Registered yet? (It costs $0.00)

, if you haven't registered for the zero-cost LIVE 7 Day Challenge - Getting Back to the Basics of Day Trading . . . 

This means one of three things must be true:

a) You're not getting my emails about it


b) You only signed up to my emails to hear about trading strategies and pretend that you'll implement them one day 


c) Worse, you don't believe you can actually be a REAL PROFITABLE Day Trader!

It doesn't matter . . . GO SIGN UP HERE RIGHT NOW!! 

However, maybe it's another reason and you're running with a self-sabotaging mental programming where you allow yourself excuse after excuse about why this probably isn't for you – saying things to yourself like "I can never be a day trader. Sure others can do it, but not me. I don't have time to learn. It's too hard."

Blah, blah, blah. Lies you tell yourself. They are not true. YOU CAN DO THIS and it doesn't have to be hard. I promise.

If we haven't met yet, my name is Marina "The Trader Chick" and my life looks VERY different today than it did ten years ago. My life is BETTER because of Day Trading. But the story wasn't a straight shot to the top. It is BECAUSE of my journey that I KNOW to my core that if I can do it, you can too. 

Here is what my life looks like today: I am an expat mom of two trilingual boys, we live in Antigua Guatemala, and my husband and I take our sons all over the world to climbing competitions. I trade a few days a week for a few minutes at a time. I work a simple strategy and keep my mindset strong so that I have more wins than losses. 

HOW? I will be showing you how getting back to the basics changed my trading and my life in this FREE 7 Day LIVE Challenge.

Believe me, I know how to lose my entire account in minutes. Been there, done that. It was from THAT experience that I learned what I now teach and I will be sharing my secrets with you. 

TOUGH LOVE: Every one of those excuses you've been telling yourself is bogus and we both know it. If you legitimately can't make it, SIGN UP anyway so you can watch the replay on your own time. 

Today I challenge you to question all of your excuses. To make TODAY the day you tell the inner gremlins "be gone, dammit!" and tap into that feeling you got when you decided to become a day trader. 

Remember that feeling! That excitement! "If she can do it, so can I." 

Remember? Here's the link to sign up for the FREE 7 Day LIVE Challenge

This is the last email you're going to get about it. Can't make it? Sign up to get the replay. 

Click here

See you there,

Marina 'The Trader Chick'

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