What does Day Trading, Basketball and Football Have in Common?

Hi Phan Hoa,

Sports and Day Trading have so many things in common. The same qualities that make a great athlete also make a great day trader. The great news, you don't have to be 324 lb and 7'1" like SHAQ. 

  • Both are high performance activities.  
  • Both require 80% mindset and mental strength. 
  • And to be, great, or even good, at both you need a good coach, teacher, mentor!

Being a mentor and coach to my students, I have been compared to a basketball coach (John Wooden) and football coach (Vince Lambardi) several times.

The main reason for the comparison to both, is because they both followed a very similar philosophy to mine.

Basics and Fundamentals First!

It's not too late to join the FREE Live Challenge that I'm doing right now - Getting Back to Basics.

With over 800 people signed up already, understanding the power of going back to the fundamentals and basics of Day Trading, this is a great opportunity to take your trading to the next level.

It's not too late - REGISTER HERE NOW

As John Wooden so eloquently explained it:

"I believe in the basics: attention to, and perfection of, tiny details that might be commonly overlooked. They may seem trivial, perhaps even laughable to those who don't understand, but they aren't. They are fundamental to your progress in basketball, business, and life. They are the difference between champions and near champions."

And, when a sports biographer wrote in his book about Vince Lambardi:

"Vince Lombardi took nothing for granted. He began a tradition of starting from scratch, assuming that the players were blank slates who carried over no knowledge from the year before… He began with the most elemental statement of all. "Gentlemen," he said, holding a pigskin in his right hand, "this is a football."

He was coaching a group of three dozen professional athletes who, just months prior, had come within minutes of winning the biggest prize their sport could offer. And yet, he started from the very beginning."

Completing this challenge will take you to the next level of your trading. Whether you've been trading for years, or just starting out, this is for you.


Marina 'The Trader Chick'

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