Valeria Bednarik posted new content

Latest content from Valeria Bednarik
Mar 09, 2020 20:17 PM
The EUR/USD pair posted substantial gains on the day crude oil prices collapse triggering chaos across financial markets. The German government said ...
Mar 09, 2020 19:58 PM
The pound rose against the US dollar on the day of the crash in energy markets, but it lagged versus its mains European rivals. Cable jumped at the b...
Mar 09, 2020 19:51 PM
Another wild day in markets with losses for stock prices not seen in years. The risk aversion initially pushed commodity currencies sharply lower ver...
Mar 09, 2020 19:50 PM
A historic day for financial markets. Equity prices tumbled worldwide, and government bond yields dropped further. In the US for the first time, the ...
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