Simple, no-sweat investing strategies

Bill Bonner’s Diary

Simple, No-Sweat Investing Strategies

By Emma Walsh, Managing Editor, Bill Bonner's Diary

This week, with the Diary team taking some time out with family and friends, we revisited some of Bill’s earlier essays.

First up, Bill answers a question we regularly receive from readers about his writing style.

Then, we look at his overall investing ethos… and the performance of some of his best-known investing strategies.


Emma Walsh
Managing Editor, Bill Bonner’s Diary


Delusions of Grandeur… Or Cloak of Modesty?
From time to time, dear readers write to question Bill’s use of the “royal we” in his writings. Far from being an affectation, Bill explains that it is, in fact, the “common” we… used with no delusions of grandeur whatsoever.


All We Have to Offer Are Words
Today, a timeless message longtime readers will be familiar with. But if you’re just joining us at the Diary, it will help you understand us better…


True Confessions
Bill has been publishing financial investment advice for four decades. And he’s had some great successes along the way. Today, he explains his somewhat unusual approach to investing…


Bill’s Dow-to-Gold Trade Explained
Bill unveiled his “Dow-to-Gold” trade a number of years ago. And he refers to it frequently in these pages. Dear readers often write in with questions about how the trade works. So today, Houston Molnar, analyst at Legacy Research shows how Bill’s investing strategy would have doubled the returns of the Dow over the last century.


How Did Bill’s Trade of the Decade Do?
In 2000, in his first trade of the decade, Bill urged readers to sell U.S. stocks and buy gold. Then, in 2010, he recommended buying Japanese stocks and selling Japanese bonds. Before he unveils his next trade of the decade, we thought we’d take a look at how his first two trades have done…


Only a Bonner Would Do This – Part II
Today, Bill’s eldest son, Will, continues the story he started last weekend about a trip to the family ranch in Argentina that nearly killed him… and about the exciting experiment that resulted.

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Feds to Get in on Crypto Bonanza?
On January 20, America will swear in a new president…

And his first priority could change the way Americans spend, borrow, save, and invest – forever.

In just a few weeks, you might not recognize the money in your own pocket – if you’re still able to put it in your pocket at all.

A few months ago, a small group of Democratic lawmakers led by Nancy Pelosi introduced legislation that would literally make cash a thing of the past – replacing it with a FedCoin-type digital substitute…

And now that Democrat Joe Biden is set to be sworn in…

This kind of law will be easier than ever for Pelosi and her crew to pass and enact.

The result?

Most Americans could be devastated… but if you can see it coming early enough, you can connect the dots and sidestep this disaster.

You only have a few days to prepare.

Go here now to find out how.


MISSING: Bill Bonner’s LAST and Most Important Book
Have America’s top booksellers refused to carry Bill Bonner’s final book?

You won’t find new copies of Win-Win or Lose at Barnes & Noble… And not a single copy is floating around on eBay.

In fact, the only used copy we could find was going for $79 on Amazon.

Which is why Bill recently authorized us to take drastic steps to put a hard copy in your hands, essentially for free – as part of this limited-time offer.

To claim yours, click here.

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The Gold Investor’s Guide


An Insider’s Guide to Making a Fortune from Small Tech Stocks


How to Earn Free Bitcoin

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