A 98% chance of happening in America too?

Don't get left behind

Editor's Note: Occasionally, an opportunity comes to our attention that we believe readers like you will find valuable. The message below from one of our partners is one we believe you should take a close look at.

Dear Subscriber,

I just read an interesting new study by Hirschmann Capital…

It shows that since the year 1800, a total of 52 countries have allowed their debt-to-GDP ratio to surpass 130%.

In other words… these countries racked up 30% more total debt than the total value of the goods and services produced in the country for an entire year. Very dangerous territory.

And guess what…

An incredible 51 of the 52 times (98% of the time), these governments have defaulted on their debt, either through restructuring, devaluation, high inflation, or outright default.

Why am I bringing all of this up today?

Because according to the Hirschmann’s report, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) now expects the U.S. debt-to-GDP ratio to hit a record 141%, by the end of this year.

So what does this mean… and what should you do?

Well, billionaire investment legend Paul Tudor Jones has made his opinion clear. He recently went public about making a huge bet AGAINST the U.S. dollar, and said:

"We are witnessing the Great Monetary Inflation--an unprecedented expansion of every form of money unlike anything the developed world has ever seen."

And the founder of America’s largest independent financial research firm agrees. Porter Stansberry has gone on record, saying:

“Today, every savvy wealthy person I know is desperately seeking a way out of our corrupt and bankrupt global financial system and the U.S. dollar.”

In fact, Stansberry says every American must now learn how to get out of cash and paper money.

And this is why Stansberry and his team have put together a remarkable (and free) 16-page report, outlining the changes coming to America, and the specific financial steps you must take with your money. This free report is called:

The Greatest (Legal) Transfer of Wealth in American History.

And inside, you’ll learn:

  • Why our financial system is in for such a dramatic shock—and the steps you must take to protect yourself and grow your money in the years to come.

  • Why some people are making so much money right now, so quickly, while millions of others fall further behind.

  • What America’s new class of wealthy families and individuals almost all now have in common.

  • How a Nobel Prize-winning economist predicted what is now happening, back in 1999.

  • How the most popular job in 29 U.S. states could soon disappear

  • Case studies of how this shift has affected many of America’s businesses, such as AT&T, Hilton, Uber, IBM, Microsoft, Amazon, Airbnb, Google, Apple, Facebook, Budweiser, Starbucks, and more.

  • How this shift has upended U.S. real estate—and why America’s hottest current real estate market will surprise you.

  • The REAL reason the rich are getting so much richer, leaving everyone else behind… and much more…

Don’t get left behind.

Everything you need to know is in Stansberry’s free Special Report: The Greatest (Legal) Transfer of Wealth in American History.

No credit card, subscription, or any type of payment required. It’s your free introduction to Stansberry’s top financial research.

Click here to get your free copy of The Greatest (Legal) Transfer of Wealth in American History.

You’ll also begin receiving Stansberry’s free daily email, The Digest, where Stansberry and his team of researchers cover the most important news, trends and opportunities in the markets to help you make better investing decisions. You can unsubscribe at any time.


Mike Palmer

Managing Partner, Stansberry Research

P.S. If you’re wondering about the only country that did not default after hitting the 130% debt-to-GDP ratio… it’s Japan. But many experts say a debt default in Japan is inevitable. Learn more about what is REALLY happening in our economy and our financial system today… watch Porter’s analysis, which includes his 3 Steps you should take now, by clicking here


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