Three Assets You Need to Survive COVID-19 Fallout

Palm Beach Daily

Three Assets You Need to Survive COVID-19 Fallout

By Chaka Ferguson, managing editor, Palm Beach Daily

There’s no doubt the country and the world are facing unprecedented times. Over the past several months, the coronavirus pandemic has caused nationwide lockdowns, strict social distancing guidelines, and millions to go jobless…

But the uncertainty also has many Americans slashing their spending, increasing their personal savings, and reducing debt. Personal savings hit 33% this year – its highest in 45 years.

While that’s great progress, regular readers know asset allocation is best for wealth protection during volatility. And this year, Daily editor Teeka Tiwari overhauled our asset allocation model, which now includes crypto, private markets, old standbys like gold, and of course, cash. It’s paid off so far. Year-to-date, bitcoin is up 27%, and gold is up 18%… while the S&P is flat.

As this pandemic has taught us, you never know what life can throw at you. So it’s crucial you hold some cash to meet your needs. But to truly protect your portfolio, add some gold and bitcoin. You’ll be glad you did…


Don’t Let Boredom Cost You Millions in Crypto
When we first recommended this asset in 2016, it went from incredibly undervalued to record highs. And now, we’re seeing the same setup – but the opportunity to profit won’t last long


The Right Amount to Save to Get Through COVID-19

There’s a place for cash in your portfolio, especially during periods of uncertainty like we’re experiencing now. Here’s how much you should allocate


Three Steps You Can Take to Avoid Fake Gold

Based on our research, one of the best hedges in the traditional financial world could reach $15,000. But we believe this is an even better hedge against a crisis


I Haven’t Seen This Setup in Bitcoin Since 2016
When we first made the call a few years ago, no one wanted to listen. But those who did saw bitcoin break out to all-time highs. And now, this similar setup will send it off to the races again in the coming months


COVID-19 Is Creating an IPO Renaissance
While the coronavirus pandemic has pushed several companies to shut down or file for bankruptcy, others are seeing unprecedented demand. And this is the easiest way to play the boom cycle in this sector



Chaka Ferguson
Managing Editor, Palm Beach Daily

P.S. I wanted to pass along a quick message from our longtime friend and Silicon Valley insider Jeff Brown…

On Wednesday, during a special event, Jeff uncovered a system he’s developed to reap massive gains in a short period of time. It all has to do with a small group of technology stocks that have a preset “timer” attached to their share prices. Once this “timer” hits zero, the stock can climb hundreds of percent in days or even hours.

There’s still time to learn more about his system – and how to make venture capital-like gains. Just click here to watch the replay

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Time is Running Out

This “transformation” happened twice before, in 2012 and 2016.

After it happened in 2012, you could have achieved once-in-a-lifetime gains of 9,635%.

After it happened in 2016, you could have done even better, with possible peak gains of as much as 21,325% and even 151,323%.

What will happen now that this “transformation” has happened a third time?

Click here to find out more.


Our Best-Selling Research


July 30, 8:30 AM: Biggest Biotech Spike EVER?
Biotech was already on fire…

The entire industry has risen an astonishing 569%.

In the past few weeks alone, biotech stocks have soared a rare and abnormal 2,400%… 2,900%… 17,400%… and even 84,900% in a day. Enough to turn a small stake into $4.2 million.

And in May, biotech – the entire industry – saw its best month in two DECADES.

And, while gains like this are abnormal…

All that could be nothing compared to what could happen on July 30, at precisely 8:30 a.m.


U.S. Patent Number 060606: Endgame for U.S. Dollar?
Weeks ago, a new Microsoft patent surfaced that could forever change the way Americans save, spend, borrow, and invest.

It’s U.S. Patent #060606

Geopolitical analyst Nick Giambruno warns: “If Microsoft succeeds, it won’t just be your money at risk… big-government bureaucrats will gain instant access to every facet of your life.”

The content of this message is controversial… and not at all what you’ll hear from the mainstream media.

Go here to see Nick's shocking video before it's taken down.


The War Against Capitalism
Why are Treasury bonds suddenly going down… when they should be going up?

Why is cash suddenly becoming so scarce… when the Fed is supplying hundreds of billions of dollars every week?

Stocks are down 30%. Is it the bottom… or is there more damage to come?

Our team of experts has been ready for this downturn for decades, and Bill Bonner is answering these questions in his urgent briefing that you can read right here.

There may even be a potential to profit, if you’re prepared…

Don’t wait, as this story is unfolding right before our eyes.

Click here to read Bill’s urgent briefing now.

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The Three Best Gold Coin Deals on the Market Today


How You Can Start Profiting From Maganomics Today


Jeff Brown’s Tech Manifesto

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