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Listen Now: Alexander Green on The Charles Mizrahi Show

Christina Grieves | Senior Managing Editor | The Oxford Club

Allison Brickell

"You'll never be done making mistakes, but you don't have to make the stupid ones."
- Alexander Green

Last week, Alexander Green was featured on The Charles Mizrahi Show.

If you're not already familiar with Charles, allow me to give you a brief introduction...

Charles has nearly 40 years of experience as a floor trader, hedge fund manager and money manager on Wall Street. He currently writes Alpha Investor, one of America's fastest-growing investment publications. He launched his podcast in December 2020.

In fact, Charles' story has a lot in common with Alex's... They both came from modest upbringings and went on to find outstanding success in the investing world. They both believe in the power of America as a land of opportunity.


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Alex and Charles sat down (via Zoom, of course) for an exciting, in-depth conversation. As they discuss during their hour-long interview, they share a common goal: helping Americans tune out media negativity and get on track to achieve their dreams.

Charles asked Alex some tough questions, including...

  • How did you get connected with Bill O'Reilly?
  • Why is Main Street America attracted to your investment approach?
  • What's the No. 1 mistake that average investors make?
  • If you could give investors one piece of advice, what would it be?
  • What are your thoughts on bitcoin?

And much more...

AG and a Special Guest

Click here to watch their interview on YouTube.

Or click here to listen to the podcast.


I hope you'll give it a listen and enjoy their discussion as much as I did.

And if you want to watch Alex's latest interview with journalist Bill O'Reilly and learn how you can get a copy of Alex's newly revised and expanded Gone Fishin' Portfolio before it's released next month, simply click here.

Good investing,


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