New Rule Will Unleash $40 Billion in This Market

Palm Beach Daily

New Rule Will Unleash $40 Billion in This Market

By Teeka Tiwari, editor, Palm Beach Daily

I’ve been in the market as a professional since 1989. I’ve seen three major boom-and-bust cycles.

And as painful as each market crash is… they also create new life-changing opportunities.

Take the 2008 financial crisis, for example…

The market dropped 40–50%. That’s worse than the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020.

The financial crisis bankrupted 64,318 businesses in 2008 alone. More than 1 million Americans lost their homes. And over 3.5 million people lost their jobs.

But out of the ashes, two notable startups launched: Square and Uber.

Square is an electronic payments platform. It allows businesses to use smartphones to accept payments.

It was a boon for the wave of small, nimble businesses created in the wake of the 2008 crash.

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In 2009, Square had a $30 million valuation. Today, it’s worth $50 billion.

Investors who bought the initial public offering in 2015 would’ve turned every $1,000 into $9,285.

But it’s crumbs compared to the lucky few who invested when Square was still private in 2009. They turned every $1,000 into nearly $1.5 million.

Ride-hailing service Uber followed a similar path. You see, the financial crisis spawned an entirely new gig economy as Americans looked for flexible job opportunities.

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In 2010, Uber had a $4 million valuation. Today, it’s worth $54 billion. Early investors had the chance to turn every $1,000 invested into $12.5 million.

These aren’t the only success stories. Slack, Airbnb, Pinterest, and WhatsApp also minted a new generation of millionaires.

Today, I’m seeing a similar opportunity arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Tidal Wave for Startups

The COVID-19 crisis will accelerate the next generation of startups. That’s because Washington is loosening rules to make it easier for them to raise funds.

Let me explain…

After the 2008 financial crisis, President Obama signed the Dodd-Frank bill. It increased regulations on the big banks behind the crisis.

One provision – the so-called Volcker Rule – banned banks from making risky bets like hedge funds. It also stopped them from investing in startups.

On June 25, the FDIC rolled back the Volcker Rule. The repeal will now allow banks to fund startups. The agency says it’ll help startups hurt by the pandemic.

Friends, this move will send a tidal wave of capital into this space…

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According to estimates, the repeal could inject $40 billion into private equity. That’s an insane amount of money going to small startups.

Meanwhile, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is proposing a rule change that’ll allow private companies to increase the amount of money they can raise from $50 million to $75 million.

So not only will we see billions more dollars pour into startups… each individual startup can raise even more capital.

Here’s why that’s a big deal for you…

Before 2015, the SEC limited these private deals to the wealthy. If you didn’t have a net worth over $1 million, you couldn’t invest in startups like Square and Uber.

In the past, these “sweetheart deals” were only made at golf courses… swanky resorts… or on private jets. If you weren’t an insider, you were out of luck.

Now, thanks to these “sweetheart deals,” called Regulation A+ offerings, everyday Americans can buy into private startups just like the ultra-wealthy.

Your Chance to Get in On Private Deals

These sweetheart deals being available to the general public now is a real game changer.

Main Street can finally take advantage of the deals Wall Street fat cats and West Coast venture capitalists have used for decades to generate incredible wealth outside the stock market.

And the new rules I cited above will act as huge catalysts for startups. It’s only a matter of time before big banks start piling into startups.

According to our research, early-stage, private companies have returned over 12x what public companies have during the past two decades.

Still, you must position yourself now… before the tidal wave of money comes flooding in.

Now, you can search for private deals yourself on sites like SeedInvest and MicroVentures. They list dozens of startups raising money from the public. In some cases, you can start with as little as $100.

But remember, this asset class comes with risk. You only need a small stake for potential gains of 10x, 50x, 100x, or more.

Let the Game Come to You!

Teeka Tiwari
Editor, Palm Beach Daily

P.S. Like I said, buying growing companies while they’re still private can offer up life-changing gains.

And since launching Palm Beach Venture last year, my team has uncovered several opportunities to invest alongside billionaires in sweetheart deals – before they go public.

In fact, you can still get into three of these private deals for as low as $1 per share, with up to 3,900% upside. But you must act now. These companies will be closing their doors to new investors soon…

To learn more about these sweetheart deals, click here.

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One independent research firm has discovered an alarming fact about the new bailouts.

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The plan called for "unlimited" money-printing as part of a radical scheme to make a more "fair and equal" society…

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There's still time to protect your wealth. But this window of safety is closing.

Go here to read Dan's in-depth presentation.

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