Trader [Webinar Recording] The “Infinity” trading strategy that changed my life

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Hi Trader,

Thanks for taking the time to attend my "Infinity Trader" presentation.

I want to help you come out on top in the crazy, unpredictable world we live in, so if you learned a lot from the training today, good!

I shared the proprietary low-risk trading strategy I've come to rely on to protect and grow my money in today's volatile, unpredictable markets. 

I even whipped the white sheet off my "hammock graph" - that I use to laser-in on money that has my name on it.

For those of you who couldn't attend, here's the recording.

Don't miss out on what all attendees just learned.  And make sure you Click Here to download my cheat sheet




My uniquely simple "Infinity Spreads" trading strategy allows me to turn all the craziness in the markets into cold-hard-cash.

I showed you how it's helped me pop the champagne on $187,341.08 in trading wins over the course of several lucrative "Payday Events"... 

And how an earlier iteration of this unique strategy paid for my 8,337 sq ft home in Scottsdale, Arizona. 

Now, I wasn't born knowing how to turn market volatility to my advantage - I had some amazing, talented mentors.

They put me on the path to formulating this proprietary strategy that I want to give you the chance to profit from too.

My mentors helped me… now I'm "paying it forward" to you.

I'm offering, along with my team here at TheoTrade®️, to be your trusted trading mentors.

We will help you DIRECTLY… one-on-one… to get started now with Infinity Spreads.

So you can protect and grow your nest egg whatever happens next.

That's important because our world has officially gone nuts! 

The markets are a "Fed Fueled Fantasy"...

pumped up with a mountain of fake money...

Underneath all the unicorns and rainbows... 

Trouble's brewing in the form of...

Trade Wars… 


Yield Curve Inversion...

The trillion-dollar student debt bubble…

The bond bubble…

Increased tensions with China, Russia and Iran...

The slow-motion crumbling of the European Union…

And a MASSIVELY consequential new Presidential election coming up fast...

Where nothing less than the very future of our Republic is on the ballot.

In other words

The markets are ready to rumble…

And unless you're protected - and smartly positioned to profit - your retirement could become roadkill.

Everyone thinks the Federal Reserve will rush in and save us at the first sign of trouble - but the Fed's out of ammo. 

Whatever they do now is only going to keep driving the market to new extremes. 

Bullish if they lower interest rates - sharply bearish if they raise them.


Either way, whether we like it or not…

The relative serenity of the previous decade is about to become ancient history.

Expect huge ups and huge downs 

from this point on... 

It'll be the "roller coaster from hell" for most people you know... 

But after I arm you with my "Infinity Spread" trading strategy...  

All this volatility could make you a rich man or woman... 

Even if you're starting off small. 

Because now you stand to profit on the way UP… and on the way DOWN.

To where you could realistically 10X your money.

Know of any other low-cost, low-risk, way to do that? 

I don't. 

That's why this is my "home run" trading strategy.

Because you really do risk just $1 to make $10!

That's why my Infinity Spreads are truly one-of-a-kind.

They give you a very real shot at experiencing extreme profitability.

And as you saw in my presentation… 



My team and I here at TheoTrade®️ stand ready to work with you to get you started trading Infinity Spreads. 

We're going to help you tailor your Infinity Spread to your account size and your risk tolerance.

We're going to make sure there's zero guesswork.

We'll give you foolproof, click-by-click instructions.

So you can join some of the folks I've already helped to do this...

"Thank you Don! I ended up making $250,000! And it all happened in just 33 days!" - Paul.J 


"Don, I closed the Infinity Spread for 127% gain! Exciting to see how well it worked." - Vicky P.


"Infinity Spreads are saving my A** now." - Gary M.    


"Thank you! Have lost money in the market was pointed to you to learn about risk! You explain risk the way it should be taught. Made $5,600 ! - Maryann D.

