The Day the World Ended

Bill Bonner’s Diary

The Day the World Ended

By Maria Bonaventura, Managing Editor, Bill Bonner’s Diary

On September 17, 2019, the money world as we know it came to an end…

Our editor breaks down the intricacies in Wednesday’s Diary, “There’s More Than One Way to Go Broke.” And he turns to the past – specifically, the inflation-ridden 1970s – to give us a glimpse of what’s to come…


Maria Bonaventura
Managing Editor, Bill Bonner’s Diary


Our Rude Return to America
After spending time in Europe, Bill reflects on his harsh re-entry to American life. As he points out, America had two choices at the end of the 20th century: politics or markets. She chose politics, and now we’re paying the price…


The Greatest Financial Train Wreck the World Has Ever Seen
Donald J. Trump paraded around the Davos summit, claiming a “spectacular” American economy… but your editor knows better. Two mistakes – turning away from the gold standard in 1971 and instituting “repo madness” in 2019 – were lauded as necessary… but weren’t the “right thing” to do…


There’s More Than One Way to Go Broke
Bill calls September 17, 2019 “the day the world ended.” And on Wednesday, he explains why. Thanks to the Fed, a spike in the repo market forever changed the landscape of America’s economy. The world will go on, of course, but it will never be the same…


How America Gave in to Its Two Deadliest Temptations
On Thursday, we shared an excerpt from Bill’s new book, A Modest Theory of Civilization: Win-Win or Lose. In it, a warning from 1950s politics… and how ignoring it led to the fall of the American Republic…


2020s: 1970s Redux?
Closing out the week, our editor turns to a false premise that doomed the 1970s. The feds were spending too much money. But instead of cutting back, they jerry-rigged the yardstick… and it could now be coming back to bite investors…


Confessions of an Angel Investor
On Saturday, we turn to our editor’s go-to tech expert, Jeff Brown. Jeff is a high-tech executive with decades of experience as an active angel investor. He picked the No. 1 stock in the S&P 500 in 2016 and 2018. And in this essay, he shares three key rules behind his success…

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Jeff Brown Unleashes Craziest Triple Guarantee In Our Company’s History
Jeff Brown just made the most incredible triple guarantee in our company’s history.

It’s unbelievable his publisher even allowed this…

Option 1: If you want the chance to be $128,000 richer in the coming weeks, click here now.

Option 2: If you never want to worry about losing money in the stock market again, click here now.

Option 3: If you want to be one of the few people on the planet who can profit off the most predictable, lucrative type of stock in existence… “Timed Stocks”… click here now.

It is absolutely crucial you do this before midnight Tuesday.


This “Unpopular” Play Destroys the S&P 500
Take a look at this chart… You see the orange line?

This is one “unpopular” investment… And it’s obliterating the S&P 500 by a factor of nearly 5-to-1.

If you’re near retirement or own ANY stocks, you should watch this video now.

It reveals exactly what this “unpopular” investment is… And a unique way to play it…which could help you turn a small stake into a retirement fortune…

Click here to watch now (pay close attention at 0:38).


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