Nature is Striking Back

Gilder's Daily Prophecy

October 21, 2020


Video Message From George Gilder

One of George Gilder’s colleagues thinks he’s discovered the real scandal behind what he calls an “outsider trading” scandal…

A “glitch” caused by Wall Street’s machines and algorithms.

But once you discover the simple way to exploit this glitch… you could have the chance to put up gains like 79% in 5 days, 117% in 6 days, and 120% in 7 days…

Sometimes in as little as a week’s time… sometimes even in a single day.

George sat down and recorded a special message about it here.

But time is of the essence… this page will be pulled down at 9:30 tomorrow morning.

Click here to watch George’s message.

Editor’s Note: The New Site is Live!

Our new website for Gilder’s Daily Prophecy is now live. You can check it out now by going to Just remember that our emails will now be coming from a different domain as well. So if you haven’t done so yet, please whitelist our new address by following the instructions here. If you have any questions, please reach out to us at

Nature is Striking Back

George GilderDear Daily Prophecy Reader,

Our friend William Briggs, with Jay Richards and Doug Ax, have just published a new book, The Price of Panic, on COVID madness.

It demolishes the idea that COVID-19 was anything unusual in the global history of viruses.

What was unusual is the viral new mania of the politicians.

Anthony Fauci, who led the move to lockdowns, has explained his rationale: "Nature is striking back at human excesses. We must live collectively in greater harmony with nature."

Statistician-philosopher Briggs does an excellent job in dismantling the Fauci argument.

Read on…

Wanna know what caused the wave of the past decade’s “unprecedented pandemic explosions,” of which the coronadoom is one?

Truckers and truck stop prostitution.

Yes. Or so says our very own Anthony “Never Shake Hands Again” Fauci, a fellow you might have seen on television striking various poses.

It’s his (and David Moren’s) scientific idea, stated scientifically in a new scientific paper, that the science says that truck stop prostitution, road-building, and disharmony with nature is causing “unprecedented pandemic explosions.”

Now this disharmony with Mother Ear — what’s that? You haven’t heard of these “unprecedented pandemic explosions”? Well, they’re diseases like the coronadoom. But before we get to our sins against Mother Earth, we need to understand what Fauci means by “unprecedented.”

Fauci’s contention is that pandemics are on the upswing, which means that, given the intense insane hyper-overreaction to coronadoom, we could soon be in some deep kimchi.

Is it true that communicable diseases are increasing?

Fauci has a chart listing sixteen past pandemics throughout human history, half of which were since 1918. His implication is that these were the only ones worth noting, and that the frequency of mass deadly outbreaks is increasing.

This is not so.

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Wikipedia has a different list with over 250 outbreaks going all the way back to 1200 BC. The most notable of which was the Black Death, which between 1346 and 1353 slaughtered 75 to 200 million-with-an-m people. Fauci lowballed his memory of this horror, saying it was only 50 million. Maybe because he wanted to claim an event closer to our time — 1918’s Spanish Flu — was “the deadliest event in recorded human history.”

My sons and I used to play “Slug Bug.” When you were the first to spot an old Volkswagen Beetle, you got to whack somebody saying the color. “Slug Bug green!” Chances are you can’t recall the last time you saw one of these cars on the road. But go out now and look for one — actively search. You’ll be surprised at how many “suddenly” appear.

Your surprise is caused by measurement bias. The same is true with disease bugs. If you never looked for them, you never saw them. It is only in the last few decades that active measurements have been taken on the various infectious agents we live with. These searches naively make it seem mass-casualty outbreaks are increasing.

Yet it just isn’t so. Scan that list. In 735, Japan saw an outbreak of smallpox that killed 2 million. The Antonine Plague of 165 sunk 5-10 million into early graves. On and on the bell has rung.

We come now to COVID-19, the coronadoom. It cannot be considered unusual. It will not even join the Disease Hall Of Fame. Asian flu in 1957, which beat coronadoom, killed 1 to 4 million, and the same with 1968’s Hong Kong flu. (Fauci includes neither of these.)

Flu and its complications (like pneumonia) regularly and routinely kills hundreds of thousands to millions worldwide. Each and every year. Even in the presence of vaccines. This has been so throughout history, and there is no reason to suppose it will change in the future.

One thing that has changed has been our perception of disease. We have grown exponentially more fearful, and we now must have somebody to blame.

Fauci thinks “disease emergences reflect our increasing inability to live in harmony with nature.” He says “we now live in a human-dominated world in which our increasingly extreme alterations of the environment induce increasingly extreme backlashes from nature.”

Build one too many truck stops and you “provoke” Mother Nature into an extreme backlash. Like the coronadoom — and the “deadly barrage” of other diseases they found but which didn’t turn out to be so deadly.

Only way out of this, says Fauci, is to placate our great goddess. We need to live “in more thoughtful and creative harmony with nature.” Funny he doesn’t say how we achieve this state of harmoniousness. Except that we need to “begin to think in earnest and collectively.”

My earnest thought, which I’ll add to the collective, is that we must never, ever again panic over not-at-all unusual wholly expected common disease outbreaks. Panic kills. Panic makes us stupid.

Panic has so benumbed governments that many have taken a zero-tolerance policy on coronadoom. Things will never be the same again, they promise us, until the virus is eradicated! Yet even according to fabulous Fauci himself, this is nuts.

“That viral genetic descendants of the 1918 influenza pandemic virus are still causing seasonal outbreaks throughout the world, and still killing cumulatively millions of people a century late.”

This is true! Coronadoom will also, in one form or another, always be with us. If we are going to lockdown and restrict liberties until it “goes away,” we shall do so forever.

Read the full post here.

-William Briggs


George Gilder

George Gilder
Editor, Gilder's Daily Prophecy

P.S. As a loyal reader, I’ve promised to keep you informed on life-changing technology opportunities, everything from Wi-Fi 6 to blockchain to “15G” and more! Today, I’m reaching out to you about a rather unique discovery made by one of my colleagues that was recently brought to my attention… He discovered an explosive and easy way to trade the markets week after week. Click here to see my video where I get into some of the details about this opportunity.

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