It’s finally happening

Hi Trader,

When the pandemic first hit the U.S. full force, the Federal Reserve began printing money at a record rate.

In fact, various online sources report that the Fed created around one-third of ALL U.S. dollars in circulation… in 2020 alone.

You'd think that would cause inflation…

And you'd be right.

Of course, most people didn't care too much back then.

The Fed wanted to get more money into people's hands so they could spend it and keep the economy going.

Pumping money into the economy lowers interest rates — there's more cash to go around, so banks don't care to charge as much interest for it, which increases borrowing and thus spending.

But the economy's reopening.

People are getting vaccinated and returning to normal.

There are no longer that many barriers to spending like there were last year.

One thing's different: there's a ton of extra cash to go around.

And I think this is causing the inflation to kick into overdrive.

In April, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) saw inflation hit 4.2% — the fastest increase in prices since 2008.

These aren't just numbers on a screen, either.

I turned on the news and saw a segment where they were interviewing people on the street about this stuff.

Many of the interviewees actually noticed prices for items like groceries seemed higher than usual.

But there's a silver lining…

Some evidence suggests higher inflation means more market volatility.

And if you know me, you know that I believe firmly in volatility = opportunity.

Lots of market movement means lots of opportunities to get in, sit on a price change, and get out with profits.

Luckily, I've got a resource for you to take advantage of this volatility:

My friend Ross Givens.

Over his years of finance and market experience, Ross developed a simple roadmap he follows to know exactly where to buy and sell with amazing accuracy.

And guess what? You can filter out complicated economic data like inflation, unemployment, or the dollar's strength if you follow this roadmap, too.

Ross has put together a free training to walk you through this powerful roadmap…

>>>Just click here to learn about it from Ross himself.

To big profits and beyond,

Anthony Speciale Jr

Editor & Chief Investment Strategist,

Big Energy Profits

Call us: (888) 233-8598

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