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Latest content from Richard Perry
Mar 02, 2020 15:12 PM
Has the sell-off started to turn a corner? Speculation is that central banks could now be ready to intervene to mitigate the impact of a spreading Cor...
Mar 02, 2020 14:36 PM
Conventional wisdom cannot explain why gold was sold off so massively on Friday. The explanation seems to have been more behind a capitulation of sell...
Mar 02, 2020 14:27 PM
The traditional hierarchy of risk on forex majors resumed on Friday. The dollar had a broadly strong session across the majors, but the yen was absolu...
Mar 02, 2020 14:16 PM
We have been seeing an increasingly negative outlook forming on Cable in recent weeks as the market has been forming lower highs and lower lows. Frida...
Mar 02, 2020 14:11 PM
The euro rally is now up into a key stage. Having put together a seven session recovery, the market is continuing higher once more today. The move is ...
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