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Feb 11, 2020 23:52 PM
Japan Money Supply M2+CD (YoY) above expectations (2.6%) in January: Actual (2.8%)...
Feb 11, 2020 23:31 PM
Australia Westpac Consumer Confidence above expectations (1.4%) in February: Actual (2.3%)...
Feb 11, 2020 23:00 PM
South Korea Unemployment Rate above expectations (3.6%) in January: Actual (4%)...
Feb 11, 2020 21:45 PM
New Zealand Electronic Card Retail Sales (MoM) came in at -0.1% below forecasts (1%) in January...
Feb 11, 2020 21:45 PM
New Zealand Electronic Card Retail Sales (YoY) came in at 4.2%, above expectations (3.2%) in January...
Feb 11, 2020 21:41 PM
United States API Weekly Crude Oil Stock rose from previous 4.18M to 6M in February 7...
Feb 11, 2020 20:35 PM
Here is what you need to know on Wednesday, February 12th: Demand for the dollar eased, but its decline was limited. The shared currency remained unde...
Feb 11, 2020 18:04 PM
United States 3-Year Note Auction fell from previous 1.567% to 1.394%...
Feb 11, 2020 15:00 PM
United States JOLTS Job Openings registered at 6.423M, below expectations (7M) in December...
Feb 11, 2020 13:55 PM
United States Redbook Index (MoM) fell from previous 0.2% to -0.7% in February 7...
Feb 11, 2020 13:55 PM
United States Redbook Index (YoY) declined to 4.8% in February 7 from previous 5.7%...
Feb 11, 2020 13:30 PM
The ECB's policy review will unlikely change the treatment of house price inflation. That may result in lower Consumer Price Index figures and theref...
Feb 11, 2020 13:00 PM
Russia Foreign Trade rose from previous $12.27B to $15.466B in December...
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