3 million to lose jobs... NOT because of coronavirus?

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A special message from the Editor of Markets And Coffee: We are often approached by other businesses with special offers for our readers. While many don't make the cut, the message below is one we believe deserves your consideration.
Here's something I can pretty much guarantee you won't hear anywhere else...

There's a good chance that the most popular job in 29 U.S. states could soon disappear – for good.

And it actually has NOTHING to do with the coronavirus.

You see, what most people don't realize is that the coronavirus has accelerated an even bigger long-term trend that's going to have a massive impact on you and your money over the next few years.

In short: A terrifying (for some) and new disruptive force is creating thousands of new millionaires (Barron's estimates 20,000 to 200,000 so far) while at the same time destroying the financial future for many others.

The good news is, no one in America can do a better job of outlining what is happening—and more importantly, what you can do about it—than the founder of our research firm, Porter Stansberry.

Now look...

Porter is controversial. No one believed him years ago when he said the world's largest mortgage bankers (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) would soon go bankrupt.

And no one believed him when he said GM would fall apart... or that the same would happen to General Growth Properties (America's biggest mall owner)... or that oil would fall from over $100 per barrel to less than $40 a barrel.

But in each case, that's exactly what happened.

Now, Porter says something new and even bigger is quietly unfolding in America ( watch his video clip here). And it's actually being accelerated by the coronavirus pandemic.

This trend involves an entirely new financial technology that's about to change everything.

And this breakthrough has nothing to do with the "hot" new technologies the mainstream media is obsessed with these days, like electric cars, artificial intelligence, 5G, or robotics.

It's actually much, much bigger...
    According to Stansberry: "This is not simply another evolutionary step in technology... it's a 'hard fork' — a change that happens, which can never be undone... which permanently changes entire societies."
And Stansberry says it's going to cause tens of millions of people to lose their jobs. In fact, he predicts that roughly 3 million people in a single industry will eventually have their jobs essentially eliminated. (That's the most popular job in 29 U.S. states, which I was referring to earlier.) At the same time, what's happening will make millions of others rich.

Don't get left behind. Get the facts for yourself here.

Porter went on camera for 10 minutes from our corporate headquarters to explain the full story, including the 3 steps he believes you should take right now.

You can see exactly what Porter is saying on our website, right here...

Click Here to Learn More

P.S. Porter is not one to mince words. In just the first few minutes, he talks about one of the most "politically incorrect" subjects in America today. Don't watch if you are easily offended. Otherwise, you can view it by clicking here...
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