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Liberty Through Wealth


David Fessler Called Tesla at $8 (Split-Adjusted). His New 5G Recommendation Could Be Even Bigger...


This 5G company has EVERYTHING going right for it: a top-shelf management team... scores of patents... partnerships with ALL the big telecoms... and FOUR straight quarters of revenue growth.

Get the scoop here.


In Case You Missed It...

The Oxford Club is gearing up for our 23rd Annual Investment U Conference this week. As Associate Franchise Publisher Rachel Gearhart writes, these conferences have led to major opportunities for attendees, including many double- and triple-digit winners and a single stock that shot up 907% in just 10 months. This year, our strategists will show you how to take advantage of key innovations in healthcare, technology, cryptocurrency and renewable energy. The best part? You can join us from the comfort of your own home.


Ark Invest ETFs Performance

Cathie Wood and her company, Ark Invest, have been all over the financial media lately. Ark Invest's actively managed exchange-traded funds (ETFs) had a fantastic 2020, and investors clamored to get in on the party. But 2021 has been a much rougher ride, with all the company's active ETFs down by double digits. Click here to see why Nicholas Vardy does not predict a happy ending to this story.


Nicholas Vardy

Nicholas Vardy

Quantitative Strategist


"What we perceive says more about us than what is really there. And chances are, our perceptions are distorted."

We are all guided in many ways by our perceptions and emotions. But emotions - such as fear or greed - can put investors at a major disadvantage. Luckily, Nicholas has a solution that removes human psychology from the equation and offers regular investors an edge: quant investing. And his Oxford Swing Trader service makes quant trading accessible to everyone.


The Best Way to Play Gold for $10

This stock has massive upside potential at just 10 bucks a share.

And unlike gold miners, all of its gold is already above ground.

Chief Income Strategist Marc Lichtenfeld calls it the No. 1 gold trade for 2021.



What do you think? We love getting your feedback on our articles in Liberty Through Wealth. Last week, reader Bill O. shared his thoughts on Alexander Green's article "How the Market Got the Pandemic Right... and the Media Didn't":

Excellent column. The job of the news media should be to report the news. All of the news. Unfortunately, that just doesn't happen anymore. I miss the days when I would be presented with all the facts so that I could come up with my own conclusions.

Note: Comments may have been edited for spelling, grammar and/or clarity.


Here are the highlights from this week in Liberty Through Wealth:



Former Government Insider Reveals: Devastation Is Coming to America

Burning Car

Forget the Great Recession... and forget the Great Depression... this former government insider predicts this devastating economic crisis will be far worse.

Jobs will not come back. Industries will not recover. Debts will not be settled. It could leave America in ruins for a decade or more.

But if you know the five steps to take today... you can protect your wealth - and your family.

See the uncensored details HERE.

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