What Happens When an Oil ETF Can’t Buy Oil?


We don't think we've ever received as many emails in one day as we did when oil prices went negative last month. We're still catching up with all those folks, which is frankly a welcome task during our continued isolation.


2020 Spring Crop Outlook

With the USDA Prospective Plantings report out, we have our first look at producer planting intentions for 2020. What does this mean for the crops and supply? How will the coronavirus pandemic affect demand and prices? Find all this and more! Get your answers in the 2020 Spring Crop Outlook here.

By far, the most common question we received was "so, I should buy an oil ETF now and just hold it for a few years, right?" On the surface, that might seem like a completely reasonable take… but when it comes to the stock market, nothing is ever as easy as it seems. Here's why...

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Investing Breakout
The One Trade Challenge

For this trader, the best way he can describe this trade is "This is the setup I'd recommend to anyone who hasn't made money in the markets before and wants to start making money now." Register for the One Trade Challenge Here

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