Mobs and big-mouth messiahs

Bill Bonner’s Diary

Mobs and Big-Mouth Messiahs

By Bill Bonner

Monday, July 6, 2020 – Week 17 of the Quarantine

We used to have good times together

But now I feel them slip away

It makes me cry to see love die

So sad to watch good love go bad

– Everly Brothers

Bill Bonner

SAN MARTIN, ARGENTINA – Saturday was Independence Day. After so many years… we couldn’t help but reflect on the good times we’ve had since the Republic was founded on July 4, 1776.

But news comes from Baltimore and Richmond that the mobs are on the march. CNN on the story:

While much of the country celebrated Independence Day Saturday, protesters in Baltimore toppled a statue of Christopher Columbus and threw it into the Inner Harbor, CNN affiliate WBAL reported.

Louis Krauss, who shared video of the toppling, said there were at least 300 people gathered at the scene.

“After it toppled over the statue broke into several pieces, which were then dragged across the plaza and dumped into the Inner Harbor,” Krauss told CNN. […]

On Wednesday, the mayor of Richmond, Virginia, invoked his emergency powers to remove multiple Confederate monuments throughout the city, including a statue honoring Confederate Gen. Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson.

Lost Faith

“You’re lucky,” writes a friend from the Homeland. “I wouldn’t be in a hurry to come back to the U.S. now. Things have gotten crazy here.”

Poor America. On its anniversary, no less. Stonewall is gone. Columbus, too.

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Back in 1968, during the riots, “Lil’ It’ly” was the safest neighborhood in Baltimore. It was Nancy Pelosi’s neighborhood. Her father, Tommy D’Alesandro, knew how to keep order. Rioters dared not enter.

But countries go crazy from time to time. People lose faith in the “social contract” that binds them together.

Then, they take sides… Catholic vs. Protestant… Liberal vs. Conservative… the Proletariat vs. the Bourgeoisie… Hutus vs. Tutsi…

And like giant millstones, between them they grind down liberty, safety, and civil society.

On the Left today is a push for a Cultural Revolution, washing history clean of the “olds”… and putting up a new regime, with special rules for special groups…

…whilst the Right digs in its heels, determined to defend its way of life with more troops, more designated enemies, more Patriot Acts… more surveillance… more control…

…and especially more fake money. That’s the only thing that both sides can agree on. More money to pay off the insiders on both Left and Right.

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Alas, the fake money makes the elite richer.

But it undermines the social contract… driving more and more people from the center… towards the big-mouth messiahs on the extremes.

Then things go crazy.


About 1,000 heavily armed militia, all of whom were Black, marched through Georgia’s Stone Mountain Park on Independence Day, challenging white nationalist groups in the area to either come out and fight or join them in demonstrating against the government. […]

Videos posted to social media show the group, the "Not F**king Around Coalition" (NFAC)… not affiliated with Black Lives Matter. "We are a black militia, we aren’t protesters, we aren’t demonstrators, we don’t come to sing, we don’t come to chant, that’s not what we do," he [NFAC’s founder] said.

But the U.S. won’t be the first to go nuts… or the last.

Here, we turn to Europe and Asia for a glimpse at what may come next…

Cultural Relics

The “United Kingdom” went crazy in the 17th century. The Civil Wars in England, Ireland, and Scotland left about a million people dead.

The population of Ireland declined by more than 40% as Cromwell’s armies laid waste to crops and killed men, women, and children – many of whom starved to death. They also destroyed Catholic monasteries, convents, and churches.

France was considered a paragon of civilization before the 1789 Revolution. Then, in less than 10 years, it sank into a hellish chaos, with 40,000 dead in the Revolution and as many as 6 million in the Napoleonic Wars that followed.

Again, the old icons of the past – the church, the aristocracy, and civil society – were ground to powder. Priests were forced to swear allegiance to the new revolutionary government.

In Nantes, those who refused were chained together and dumped into the Loire.

Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution; same story. But on a much larger scale, with as many as 60 million total dead in the revolution, civil war, purges, and “re-education camps.”

The revolutionaries also sought to eliminate all traces of the culture that preceded them – including palaces, icons, churches, art treasures, and documents… famously tearing down the statue of Tsar Alexander III.

And China’s Cultural Revolution, mentioned last week, claimed 20 million lives. It also destroyed millions of reminders of the past – statues, manuscripts, scrolls, antique furniture, books, and whole libraries. Hermann Rohr at Vision Times:

One of the most painful acts of vandalism toward priceless cultural relics was the destruction, looting, and burning of an over 2,000-year-old temple of Confucius in Shandong in 1966, when more than 200 students from Beijing Normal University traveled to the sacred site with the aim of completely demolishing it.

Different mob. Same effect.
(Image: Wikimedia Commons via Vision Times)

Stay tuned.




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Praise for Bill’s first July 2020 Diary, “Scammy Do-Goodism and Cannibalism”…

You constantly amaze me with your insights. I’m sending this to my highly educated (PhD engineering) son who seems to have fallen into the white guilt, being brandished about the highly paid professors who’ve been feeding him this for years. I’m hoping that the realities of this way of thinking will become apparent to him and the other smart kids who have been caught up in this way of thinking.

Thanks for giving me a weapon of insight that should rock his consciousness, and the consciousness of other brilliant thirty-somethings that have been brainwashed by the progressive movement. Thanks for the great work you do! I will be ready for what comes next.

I am determined to sell my screenplay, then use your insights to help me rebuild my financial future… I lost everything in an illness and am on the way back. Thanks to all I have learned from you! Stay safe and keep up your good work.

– Marilynn C.

You are so bang on and it is so obvious. I do not understand how other logically thinking people do not see this. I am convinced that a lot do see this, but are underground from fear of reprisal.

– Allison

Meanwhile, a dear reader is appalled by a generation attempting to erase the past…

I am not in the economic black elite. However, I am in the educational black-white elite. Having lived through and participated in the Black movement of the ’60s and ’70s, I have seen the decline in equity efforts on the part of the greater population of whites in power. Now, as we move to erase the good past by making believe the bad past did not exist, I cringe.

The rage of the minorities with the knee of society on their necks will not go away.

– Delcina R.

And yet another suggests Bill take COVID-19 more seriously…

Bill, I know you’re one of the world’s foremost experts on all matters financial and medical, but you seem to be somewhat out of sync with much of the medical/scientific community, which claims that COVID-19 immunity after recovering from the disease almost NEVER lasts more than 60 days.

The USA and much of the world is now entering the so-called “second phase” of COVID-19, and who knows if repeat cases will recover as easily as they did in round one (besides you, that is)?

– Doug C.

Have younger generations been caught up in “white guilt” as Marilynn believes? Has the U.S. seen a decline in equity efforts, like Delcina says? Write us at


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