Our #1 Tech Stock for 2020

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The Motley Fool

In 1952, a struggling paper cup salesman named Ray wouldn't have predicted the absurd fortune that was soon about to fall into his lap.

You see, Ray was just a regular American with big hopes and dreams that never materialized.

But Ray stumbled upon what's considered the greatest wealth creation event in history - and amassed a fortune the size of a small country.

You may have already guessed that I'm speaking of Ray Kroc, the Burger Baron and late owner of the billion-dollar McDonald's franchise.

But what you may not know is... McDonald's didn't balloon because it sold burgers and fries...

... nor did its stock price soar - making early investors rich - because of its mascot, Ronald McDonald.

Instead, McDonald's became a $100 billion behemoth because of something hardly anyone could've dreamed up at the time...

Can you guess? It was real estate - buying and leasing restaurant space to its franchisees!

In fact, last year it was reported that McDonald's made $30 billion from renting real estate.

Can you believe it? If you want to own a McDonald's, you must pay for the right to use their land FIRST. No getting around it.

Which brings me to the opportunity I want to talk to you about today...

The $19.2 trillion "leasing" opportunity of 2020

Right now, we've spotted one company that's in the unique position McDonald's was in 60 years ago.

And before you ask... no, it's not another burger company... but they are using the same powerful strategy that's made McDonald's investors so much money over the years.

Now, I promise to tell you more about this under-the-radar company in a moment... but first let me tell you about the revolutionary breakthrough that could push this company to new highs - and potentially make fast-acting investors rich.

I'm talking about 5G technology - or, what PC Magazine calls "the investment for the next decade."

With speeds 20X faster than our current 4G internet... and wireless giants like Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile racing to stake their claim in it...

5G is like the gold rush of the 1850s.

Only this time, the life-changing implications are far greater than the gold rush. Think... 5G will...

  • Enable self-driving cars and save millions of lives per year
  • Open the doors to smart cities... and transform agriculture and manufacturing as we know it
  • Allow remote surgeries to be performed by doctors thousands of miles away from their patients
  • Create nearly 22 million jobs by 2035, according to Qualcomm

Even The Economist reports that "5G is hard to underestimate, and it will have applications we've yet to even dream of."

The only problem?

5G can't operate with its current infrastructure.

And that brings me back to the remarkable company I mentioned earlier.

You see, 5G requires different towers than 4G to perform... and more land for those towers. Both of which this company holds rights to.

In fact, major cellphone companies like Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile are all forced to use this company's services for their 4G wireless towers... and are locked into contracts for the 5G rollout.

Right now they've...

  • Signed a $5.06 billion real estate deal with Verizon to lease 11,324 properties
  • Inked a deal for 400 new locations with Sprint
  • And are estimated to open 10,000 more locations this year alone

(That's not to mention their 171,000 global locations their tenants are already locked into.)

In short, THIS is the company we think you should have in your portfolio if you want to position yourself wisely for the coming 5G boom.

We here at The Motley Fool are convinced we're only in the VERY early days of this company's trajectory.

Because even if 5G doesn't take off (which is unlikely), this company has secured long-term leases that could potentially cause a massive stock surge in the months ahead.

And the good news is that you can find out all about this company and this incredible technology today.

What I've told you so far is just the tip of the iceberg...

So, to help regular Americans like you understand how to take advantage of this emerging trend, The Motley Fool's team of investment analysts has laid out the full story on this incredible tech trend in a breaking new report.

We call it the "5G Investors Playbook: How to Invest in This Once-in-a-Lifetime Business Disruption."

But please note: You may not be eligible to access this valuable research.

Because 5G Investors Playbook: How to Invest in This Once-in-a-Lifetime Business Disruption is privately published and only available to members of Motley Fool Rule Breakers.

Which is why I want to do something I rarely get to do to make sure you can become eligible almost instantly...

I've been authorized to offer a one-day only FLASH SALE on Rule Breakers so that as many people as possible can get their hands on this report.

We're calling it the "Once-in-a-Lifetime Disruption Event"... and as long as you act before midnight tonight you can become a valued Rule Breakers member -- and receive your special report with the name of the company I'm talking about - for as little as $49 per year. That's an incredible, one-day only sale price up to 84% off!

Now, if you're not familiar with our Motley Fool Stock Rule Breakers service, this is the award-winning online investing service created to provide easy-to-follow, monthly stock recommendations to individual investors.

That's right! Each and every month, over 200,000 investors tune in to discover which growth stocks we believe investors should be buying shares of today.

And trust me... you are going to want to see this report before you invest $1 on any tech company.

Even better -- because I'm completely convinced you'll be impressed by the exclusive research we've put together on this stock -- I'll make sure your Rule Breakers membership is backed by a 30-day 100% membership-fee-back guarantee that allows you to get your money back if you aren't impressed or ultimately decide Rule Breakers isn't right for you!

That's right, you can sign up for Rule Breakers today for up to 84% off, get the full details inside "5G Investors Playbook: How to Invest in This Once-in-a-Lifetime Business Disruption" and then get your full membership fee back if you aren't completely satisfied.

This is your chance to get in early on what could prove to be a very special investment recommendation.

So don't delay.

Simply click the button below to learn about the one stock we think you need to consider for your portfolio for the coming 5G frenzy.

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