecutive year of profitability (even through the dot-com bubble). It would see seven more profitable years (covering the 2008 financial crisis) before breaking the win streak with a measly 0.6% loss in 2012.

But, seeing as Larry’s hedge fund amassed $274 million in the last eight years of that streak, it’s hard to even call it a loss…

As you can see, Larry is a versatile, adaptable trader. He doesn’t just ride the coattails of bull markets. He’s actively picking the best trades and adapting to the market landscape.

Here’s the proof: 2008 – which most will remember as a horrible year in the financial markets – was actually one of Larry’s best years ever. While the whole financial world was falling apart, his firm managed to make $95 million in gains.

This is all while managing money for some of the world’s most famous people and institutions. Two of the oldest private Swiss banks were Larry’s clients. So was the crown prince of a major oil-producing country…

Even the Canadian government had Larry manage an account for them.

But now, Larry wants to share his trading secrets with everyday investors. Quite simply, it’s rare to see someone with such world-class hedge fund experience do that.

Even so, we wanted to see Larry’s trading skills firsthand. So, we performed a beta test where a regular investor traded Larry’s recommendations.

The results speak for themselves…

Larry’s recommendations included gains of 24.4%, 109.3%, 19.9%, 78.4%, and 53.7%.

Of course, not every trade was a winner. That’s just not possible. But he did manage to score more than three-times as many winning trades as losing trades.

Remember, these were real trades, with real money on the line.

A Peek Behind the Curtain

These are the results you should expect from any trading expert. Because you need to know that you’re in good hands.

And based on everything I’ve seen over the years, Larry is just about as good as it gets.

To paraphrase a former colleague of Larry’s… “The things he’s able to do, just in his head, most people would need a computer to accomplish.”

His skills are just that refined.

And those skills… fostered over 35 years of practice, developing new techniques, and making hundreds of millions of dollars… are no longer just for the benefit of big hedge funds, wealthy middle eastern princes, or Swiss private bankers.

Larry’s objective is to help the everyday trader gain a new edge. Someone who can take his trading ideas, apply them using their own money, and enjoy a life without worry.

Someone, potentially, like you.

An Even Closer Look

Today, I want to invite you to a special event where you’ll get to see Larry in action.

In what many are calling America’s First Trade-a-Thon, Larry will share the results of a challenge to generate $70,000 in profits over the course of just one trading session.

Even better… he’ll show you the techniques he used – not just for this challenge, but every day the market is open.

And just for attending, you’ll receive Larry’s exclusive Foolproof 50 – a list of securities Larry says you NEED to start trading if you’re going to be successful.

I’ll be watching tonight… and I hope you will, too. Sign up right here, and I’ll see you there.

Best Regards,

Mike Merson
Managing Editor, Trading With Larry Benedict

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