How We’re Trading in June

June 2, 2020
The 10 Factors That Could Make You Rich
Every week, Roger Scott scans the market for stocks that exhibit 10 "Lightning Factors."

There are literally thousands of stocks trading on the market, and most only have one or two of these explosive factors. So when Roger finds a stock with all 10, he strikes fast.

Lightning just struck again -- he found another stock that fits the bill... and you can get in on it.

The gains usually happen fast... so you need to make a move today.

Get the next stock
Hidden Fiber Optics 5G Gems
5G is just around the corner...

While it may seem like just a faster way to surf the internet, the savviest investors see it as a major technological breakthrough (and catalyst).  

Not only will 5G expand current technology, it'll also increase bandwidth to lightning speeds ahead of our time -- meaning enormous growth for companies that quickly facilitate it into their infrastructure.

And chances are, these stocks aren't on your radar...

I say yes to 5G
*clicking this video will automatically subscribe you to sends
Trading Approaches for June in Post-Pandemic World
We have entered the micro era of black swans, where the abnormal has become the new normal. Economic and headline news is no longer the main driver of markets.

This is the new world we live in. However, the public doesn't seem to be scared. Investors are normalizing after our stint in lockdown and have even developed a bit more of a risk appetite in the market.

With the current activity inside markets, our expert affiliates outline a few themes worth considering before you invest your hard-earned capital.

Watch the full interview with Roger Scott, Jeff Zananiri, and Lance Ippolito to learn how they are using these strategies in today's economic climate.

Watch the interview


"Great video always learning"

 John R.

Short Selling (also known as "shorting," "selling short" or "going short") refers to the sale of a security or financial instrument that the seller has borrowed to make the short sale. The short seller believes that the borrowed security's price will decline, enabling it to be bought back at a lower price. The difference between the price at which the security was sold short and the price at which it was purchased represents the short seller's profit (or loss, as the case may be).

There is a very high degree of risk involved in trading.
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