And Infinity Spreads are just the start…

You're going to get a 3-month All-Access V.I.P Unlimited Membership Pass to everything here at TheoTrade®️…

Every one of our 3,500+ members receives all our highest conviction trade ideas… along with world-class trading education and support. 

In 2019 alone… 

The trade ideas we've shared with our members could have pocketed you gains of 127%… 250%... 400%... even 500%! 

Join now so you don't miss this week's next batch of fresh trade alerts!


You'll also get…

59 proprietary indicators and scans…

10 hours a week of live support...

5 "Turnkey" Trading portfolios…

3 High Probability Trades each week...

Even Unlimited Email Mentoring with direct access to me and my entire team...

And as a special bonus for joining today…

You get to enjoy 24/7 access to TheoStream®️…

That's the "Netflix for traders" we've spent the better part of the last two years building.

You'll find 82 exclusive "on demand" masterclasses covering all aspects of trading... 

Day trading, swing trading, Options trading, technical trading, and everything in-between. 

Including our most popular and watched class of all…

Our Small Account Growth Formula…


These 82 masterclasses have all sold individually for upwards of $279 each… but to push you over the edge to join me today… this combined value of $9,000+... is yours when you us inside TheoTrade.

Our members are using our exclusive tools and teachings to change their lives...

"I'm up, today alone, $3,390. I can't say I've EVER had a 34 hundred-dollar day in my 20 years of market experience." - Pete S.

"Don, I've been able to pay off my house thanks to your teachings." - Duncan T. 

"Thanks TheoTRADE, I'm up $4,000 this week." - Aubrey W.


We have literally have hundreds of testimonials just like these from other members over the years.

I want to hear YOUR story soon!

In case you missed my special offer at the end of the webinar, you can recap it right here

Strictly Limited…

Please remember…

I'm only letting in 30 new members to ensure everyone gets the full TheoTrade V.I.P experience we're known for. 

It's why our members are so successful!

I look forward to working closely with you too.

Let us help you protect and grow your nest egg in these turbulent times...

Don't miss out on this opportunity to secure your financial future before I'm forced to close the doors. 

Act fast and everything's yours for what you might pay for a cup of coffee each day.

Click here now to protect and grow your money in 2019 and beyond.

Warm Regards, 

Don Kaufman

Co-Founder & Lead Trainer, TheoTrade

P.S. For 6 years I was Director of Trading Education of TDAmeritrade®️, the biggest broker in America, with over 7 million+ clients. 

In other words, I'm a known and proven entity.

Here l am on CNBC going head-to-head with Kevin O'Leary from Shark Tank…

I've successfully taught trading to thousands of people all over the world and from all walks of life. 

Now I'm ready to put all my efforts and expertise to work for you to help YOU secure your retirement in this crazy world we live in. 

If you'd like my help, now's the time to act because these open spots are going fast. Click here now to avoid being locked out of this one-of-a-kind opportunity...
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Disclaimer: Neither TheoTrade or any of its officers, directors, employees, other personnel, representatives, agents or independent contractors is, in such capacities, a licensed financial adviser, registered investment adviser, registered broker-dealer or FINRA|SIPC|NFA-member firm. TheoTrade does not provide investment or financial advice or make investment recommendations. TheoTrade is not in the business of transacting trades, nor does TheoTrade agree to direct your brokerage accounts or give trading advice tailored to your particular situation. Nothing contained in our content constitutes a solicitation, recommendation, promotion, or endorsement of any particular security, other investment product, transaction or investment.Trading Futures, Options on Futures, and retail off-exchange foreign currency transactions involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for all investors. You should carefully consider whether trading is suitable for you in light of your circumstances, knowledge, and financial resources. You may lose all or more of your initial investment. Opinions, market data, and recommendations are subject to change at any time. Past Performance is not necessarily indicative of future results.

16427 N Scottsdale Rd
Suite # 410
Scottsdale, Arizona 85254
United States
1 (800) 256-8876
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