Sneak peek at today's roundtable

Are you all set for tonight's Trading Game Changers Roundtable with OVI mentor Glenn?

Dear Trader,

Are you all set for tonight's Trading Game Changers Roundtable with OVI Head Mentor Glenn?

He'll be revealing what it really takes to become a successful trader… and the game changing insights that enabled him to turn trading into his main source of income.

If you haven't secured your free seat yet, there's still some time left… just hit the button below and enter your email address before 7pm GMT (2pm ET)…

Here's a sneak peek at what you'll learn during the roundtable…

  • Glenn's #1 game changer for going from repeated failure to consistent success (its simplicity will surprise you)
  • 2 more game changers that have most impacted Glenn's ability to trade for a living
  • The reliable trading patterns Glenn uses to make money from the markets every day
  • Glenn's personal trading routine… could adopting some of his habits help you be as successful?
  • Glenn's #1 piece of advice for new traders (most people do the opposite of this)
  • Bonus: My personal trading game changer that most impacted his life (if you know me… it's NOT what you're thinking)

Oh and I nearly forgot…

You'll even get to ask Glenn your own questions during the live Q&A at the end of the roundtable.

So, that alone is worth getting your name down for.

Hit the link below, enter your email address, and we'll see you at 7pm GMT (2pm ET)...

Bye for now,


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