We’re Breaking Down Everything Going on With GameStop and Robinhood

All your questions will be answered
Is your money at stake??

Published: February 06, 2021

This Stock Market Phenomenon Is Picking up Speed

There were more SPAC deals in 2020 than in the past 10 years combined!

And over the past 12 months, investors have poured more capital into SPACs than anything else we've ever seen…

It's bigger than IPOs, venture capital and crowdfunding... and it looks like 2021 is just going to be more of the same.

And WealthPress trader Jeff Yastine has a knack for spotting the most explosive SPACs. 

You Don't Want To Miss This

Lance Ippolito

Lance is a professional trader and a successful entrepreneur with over 10 years of experience in the financial markets.

GameStop vs. Robinhood: All You Need To Know

Electric Vehicles

You've read about it in the papers, you've heard about it on the news and now WPTV is bringing you our fresh perspective on what has become one of the biggest stories of 2021.

We're talking about GameStop and Robinhood, of course, and how investors are now trying to corner the silver market in a desperate move to finance the next GameStop stock.

I like to consider myself somewhat of an expert when it comes to calling B.S. on Wall Street elites, so I sat down with WPTV to do just that.

As a matter of fact, I'm already noticing how this could be changing everything we know about the stock market and bring about a new wave of trading.

While seeing huge short-sellers like Melvin Capital being run over by redditors does make the 99% cheer...

Will this turn out to be a good thing for the future of trading… or a bad thing?

Watch the Broadcast Here

Why Investors Shouldn't Use Stop-Loss Orders When trading Options

February 04, 2021

Proverbial Wall Street wisdom dictates that putting stop-loss orders on options is the best way to protect yourself when the stock market turns against you.

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3 Tips for Beginner Traders: Everything I Wish I Had Known

February 05, 2021

"If you could start over as a trader, right now, what would you do differently? What would your tips for beginner traders be?"

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A New Money Crew Publication

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