Dear True Market Insider Reader,
Hi, it's Bill Spencer from True Market Insider.
Just wanted to make sure you saw the email Chris sent over earlier.
If you had any questions during yesterday's event, now is your chance to have them answered.
We've also set up a replay of the event for you.
Click here to watch now or keep reading...
We had a huge turnout for last night's presentation of The F.A.S.T. Money Method! [go here for the replay]
But we ALSO had a ton of people send us messages asking questions about how this unique strategy works…
So I went ahead and put together this short email answering some of the most common things our readers asked.
Q1) What is The F.A.S.T. Money Method?
It's the ONLY method I'm aware of that can help everyday investors quickly double, triple, or even 10x their portfolio over the next few years...
explode their portfolio by more than TWELVE THOUSAND, FIVE HUNDRED PERCENT over the next 15-20 years…
...and have the chance of turning every $10,000 into a life changing $1,264,235.
Which means it doesn't matter if you're still trying to figure out how to save enough to afford retirement…
Or you're retired right now and you're looking for extra income…
The F.A.S.T. Money Method can help you get the kind of returns you need to retire early, retire now, and stay retired forever.
Q2) How is it possible to make that much money, that fast?
If you listen to all of the conventional wisdom about investing, they're gonna tell you to do stuff like…
"Stick your money into a low cost index fund and just keep adding more until you retire."
Now, I dunno about you… but that "buy and hold" nonsense sounds like crazy talk to me.
Especially if all I'm gonna get is somewhere between 5% - 10% a year in returns.
Because everyday people – just like you – can grow their accounts by 20%, 50%, even 100%+ every single year…
And do it by taking the SAME amount of risk – or LESS RISK – than traditional buy and hold.
Well, instead of being invested in the entire market all the time…
We're going to move our investments in to the sectors most likely to outperform… and out of the sectors most likely to underperform.
And how do we know what those sectors are?
Thanks to The F.A.S.T. Money Method...
We can actually "spy" on Wall Street's biggest moves before almost anyone knows they've happened…
And effectively "front run" their trades for what could be the fastest, easiest, and safest gains in the markets.
Q3) Why do you know this?
I got my first job on Wall Street when I was 17 years old…
And I was mentored by someone who was worth literally hundreds of millions of dollars.
It's the same strategy that helped me become a millionaire in my early 20's…
It's the same strategy I've used for decades to manage my clients money…
And after 25 years of refining and perfecting it, I've turned it into an "easy-to-learn" system anyone can use.
Q4) If this is such a good opportunity, why don't you raise a fund and be a gazillionaire?
Good question…
Here's the short answer. I do manage quite a bit of money for private clients.
Again, that is a totally different company and has nothing to do with this offer at all…
But just to prove the point…
I "eat my own cooking" when it comes to investing.
If you're wondering why I'm telling you - the "little guy" - about this, the answer is pretty simple…
Giving personalized investment advice isn't very scalable…
Which means if I want to help a LOT of people, the only good way to do that is to create processes, procedures, and systems.
That's why I developed The F.A.S.T. Money Method…
And that's why I created Sector Prophets Pro…
It's a custom-built data platform that helps everyday investors implement The F.A.S.T. Money Method...
WITHOUT needing years of education, training, or Wall Street experience.
Q5) How is this different from anything else I've seen?
If you've signed up for any other financial newsletter or stock trading service in the past…
I want you to know that this is nothing like those.
Because I'm not in the entertainment business…
I'm in the results business!
And after more than 25 years of being a professional money manager…
If you want to consistently win in the stock market…
...and make a more than full time income working way less than part time…
You need tools that help you save time, reduce stress, and make decisions…
NOT a dozen different gurus sending you random "stock picks" and hoping you get lucky.
That's why I've invested more than a million dollars of my own money into developing this product.
I use this to manage my own money…
I use this to help me manage the hundreds of millions of dollars I have under management in my fund...
And I honestly can't imagine being an investor WITHOUT Sector Prophets Pro.
Because every single day, you'll be able to log into the Sector Prophets Pro website…
Instantly understand what's really going on inside of today's markets…
Find the very best profit opportunities almost no one can see (except for True Market Insiders like us)...
And you'll finally have the confidence you need to manage your entire portfolio in just a few hours each week.
Which means you'll have the chance to not only get market crushing returns…
But the freedom to actually enjoy your life.
Q6) How do I know this really works?
Thousands of everyday people JUST LIKE YOU have seen F.A.S.T. Money thanks to this breakthrough investing strategy.
People like Andy D., who've been burned too many times by other financial newsletters writes...
"I have also been playing the market for a long time (stocks since 1961 and options since 2000) and have made and lost a lot of money during these 46 years. I have subscribed to dozens of financial newsletters during the past ten years, usually with poor results.
I am happy to say that you have supplied a good percentage of winners with [The F.A.S.T. Money Method].
