Trader bad news...

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Hi Trader,
Ever since I hosted my How to Create Infinite Possible Returns with Minimal Risk event , new members have been flooding in to TheoTrade®️… 

Eager for me and my experienced team of professional traders to help them protect and grow their money with Infinity Spreads… proprietary, low-cost, low-risk 10X trading strategy... 

...that gives you the potential to turn every $500 you invest into $5,000… 

Every $1,000 you invest into $10,000… 

And every $10,000 into $100,000…


With these kind of eye-watering profits up for grabs... 

Unsurprisingly, all the 30 new memberships I originally made available in my presentation are now spoken for. 

However, don't lose hope.

When l set the original bar at 30 new members I was playing it safe. 

I wanted to ensure everyone got the absolute highest levels of care and attention - because that's what we're all about.

No kidding… we work with you DIRECTLY here at TheoTrade®️.

You get unlimited email support from me and my experienced team of professional traders anytime you need it.

Naturally, that puts a very real limit on how many new members we can accept at one time. 

That's the bad news… here's the good news:

As per normal, inside our state-of-the-art member's area, I'm seeing everything humming along like a finely-tuned machine. 

With our help, our new members - people just like yourself - are setting up their Infinity Spreads…

And positioning themselves to profit whichever way the market swings.

So because everything's running so smoothly, after shutting down the order page for a short while, I decided to give you new life!

I'm opening up the doors again - 

but only to the next 10 fast-movers... 


Because I'd hate to see you locked out from putting this to work for your future.

There's so much "crazy" coming our way in the form of Trade Warstariffsyield curve inversionsstudent debt bubblesbond bubbles2nd wave... riots...

And of course…

Election 2020 is roaring towards us like a freight-train… 

The fate of our Republic will be put to a historic vote that could impact everyone's money in a massive way. 

Expect market mayhem… 

huge ups and huge downs…

And I want to help you turn every twist and turn into a secure, prosperous retirement.

Because Infinity Spreads give you the unique chance to do exactly that.

Travel to your heart's content… snag a new set of wheels… crush golf balls down the fairway on the world's finest golf courses… 

Or even pay for a family member to go to college without student loans hanging around their neck for the rest of their life…

Infinity Spreads give you and 

your loved ones infinite possibilities!

For example, here's me and two of my kids enjoying our in-home basketball court - just downstairs from our movie theatre in the 8,337 sq ft home I purchased with the proceeds from my own Infinity Spreads.

Now, obviously, my results are extraordinary in every possible respect. 

I've been trading for twenty years, and teaching trading at the highest levels for almost as long. So I'm not making any outlandish promises.

This isn't some dumb "Get Rich Quick" thing.

But that doesn't change the fact that this can potentially 10X your money or more - and it's as low-cost and as low-risk as trading gets.

Plus, me and my team of professional traders with over 100+ years of combined experience… we've got your back.

We're going to help you do this every step of the way.

So it's safe to start dreaming about what could be possible in your own life when you do this.

But don't dream for too long.

Be a doer.

Given how fast the first 30 memberships got snapped up…

These 10 newly open spots likely won't even last the day.

I have no plans to offer any further spots for quite some time.

So act now to avoid disappointment.

Click here to review everything that's yours and claim your spot now

Warm Regards,

Don Kaufman

Co-Founder & Lead Trainer, TheoTrade



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