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Mar 04, 2020 00:32 AM
Australia's Gross Domestic Product has arrived and beat expectations sending AUD marginally higher on the release. GDP data AUSTRALIA Q4 REAL GDP +0.5...
Mar 04, 2020 00:32 AM
Hong Kong SAR Nikkei Manufacturing PMI came in at 33.1 below forecasts (52.6) in February...
Mar 04, 2020 00:32 AM
Japan Jibun Bank Services PMI above forecasts (46.7) in February: Actual (47)...
Mar 04, 2020 00:30 AM
Australia Gross Domestic Product (YoY) came in at 2.2%, above expectations (1.9%) in 4Q...
Mar 04, 2020 00:30 AM
Australia Gross Domestic Product (QoQ) came in at 0.5%, above forecasts (0.3%) in 4Q...
Mar 04, 2020 00:05 AM
New Zealand ANZ Commodity Price came in at -2.1%, below expectations (-0.8%) in February...
Mar 03, 2020 22:39 PM
Australia Commonwealth Bank Composite PMI: 49 (February) vs 48.3...
Mar 03, 2020 22:39 PM
Australia Commonwealth Bank Services PMI came in at 49, above forecasts (48.4) in February...
Mar 03, 2020 21:45 PM
United States API Weekly Crude Oil Stock increased to 1.69M in February 28 from previous 1.3M...
Mar 03, 2020 21:45 PM
New Zealand Building Permits s.a. (MoM) registered at -2%, below expectations (-0.9%) in January...
Mar 03, 2020 21:43 PM
Argentina Tax Revenue (MoM) fell from previous 527.3B to 471.69B in February...
Mar 03, 2020 21:41 PM
Australia AiG Performance of Construction Index up to 42.7 in February from previous 41.3...
Mar 03, 2020 21:00 PM
Colombia Interest rate meets expectations (4.25%)...
Mar 03, 2020 20:00 PM
Argentina Tax Revenue (MoM): 471.693B (February) vs previous 527.3B...
Mar 03, 2020 17:19 PM
The Federal Reserve slashed interest rates by 50bp in an emergency meeting in response to the coronavirus outbreak....
Mar 03, 2020 16:00 PM
Denmark Currency Reserves rose from previous 426.3B to 429B in February...
Mar 03, 2020 15:11 PM
United States IBD/TIPP Economic Optimism (MoM) below forecasts (58.1) in March: Actual (53.9)...
Mar 03, 2020 15:02 PM
Developing story... ...
Mar 03, 2020 14:45 PM
United States ISM-NY Business Conditions Index came in at 51.9, above forecasts (24.1) in February...
Mar 03, 2020 14:43 PM
New Zealand GDT Price Index registered at -1.2% above expectations (-2%)...
Mar 03, 2020 13:57 PM
United States Redbook Index (YoY): 5.9% (February 28) vs 5.4%...
Mar 03, 2020 13:57 PM
United States Redbook Index (MoM) increased to -0.1% in February 28 from previous -0.2%...
Mar 03, 2020 13:00 PM
Singapore Purchasing Managers Index below forecasts (50.5) in February: Actual (48.7)...
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