Back to the usual grift

Bill Bonner’s Diary

Back to the Usual Grift

By Bill Bonner

Thursday, November 19, 2020

Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!

– Mayer Amschel Rothschild,
founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty

Bill Bonner

SALTA, ARGENTINA – We are on our way back to the U.S. Our first stop is the local capital city, Salta.

After nine months in the Calchaquí Valley, it seems odd to walk on pavement… to hear so much noise… and to see so many people, all with their faces covered. Masks are obligatory here.

But do they make any difference? Apparently not. Here’s The New York Times:

A New Study Questions Whether Masks Protect Wearers. You Need to Wear Them Anyway.

Researchers in Denmark reported on Wednesday that surgical masks did not protect the wearers against infection with the coronavirus in a large randomized clinical trial. But the findings conflict with those from a number of other studies, experts said, and is not likely to alter public health recommendations in the United States.

“You need to wear them anyway,” says the NYT. But why?

Because Christians wear crosses. Jews wear yarmulkes. Sikhs wear turbans.

And in the feds’ new religion, the faithful must wear the holy rag. They must give the fist bump and believe in the infallibility of Dr. Fauci and the other high priests. Only they can save us from the wrath of the Great Plague.

Praying for Deliverance

And of course, we’re all on the edge of our pews – waiting for Pfizer or Moderna to come through with the talisman we need to ward off the evil spirits.

In Pfizer’s test – this is “science,” remember – they lined up 43,538 people to prove that their latest juju works.

Trouble was, they couldn’t get the damned guinea pigs to get sick. As we read the numbers, the mammalian immune system… refined over approximately 285 million years… was the real winner. It was 99.97% effective at preventing serious illness in the whole group.

Don't Be Left Empty Handed — Why Banks Bought 1,300 Tons of Gold.

Only nine of the placebo group developed any serious illness, and only one of those who got the vaccine.

That hardly seems very scientific to us, but it was enough for Pfizer to declare their elixir 95% effective!

No matter that it is all hocus pocus. As Dr. Fauci said, this is not the time to think independently, or to think at all. This is the “time to do what you are told.” So we bow before the new gods… and pray for deliverance.

Fake Everything

But let us now turn from the gods to Mammon. Here at the Diary, we focus on the money. Or, more precisely, on the fake money that the U.S. tricked up in 1971.

We focus on the money, not because we especially care about money itself, but because so much of life depends on it.

Money is what we use to keep track of time… effort… luck… forbearance… self-discipline… energy… raw materials… sweat… innovation… and all the other things that go into creating real wealth.

Fake the money, and you also fake up the whole archipelago of rigors, relationships, and realities that rule our lives.

We don’t use money simply to measure the value of a ton of grain or a new Mercedes. We use it to measure ourselves and others.

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We have a “two-bit” (25 cent) lawyer… and we recognize the fool by how fast he and his money part ways. In England, someone is as “nice as nine-pence” or as “queer as a nine-bob note.”

As for the two political parties in America, as former four-term governor of Alabama George Wallace once remarked, there is “not a dime’s worth of difference between them.”

Fake money fakes up everything… and brings the two parties even closer together. It makes it easier for them to collude – to increase their own power and wealth at the expense of the public.

Rather than have to beg for money from the taxpayers… or borrow it from the future… the feds can “print” it. Without this printing-press money, for example, this year’s $7 trillion spending lalapalooza would have been impossible.

As would this year’s presidential contest…

Cruel Fate

Poor Donald Trump was outspent, on TV ads alone, by two to one – about a billion dollars more was spent by the Biden team.

Where did the money come from? And why did it flow to a hacky has-been?

Well, the hack is promising to return things “back to normal.”

Donald Trump actually did more for the insider elite than any president since Franklin Roosevelt. He filled The Swamp with more fake money than any of them.

The biggest donors to Joe Biden came from Wall Street. Donald Sussman. Jim Simons. Seth Klarman. Michael Moritz. The hedge fund managers “gave back” some of the fake profits Donald Trump had given them… but to his opponent!

Yes, the ingrates considered Trump unreliable, unpredictable, and embarrassingly uncouth. They laughed at him… they undermined him… and, in the end, they drowned him in The Swamp he had helped create.

Cruel, cruel fate.

And now… with the whirling dervish Trump finally becalmed… the hack packing his bags for the move into the White House… and false prophets preaching salvation…

…we are all ready to get back to the usual grift.

Stay tuned…




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In today’s mailbag, a dear reader from Argentina thanks Bill for his Diary, Requiem for a Heavyweight”…

Very interesting, compelling experience. I follow each issue with such pleasure! I am originally from Argentina, the son of European emigrants. Got a medical degree, produced there for some six to eight years, then spent time in Europe. In about 1968, I emigrated to the USA. Worked as a medical researcher until last year, when I retired. Now, I just keep very busy!

Your description of the “Requiem for a Heavyweight” mirrors my experience of 91 years of life. You wrote in a nice way, better than I could! I kept a copy to send to anyone who asks about my life experiences!

– Rodolfo F.

And finally, others disagree on the benefits of a Joe Biden presidency…

Although Trump may not have painted any shimmering vision for the country, he jumped into a horrific bureaucracy and attempted to run it in a more businesslike manner. (Unfortunately, he couldn’t do that and wound up printing and spending. But it did not help that he was defending himself from vicious attacks his entire time in office.)

I am no fan of Trump’s style of braggadocio, but I am impressed that he used it – and social media – to bypass the press and his experienced competitors to get the job. I believe that Trump has forgone his salary and done some other altruistic things while in office that we will never hear about. He may ultimately use his time in office to (legally) magnify his career, but we are never going to hear about him or his family taking huge sums of money for influence (like the Clinton and Biden clans).

Nutty as he is, Trump is a breath of fresh air and I will be sorry to see him go. God help us now.

– Susan H.

I would rather have “Sleepy Joe” in office when the dollar goes up in smoke, than a lying, conspiracy-theory thinker, con man, and authoritarian, want-to-be dictator like Trump.

– Bob W.

Do Bill’s missives mirror your life experiences, as they do Rodolfo’s? What president would you like to see in the White House when the U.S. dollar “goes up in smoke,” like Bob says? Write us at


President Trump Was Robbed?


President Trump was recently “robbed”…

While many believe he unjustly lost the election…

One of America’s leading financial research firms just uncovered a massive multi-million-dollar “theft” executed against the President.

All the stunning details are here.

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