Since starting my subscription in June my portfolio is up 46%, a darn good return for only four months. Keep up the good work."
Or Robin J., who finally feels confident in her trades...
"[Chris Rowe helped me] by keeping me safe, which provides confidence. I own three stocks which are less than 4 months 'old,' and the gains are 29%, 34% and 62%. [The F.A.S.T. Money Method] is like wearing night vision goggles!"
People like Frank F. who've doubled their account since they started using it...
"My portfolio is up over 100% since January 1st… increasing from roughly $23k to $50k is the first really spectacular success I've had in the stock market"
Or Bez B. who doubled his account in one month after losing his job...
"In February, having lost my job in January, I paid some of my end of service money into my trading account and have doubled that value in one month. I am so grateful to Chris."
Or Russel G. who has almost tripled his account…
"Account has doubled and almost tripled. I need this for retirement"
And Keith B., who's booked $40k in PROFIT in only six weeks...
"I am pinching myself to make sure this is actually happening to me. Even though I am still conservative with my trade size I've booked about $40K in profit over the last 6 weeks."
– Keith B.
These people couldn't be happier!
And hearing success stories like these ones are the reason I do what I do.
Personally, I can't wait to get one from you once you've seen for yourself how powerful The F.A.S.T. Money Method can be.
And the best way to start getting results is to go here and sign up for Sector Prophets Pro.
Q7) Do you have a guarantee?
Legally speaking, I can't guarantee you'll get the kinds of returns some of my subscribers have reported.
In fact, I can't legally guarantee you'll make any money at all if you sign up for Sector Prophets Pro.
But here's what I can guarantee…
You won't get ANY results with Sector Prophets Pro if you don't have it.
That's why I'm giving you a full 60 days to try it out for yourself.
This means you'll have two whole months to enjoy Sector Prophets Pro...
Study the commentary...
And dip your toes into the waters based on the analysis you'll get from my team and I.
Most importantly, for the next 60 days you'll know exactly where to invest for the biggest potential profits…
And the ticker symbols of the most promising stocks and ETFs in the strongest sectors…
...capable of handing you returns of 256%...340%...487% and even more.
The recommendations you'll get are completely unbiased...
And untainted by pie-in-the-sky predictions or down-in-the-dumps news reports.
They're based on the ONE AND ONLY factor that determines the price: supply and demand.
That means for the next 60 days, you'll know -- really know -- that your money is in the places most likely to increase your wealth…
And least likely to evaporate.
You can enjoy the confidence and peace of mind that comes along with that knowledge.
Then, after you've had the entire Sector Prophets Pro experience, if you decide it's not for you...
No problem.
Just let our customer service team know within 60 days and you'll get every penny back.
If for any reason you're not happy with the product and you want a refund…
All you have to do is email our customer service team at or give us a call at 855-822-0269
Q8) How much do I need to know about investing?
You don't need any prior knowledge or experience.
In fact, in many cases, the less you know about investing the better.
Because sometimes, experienced investors make the worst students.
They've already developed bad habits and think they "already know" how to do things (when they really don't)
But beginners come into things with an open mind…
And are willing to try something new before deciding "this won't work for me."
Q9) How much do I need to get started?
Now, just a quick disclaimer, I am in no way shape or form making a recommendation about how much you should invest…
All forms of investing carry some sort of risk and you shouldn't invest any money you can't afford to lose.
But if you're gonna invest the money to sign up for Sector Prophets Pro… you're probably gonna want to have at least $5,000 available.
Every single day, the platform generates new alerts with new profit opportunities...
And if you don't have enough "dry powder" to trade with, you might miss out on some great trades.
Q10) Do I need a special brokerage account?
No, you don't need any sort of special account!
I personally use the Think or Swim platform… but any major US brokerage account will work just fine.
We're not buying any penny stocks, highly leveraged etfs, or doing any exotic options trades.
Sometimes I'll recommend buying a call option or a put option…
But for the most part, we're going "long only" on mid-cap to large-cap stocks... and ETFs that have plenty of liquidity.
So, as long as you can do that in your account, you should be fine.
Q11) Can I use this in my IRA?
Yes! You can use this strategy to help you manage any investment account you have.
If you've got an IRA, 401k, a 529 plan, or any trading account where you have access to things like stocks, bonds, and mutual funds…
You can use this strategy - and all of the resources inside Sector Prophets Pro - to help you get better returns with less risk.
Q12) Are you shorting stocks in this service?
The last thing you want to do is take tons of leverage with infinite downside…
For that reason, we don't make any "short sell" recommendations in this service.
We've found it's much easier - and safer - to use an inverse ETF or buy a simple "put option."
Thanks again for reading this all the way through.
If you have any other questions about The F.A.S.T. Money Method...
Or Sector Prophets Pro…
Hit reply to this email and tell me what's on your mind.

Chris Rowe
Founder, True Market Insiders
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