U.S. Officially Preparing For Second Wave

Protect your income as the crisis gets worse

Fellow Investor,

You won't hear it in the mainstream media.

But a second wave of economic destruction is crashing upon our shores. This time it's not just your savings and wealth that could take another big hit.

The principal and the income you count on is in jeopardy too.

Unless you follow this simple crisis income strategy -- you'll be left at the mercy of what's fast becoming America's worst nightmare.

Because during the first wave of this economic disaster…

Nearly 40 million people were left unemployed…

Iconic companies filed for bankruptcy one after another…

5.3 million households missed their mortgage payment…

And investors saw the biggest dividend cuts in 100 years… and… the lowest yields on their money in history.

This new phase of the current financial crisis will be even worse.

That's why, on June 21, the Wall Street Journal wrote, "The Trump administration is preparing for a second wave of coronavirus infections."

Since then, COVID-19 cases have been surging across the country.

As of early July, 12 states have hit record high seven-day averages for daily new cases. And the outbreak has increased in 41 states.

New lockdown restrictions are being enforced across the nation.

And our economy may come to yet another screeching halt.

That's why I urge you to watch this presentation now and learn how to protect your principal and grow your income regardless of what happens next.

Don't take this lightly.

The situation is dire and getting worse by the minute.

Click here to see what you can do…

Good luck and God bless!

Martin D. Weiss, Founder
Weiss Ratings

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