How we’re planning to capitalize on these extraordinary circumstances

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Power Profit Trades

Dear Power Profits Reader,

To succeed in this market, you need the right plan - and you need it right now.

Today, we're up against a market that's throwing even the most seasoned traders for a loop.

But if you want a chance to capitalize on these unprecedented circumstances, you need an unparalleled expert to match.

Tom Gentile has risen to the occasion - and then some.

No matter how bad things start to look, he's always managed to stay one step ahead of the crowd.

And for his readers, that ability has paid off with the opportunity to protect their portfolios - even pull in profits - amid some record-breaking volatility.

Just over the past couple months while we moved faster into a bear market than in 1929...

With one proprietary strategy, Tom's readers could've padded their accounts with gains of 100%, 58%, and 86%.

And all of these gains could automatically hit your account, week after week like clockwork.

Even better, after he sends out his weekly recommendations...

He's going through the process step-by-step in a special video analysis.

Tom's reaching out to his readers multiple times a day with live market updates.

But when things are moving this quickly, hands-on guidance like he's giving is absolutely essential.

And as long as you're on the inside before the end of the day today, you'll have a chance to start your week with Tom guiding the way.

So don't hold off.

All you have to do is go here to get started.

To your success,

Mike Ward
Publisher, Power Profit Trades

P.S. The moment the odds tip overwhelmingly in your favor, Tom is going to release his new trade recommendation and video play-by-play. If you have any questions about how to get access - or if you'd simply prefer to speak to someone one-on-one - just give our VIP Member Services team a call. They're standing by at 888-989-9672 (or 443-863-6134 if you're outside of the U.S.) from 3 p.m. to 7 p.m. (ET) today. Get in touch, or click here for details.

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