How to Avoid Getting Conned by Wall Street

November 19, 2020
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How to Avoid Getting
Conned by Wall Street
Do you remember the exact moment that defined the rest of your trading career?

I do: On my fist trade ever, I went broke… I absolutely busted my trading account.

I was a young, naive man with stars in his eyes. I was 23, just moved to a big city and worked with a guy who ran a junior mining company.

He told me all the wonderful things he was going to do with his company, and I was convinced that I'd be a quick learner and make a lot of money... Not to mention I was thrilled at the idea of finally taking down the big dogs on Wall Street I'd heard so much about.

And with no experience or real knowledge on what the heck I was actually doing, I bought $5,000 worth of stock...

My entire life savings at the time.

Needless to say that stock went from 25 cents a share to right off the board. It was one of my worst investments ever. I did zero research and got conned in the process.

But I swore I'd never let that happen to me again.
How I ended up winning
Patience Equals Profit
in the Stock Market
Only by having a little patience could you buy Valero Energy (NYSE: VLO) on Oct. 5 when I made that call… which is now up 30%. Or Chevron Co. (NYSE: CVX) or Exxon Mobil (NYSE: XOM) in that same video. Those two energy stocks are up 20% and 12%, respectively.

The point is that you can't wait until the headlines say "Buy" because now we have two potential COVID-19 vaccines that are almost ready to go. You have to buy in anticipation of those headlines coming down the pike.

That's why patience equals profit in the stock market. Luckily, there are still plenty of stocks out there that are only just starting to move… and they have the potential to go much higher.

Sticking with that theme, today I want to revisit a stock I first talked about a couple of months ago. This stock is an energy and "internet of things" play I first told you about in a video on Aug. 31. Back then, I predicted it could double by New Year's.

You can still buy it for a few percentage points less than when I recommended it and… yes, I still think this stock can double by the beginning of 2021.
Let's chat more about this stock.

"Thanks Roger; You have been a great teacher and Mentor to me!!!! Cheers!!!"

Sean B., M.D.

A Speculator uses strategies and typically a shorter time frame in an attempt to outperform traditional long-term investors. Speculators take on risk, especially with respect to anticipating future price movements, in the hope of making gains that are large enough to offset said risk. Speculators who are profitable over the long-term control their risk through position sizing, stop loss orders and monitoring the statistics of their trading performance. Speculators are typically sophisticated risk-taking individuals with expertise in the markets in which they trade.
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The information in this email is intended for informational purposes only and does not guarantee specific results as there is a high degree of risk involved with trading. Also, our traders are real traders and may have financial interests in the companies discussed.  Please see our Terms and Conditions for more information.
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